3b. Nov 7 - Down the Drain Challenge



Now It's Your Turn: take the challenge

Keep a drain diary for one day — it just might surprise you.

Share your results in a Blog post and with us #oceanwisechallenge

  • What types of things went down your sink?
  • Estimate the volume of liquids that went down the drain? Did you include a way to measure how much liquid went down?
  • Think back to your water filtration activity or learn more with water sanitation resources.
    • What are the impacts of grey water that goes down the drain? How much clean drinkable water goes down the drain each day?
  • What is one thing that you can change to reduce water waste?

After your Blog is posted, make sure you comment on two other Blogs After your Blog is posted, make sure you comment on two other Blogs by students that are geographically furthest from you.

When complete, please post your blog here. You may post ONE BLOG to represent your school. Then everyone should contribute in commenting on their colleagues' blogs, to contribute to the national dialogue.


Although students are encouraged to work in groups to write their blog, each student is encouraged to post on at least two of their peers' blogs. (When posting your blogs, be sure to list the title as Country: Blog Name. For example, Canada: My Ecological Footprint)

Blog posts and commentary that students make will be used in the final product. Be sure to have clear, concise, and well thought out responses to one another and to the questions being asked.

Continue to 4a. Nov 15 - Ocean Watch: Howe Sound Edition »

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