3a. Nov 7 - Colonial Context


As pressure mounts on the world's limited water resources, individuals, industries and governments will all have to start managing our shared water resources more efficiently.

We are all connected with the ocean in diverse ways. Although we give names to different parts of the ocean, there is really only one ocean on Earth, and it covers over 75 percent of the planet. (Some have suggested the planet should be called Ocean rather than Earth.) Wherever we live, the ocean impacts us, and we impact the ocean.

Coastal First Peoples’ lives and cultures are inextricably connected to the ocean. Their survival has always depended on it. Through the traditional scientific knowledge acquired over generations, they understand its benefits, and also its stormy dangers. Many epic narratives connect with the ocean, including supernatural beings that live beneath the sea in parallel worlds to the humans

Key concepts: contributors to water exploitation: colonization, consumption, land, resources, and industrialization

Hebron is a five minute video that shares a conversation between the President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Natan Obed, and non-Indigenous Canadian, Shaun Majumder, both participants on Leg 6 of Canada C3, about the history of Hebron and the impact of relocation and displacement on Inuit culture and homelands.

Before watching the video get a piece of blank paper. On the paper divide the page into 4 equal quadrants. Label one quadrant: ENVIRONMENT. Label the second: SOCIETY & CULTURE. Label the third: WELL BEING. And label the last: ECONOMY. As you watch the video write down words/ideas/questions beside the label that best fits when thinking about how the past settlement of European missionaries in the 1700s and the arrival of subsequent settlers have affected Inuit identity.

This three minute video highlights some of the changes that have developed in Cambridge Bay over the past 10 years, including: an increasing tourism industry, a world class research station and plans for increased shipping in the area.

First Peoples have always monitored their environments to track changes. Continual observation of the local ecosystem is inherent in First Peoples’ scientific practices. Today coastal First Nations communities work with scientists to monitor the well being of their oceans and lands using traditional knowledge and contemporary technology. Many coastal First Nations communities have watchmen and stewardship projects that monitor important land and marine resources in their territories, as well as working to protect them.

Thank you https://canadac3.ca/en/digital-classroom/ and http://www.fnesc.ca/resources/ for inspiring these resources


Blog post:

Thinking back to your water footprint, consider how the footprint, power imbalances, and limited or exploited water resources are connected.

Questions to consider - choose 2-3 questions that connect to your thoughts from the videos above

  • How does your footprint reflect the economy of your country, including its colonial relations?
  • Increased tourism, research, and shipping are three examples of increased activity in Cambridge Bay that are explored in this video. What are your thoughts about these changes in the community and in the Canadian north? Are these changes good?
  • Do these changes in the north affect Canadians living in the south?
  • Can two societies coexist and equally thrive?
  • In the present, with 50% of Canada’s coastline and 35% of Canada’s landmass located within protected Inuit homelands, explore what this means in terms of the future of Canada’s Environment, Economy, and Society & Culture?
    • Visual Tool: Create a three circle venn diagram to use a systems thinking lens, and as a group, brainstorm any ideas, questions, concerns or revelations that you have for each circle.
  • Natan suggests “social equity should be for all Canadians.” What does this mean to you?
  • How does Inuit efforts to co-manage over a ⅓ of Canada’s landmass and to ensure cultural thrivability over the next 150 years relate to you and your life?
  • How can we apply First Peoples’ scientific knowledge about the marine ecosystem to protect it in the future?
  • In what ways are we all responsible for the well being of the ocean?

When complete, please post your blog here. You may post ONE BLOG to represent your school. Then everyone should contribute in commenting on their colleagues' blogs, to contribute to the national dialogue.


Although students are encouraged to work in groups to write their blog, each student is encouraged to post on at least two of their peers' blogs. (When posting your blogs, be sure to list the title as Country: Blog Name. For example, Canada: My Ecological Footprint)

Blog posts and commentary that students make will be used in the final product. Be sure to have clear, concise, and well thought out responses to one another and to the questions being asked.

Continue to 3b. Nov 7 - Down the Drain Challenge »

Submissions (10)