Sukhraj Dhunna

Oct 6, 2019 at 9:09 PM by Sukhraj

Cumulative Effects related to Water Sheds:

My name is Sukhraj Dhunna, and I am a grade 11 student attending  Queen Elizabeth Secondary School, and live in the Pacific Ocean watershed. Some of the things that I enjoy are volunteering in my community, swimming, and also spreading awareness about climate change.

Some of the cumulative effects on the environment would include, direct contamination of waterways such as industrial waste, plastic pollution, and even oil. These could enter rivers and water streams that could harm and affect the environment. Storm water runoff is one of the most significant dangers to ocean ecosystems. As water runs over and through the watershed, it picks up many harmful soils, debris, and also garbage that can enter our oceans. This effects life in the oceans as many sea animals could think of debris and garbage as food. For instance, if a sea animal consume a balloon it can cause internal damages. Pollution in the ocean can also affect their natural habitat in which they all live in.