Kiara Dodd

Oct 10, 2019 at 12:53 AM by Kiara Dodd

3 Little Known Facts about the Salish Sea

  1. The first person to explore the Coast Mountain range was Alexander Mckenzie. Alexander was the first person to explore the coast mountains. He first began exploring in 1793. 

  1. The Coast Mountain Range were extremely important for mining. There are many decommissioned mines including the Britannia Beach copper mine. Britannia Beach mine just before you get to Squamish and it was the sight of a horrible mine disaster in 1915. A landslide came crashing down the mountain in the middle of the night, killing 56 people. Not all were men who were working as miners, many children and women were also killed in the tragic accident. 

  1. The Coast Mountain range is home to one of the only fjords in the world. Howe sound is actually considered a fjord, which I personally did not know. Fjords are unique compared because as opposed to inlets, they were carved out by ice. There are still to this day a few large and very important glaciers in the Coast Mountain Range.