Friday - July 20th 2018

Jul 20, 2018 at 6:50 PM by Jay (Hirokazu) Matsushiba

Hello YELPers!

First of all, thank you so much for the amazing week! We learnt so much from the animals, from the Aquarium and from one another over the course of this week. We would like to also extend a thank you to Waterlution, the Mobile Programs team, Jessica from BC Cetaceans Sightings Network, Ruby from the Aquarium Biologist team, and the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre for adding so much to our week here at YELP. 

What we did:

  • We spent one half of our day touring and then helping out at the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre! Nicole showed us around, and then we got to work scrubbing totes and rinsing out the bins. We saw so many adorable baby seals, and it felt very rewarding to help out and make an impact on their lives! 
  • We worked on our Personal Mind Maps to show our progress over the last week. We added to our old mind map that we created on Monday, in order to display the new connections we had made.
  • We played leadership games in Crab Park, including Penguin Ice Hop, Tennis Ball Bucket, Lava River and more! It was so much fun to challenge the YELPers and see you all become more comfortable and confident. 

Questions to ask: 

  • How should we evaluate the assumptions we make about the world around us? How do we think outside of the box? 
  • What are some new connections that you made over the week? Any new questions you would like to continue to explore? 
  • Why is it important to get first-hand experience on conservation issues? 

Thank you all again for participating in YELP this week and hope to see you all continue to grow into world-changing leaders!

-Jay and Mitchell