Wednesday - July 18 2018

Jul 19, 2018 at 7:48 PM by Jay (Hirokazu) Matsushiba

I hope you are familiarizing yourself with the TIGEd platform that we use at Ocean Wise to connect with us and one another.

We had a very full day learning about our oceans and getting hands on with some service learning!

What we did:

  • We started off our day with working on our Crash Course videos. Each group showed off their creativity, knowledge and teamwork through their filming! We will be working on these projects some more tomorrow.

  • We got messy preparing for our Mobile Programs Presentations. We got our upcycled marine debris craft ready, practiced our superhero skit and play tested our games. Tomorrow, we will be working with the younger campers!

  • We had an amazing aquarist talk with Ruby, learning about what its like to be a biologist working at the Aquarium! We toured our wet lab afterwards, learning about the various creatures up close and personal.

  • After lunch, the YELPers put their leadership skills to the test by leading a Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup! About 80 campers participated, leaving a big impact on our oceans!

Questions to ask:

  • How can we make the biggest positive impact on our oceans?
  • How can we work as a team when delivering a program? 

Thanks again for the amazing day and I will see you tomorrow!
