Annie Guan

Oct 5, 2019 at 9:18 PM by Annie Guan

Hi, my name is Annie Guan and I attend Britannia Secondary. There are certain times of the year where I am home a lot dealing with schoolwork, or I could also be going out with my friends a lot, it really depends on the time of the year. When I do go out, I prefer sunny or cloudy weather as the rain does bother my commute quite a bit! 

Oceans Literacy Principles:

The principle I am most familiar with is number seven which states the ocean is largely unexplored. In past school projects, I was asked to research the ocean and I learnt that there is just a lot about oceans we do not know about. The principle I am least familiar with is number six which states the ocean and humans are inextricably interconnected. Although I learnt that everything is interconnected on Earth, I did not know that we are INEXTRICABLY interconnected.

Principle 1: the Earth has one big ocean with many features

I think mountains and oceans are connected because they both provide our planet with structure and life. Certain organisms may choose to reside on mountains or oceans, yet all are crucial to our ecosystem. Additionally, I think water can somehow connect these two features on our planet. If we explore the first ocean literacy principle, we can learn that the ocean has different abilities, but how does the water even get there to begin with? We can then explore the land, which was where I came to the conclusion that the mountains allow the water to flow into our oceans,  making both structures critical for the Earth and our survival. Therefore, we as inhabitants of Earth can take advantage of this connection to learn more about our planet and how we can preserve these beautiful features to better our own planet.