Week 1 - Thursday July 13th

Jul 13, 2017 at 7:09 PM by Gabriella Schauber

Hi YELP Leaders!

Thanks for a great field trip and a great day!

What did we do today?

  • We started off our day by hopping on a bus and heading to the Microplastics Lab to learn more about the research that Ocean Wise is involved with. We got to separate microplastics from sediment, learn about cool research, and some of us got to extract our own DNA!
  • After our field trip we had lunch and then we had a visit from Alexis of the Green Team. Alexis talked to us about ways we can reduce our waste and impact on the environment. At the end, YELP leaders came up with their own ways to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly!
  • Our last activity of the day was a trip down to the beach for some exploration. We saw and learned about crabs, limpets, isopods, sea stars, and more!

Questions to ask YELPers

  1. How do researchers try to determine the fathers of killer whales?
  2. What are three ways you can reduce your impact on the environment?
  3. Which adaptations do animals in the intertidal zone have to better survive the changing conditions?


Thanks for yet one more great day leaders! Remember that tomorrow is our field trip to the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre (MMR). Make sure to bring close-toed shoes and clothes that you are okay to get dirty!