Program Assignment


Participating youth from Vancouver and Vancouver Island will be introduced to the seven ocean literacy principles at the core of our online learning environment being developed by the Ocean Wise education team. Once familiar with the principles, youth will work in teams to develop an activity for the online learning environment focused on one of the seven principles. Following through to completion, youth will upload their activity to the online learning environment and test with peers upon returning to their communities. 

These activities are meant to serve as a resource for teachers, youth, or leaders that want to engage students or communities into ocean advocacy, conservation and health. Your activity will stem from your personal interests, and provide guidance and suggestions on how to effectively teach others about these topics. Sample activities from previous years of the Salish Sea Science Program include;

    • Feastin' Turtles: a game to learn about the impact of plastic pollution on marine life
    • Interconnected Ecosystems: understand the relationship between ecosystems and how humans play a role in the success and survival of all life
    • Ocean Literacy Debate: participate in an informal debate on the topic of “Actions protecting the environment can end up hurting those who rely on industry to survive”
    • Ocean Literacy Photo Contest: submit photos with a description showcasing your interpretation of one of the seven ocean literacy principles

    More sample resources can be viewed here:

    After completion of the program, students will need to upload their resource to our online learning space or submit them to

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