5A. OCT 25 - Plastic Challenge


What was the point of plastic? Plastic is relatively inexpensive to make and highly transformative.

  • Plastics could be pulled into a thread and used to create clothing.
  • It is used in parts for the automotive and aircraft industry, that allows us to travel the world.
  • It can be used to create hard building material for furniture, cabinets, glasses, and utensils which are impact-resistant and durable.
  • Pipes are often made out of plastic, which doesn’t corrode and is cheaper to make than metal pipes.
  • We use plastic to keep our food fresh and safe for long periods of times. It is used commonly in bottles, bags, and food wrapping to contain goods that we consume on an everyday basis.

Plastic is everywhere. And plastic does not go away. See some Plastic in numbers

When plastic was first invented, humans were not aware of what the consequences would be. Research around plastic had not been established. No one seemed to think about what this incredible invention would mean one hundred years down the road. Back then, it was easy. Now… we know better.

While it may sound like an insurmountable problem, change does happen. Many believe that the change starts with you. Where can you make lifestyle changes, or smarter decisions to help prevent plastic in the first place? It is possible, and it is an accessible goal for everyone.


Challenge yourself by Going Green! "Going Green" is a term that can apply to many different initiatives. It essentially means adjusting parts of your lifestyle to be more environmentally friendly or sustainable. These do not have to be big changes either. Something as simple as bringing your own reusable grocery bags to store, buying products and food that is made locally, or using bringing your own coffee mug to the cafe. All these little changes have an impact on your local environment and can help influence others to make changes themselves.

You will need a clear jar for this activity. This can be found in your home, such as an empty jam or peanut butter jar, or can be found at supermarkets or dollar stores.

For 3 days, carry this jar with you. Take it everywhere you go. Every time you use a piece of plastic that would otherwise go into the garbage, put it into your jar. Collect all of your single-use plastic for one week, and see just how much plastic (or how little) you use in 5 days.

After the 5 days, examine the contents of your jar. Write up a BLOG about the experience.

  • Were there any plastic products that you could have avoided?
  • Was there any plastic that was unavoidable?
  • What was the biggest obstacle you faced during this challenge?
  • What advice or strategies would you suggest to others to help them go plastic free?

When complete, please post your blog here. You may post ONE BLOG to represent your school. Then everyone should contribute by commenting on their colleagues' blogs, to contribute to the national dialogue.

    Discussion posts and comments you post are what will be used in the final paper! Be are clear, respectful and engaged in your responses as well as while commenting on others. Don't forget to ask questions!

    Continue to 5B: OCT 25 - A Plastic Ocean »

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