Joshua Villas

Oct 6, 2019 at 8:43 PM by Joshua Villas

My name is Joshua Villas, and I attend Britannia Secondary School. I mainly enjoy photography, reading, and tennis.  Occasionally, I don't mind going on a short hike or two, especially during summer.  

The area I live in (Vancouver) is situated within the Strait of Georgia watershed.

  1. Watersheds ignore political boundaries and many overlap multiple provinces/states/countries – how do you think this will affect ocean conservation goals?

Ocean conservation goals may be harder to attain due to the vast scale of watersheds. Since watersheds span through multiple borders across the world,  it falls upon different governments and leaders to decide what the best course of action may be.  Depending on the priorities of a government, actions may be taken which could help or hinder ocean conservation goals. Some countries may try to stop the pollution of watersheds, while other countries may ignore the importance of watersheds, focusing instead on other matters. As a result, it is harder to achieve ocean conservation goals on a global scale, and there is a need for coordination between different regions of the world in order to make a significant impact.