Alexandra Thomas

Oct 8, 2019 at 10:31 PM by Alexandra Thomas

Because I live in Burnaby, I live within the Lower Fraser watershed. Because watersheds ignore political boundaries and overlap many provinces, states or countries, it could make ocean conservation goals difficult to accomplish. Not only are there different values and beliefs between separate countries, but possibly also between different provinces or states within the same country. Because of their differences, these separate areas could have completely different goals, specifically for ocean conservation. On a shared watershed, if they have different goals, which one, if either, will be accomplished? It's possible that they could disagree so much that in the end, nothing ends up happening and the pollution, erosion and chemical runoff will only worsen. Despite this, because of how important ocean conservation is, the separate parties could work together to create goals and plans that support what they both want and need. In the end, their teamwork could result in an even better idea than what they had originally. Although watersheds are spread between separate areas, it doesn't have to affect ocean conservation goals in a negative way. Everyone can put their heads together and turn out with amazing goals and plans for ocean conservation.

1 Reply

Alexandra Thomas
Oct 8, 2019 at 10:36 PM

I also missed the part about describing myself.. oops. Well, my name is Alexandra Thomas, but I go by Alex. I am in 11th grade at LFA. My favorite things to do are dancing, spending time with my friends and family and exploring, trying new food and restaurants with my mom!