Ray Lowe

Oct 8, 2019 at 12:31 AM by Ray Lowe

My name is Ray Lowe. I am in grade 11 and attend Magee Secondary. I love spending time outdoors and enjoy learning new things through hands-on experiences. This past school year I participated in TREK, an outdoor school education program and have been exploring BC’s coast for the past three summers sailing on a tall ship.

I am most comfortable with Principal 5-“The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems”. I know this statement to be true by seeing some of the many ecosystems and animals that live in and benefit from the ocean. I know the least about Principal 3-“The ocean is a major influence on weather and climate”. I can understand why this statement is true, but I am unaware of specific examples/the science behind it.

While Mountains and oceans are vastly different in structure and location, they are connected through the water cycle. They both play a significant role in this cycle that sustains life. Principal 5 describes the biodiversity that oceans support. Mountains similarly support a great variety of species and ecosystems. Mountains reach the highest points of earth and oceans run even deeper than the mountains are high. The earth is comprised of these natural features and it is essential that we protect the biodiversity found in both.