Waterways Challenge


Pollution: the problem, but where does it come from?

Task: Brainstorm 3 local sources that could lead to pollution getting into a waterway. Discuss why you chose these examples.

Example: (1) Garbage blows out of the garbage truck after pick-up and into a storm drain, (2) run-off from the pulp mill could leach into the ocean and disrupt nutrient cycling, (3) individuals washing cars near a storm drain could seep harmful chemicals into a local lake or river.

Why it matters?

Task: Using the examples you came up with for the last task explain what the consequences could be for pollution reaching the ocean.

Example: Garbage that doesn’t reach the landfill can be mistaken as prey by ocean animals, like turtles mistaking plastic bags for jellyfish.

How are we impacting our oceans?

Task: Take a walk at a local waterway and identify some ways that humans have had an impact on the local environment.

Example: Garbage left on the shoreline, oil found in water, cigarette butts found near a storm drain etc.

How can we help?

Task: If in the last task you identified some human-made garbage, remove it from your waterway or local storm drain. Additionally, ask yourself how humans had this impact, and how to avoid harm in the future by adjusting their behavior.

Example: I found plastic six-pack rings and picked them up to save ocean animals from becoming trapped.

Keep track

Task: For the week before coming on your destination education trip, track the waste that you come into contact with on an excel sheet or in a notebook. Challenge yourself to have a litterless lunch when going to school; if this is too difficult, try determine if an item could be recycled or reusable if it were to be made out of another material.

Example: Monday - Wanted a hot beverage but had no reusable cup so had to use a Styrofoam cup that I threw away, ate a granola bar with a disposable wrapper etc. Could have saved litter if I made my own granola bars and brought them in a reusable Tupperware.

Make a green goal

Task: Write down one behavior you’d like to change to become an ocean steward and not a plastic polluter! Share it on your preferred social media.

Example: Using a reusable coffee cup or waterbottle instead of a disposable alternative. I will not buy fleece to avoid the spread of microplastics in the ocean.

Give thanks to the ocean for all it gives

Task: Challenge yourself to go one day without using the ecosystems services the ocean provides for us. Think about how life would be if this resource weren’t as readily available to you.

Example: Drinking water, breathing oxygen, flushing toilet, avoiding seafood.

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