The Majestic Plastic Bag
Plastic comes in all shapes and sizes. The biggest challenge is that it never disappears. Plastic only breaks down into smaller pieces of plastic called microplastic. These tiny pieces of plastic are the same size as the microalgae or bacteria that is eaten by filter feeders like crabs, sea anemones, shrimp, and even animals as large as the blue whale. As you already learned, the ocean is all connected. A piece of plastic that lands in a river will always return to the ocean.
Watch this video before completing the task:
Reducing and Reusing plastic is easy to do! Materials like glass and paper are great alternatives to plastic. When you go grocery shopping, remember to bring your own reusable bag. When packing lunch for school, put it into a reusable container instead of plastic wrap. These are just some of the many ways you can reduce or reuse plastic in your life. How many other ways can you think of? Can you create a new product that could be used instead of plastic?
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Learning Objectives
To understand that the actions we make in our daily lives have an affect on the ocean and that simple, easy changes can be made to help minimize the damage we are causing. Recycling is a great way of doing this but even better is Reducing and Reusing!
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Submissions (7)
Noémie Roy Discussion post: 1702.8 days ago
Ilia Discussion post: 1764.7 days ago
SawyerK Discussion post: 1842.7 days ago
Rachael Bell-Irving Gallery submission: 2709.8 days ago
Rachael Bell-Irving Gallery submission: 2715.8 days ago
Rachael Bell-Irving Discussion post: 2779.6 days ago
Toby Eslake Gallery submission: 2852.5 days ago