Week 3: Monday August 14th

Aug 15, 2017 at 6:46 PM by Pamela

Welcome, welcome one and all to YELP 2017!

Thanks for an awesome start to the week! We're looking forward to getting to know everyone more and seeing everyone learn more about the ocean :)

What did we do today?

  • We started off our day with team bonding activities to get to know the youth leaders and have them understand what teamwork looks like in the YELP program!
  • The YELPers were then set the challenge of completing a personal mind map reflection, focused on our Oceans! Each leader was super engaged and came up with some fantastic ocean themes and key messages.
  • Afterwards, the YELPers spent the rest of their morning getting to know the aquarium, from the spaces and places to the animals and conservation messages hidden throughout the galleries!
  • Once we had our lunches in our bellies we headed over to Discover Rays, got to meet cownose and southern stingrays up close, and even see them eat!! We also got the privilege to go behind the scenes with one of the Rays Aquarists and see the stingray pups! We learned about how the Aquarists take care of these a-ray-zing creatures.
  • To end our day, we visited Ashby and Rogue in our new exhibit Steller's Bay, and heard about our amazing research programs by an interpreter at the Sea Lion Program!

Questions for the YELPers

1. What is one new thing you learned about our conservation work at the Vancouver Aquarium during your gallery exploration?

2. What were the two different types of rays we met?

3. What is the leading theory as to why Steller Sea Lion populations have declined? (hint: from the Steller program)

4. What are some things you're looking forward to learning about tomorrow??


Thanks for a great day leaders! We look forward to the rest of the week!