Week 3 - Wednesday, August 15th

Aug 15, 2018 at 7:12 PM by Mitchell

I hope you are familiarizing yourself with the TIGEd platform that we use at Ocean Wise to connect with us and one another.

We had a very full day learning about our oceans and getting hands on with some service learning!

What we did:

  • We started off our day in the galleries doing some animal observations. The YELPers got a chance to act like aquarium biologists and observe in-depth their favourite animals in the tropics.
  • After some exploring in the galleries we played an awesome game of running charades. The two teams both did really well and one team barely edged out the other.
  • We next had an amazing aquarist talk with Ruby, learning about what its like to be a biologist working at the Aquarium! We toured our wet lab afterwards, learning about the various creatures up close and personal.
  • After lunch, the YELPers put their leadership skills to the test by leading a Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup! About 90 campers participated, leaving a big impact on our oceans!

Questions to ask:

  1. How did your animal observation in the morning go?
  2. How was the shoreline cleanup?


Thanks again for the amazing day and I will see you tomorrow!