Thursday - July 26 2018

Jul 26, 2018 at 6:20 PM by Jay (Hirokazu) Matsushiba

Hello YELP!

Thank you for another great day! We had a lesson-packed and fun-filled day, with lots of opportunities to push our leadership skills and expand our knowledge of our oceans. We met many faces, helping connect us to many other facets of Ocean Wise.

What we did:

  • We measured and recorded the data from yesterday's shoreline cleanup!
  • Perry Poon came to hang out with us and collect plankton samples from Lumberman's Arch. We brought the samples back to the classrooms, where we looked at them under a microscope! 
  • We presented our games, crafts and skits to the younger camps! Facilitating the activities for the camps gave the YELP participants an excellent opportunity to flex their leadership skills!
  • In the afternoon, Jessica from the BC Cetaceans Sightings Network came to deliver a workshop on identifying and mapping killer whale sightings. We were able to learn what real killer whale scientists do with data collected from the BCCSN!
  • We finished off the day with a very fun and exciting game of Shark Tales, where the YELPers were challenged to cross shark-infested waters using just magical stones (cardboard sheets).

Questions to ask:

  • What are some important attributes of a leader?
  • Does size matter when it comes to the importance of an organism to the ocean ecosystem?
  • How can we contribute to the BCCSN


  • Please bring closed-toed shoes and clothing that can get dirty! We will be helping out at the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre, and we'll be getting hands-on!
  • Please bring lots of water and a hat, as we will be spending most of the day outdoors tomorrow! 

Thank you and see you all tomorrow!
