Packing List


Please bring the following items with you for the trip. We will have a shuttle to transport us to all facilities.

Note: Please eat dinner before arrival on Oct 10th. There will be a small snack provided at the sleepover, but no full meal. All other meals are covered during the program.

Important: it is a good idea to line your pack/suitcase with a garbage bag, then add clothing for waterproofing during transit!


- Running or hiking shoes
- Rainboots (optional, but a good choice)
- Thick and thin socks (8 pairs)
- Underwear for the duration
- Long pants x2
- T-shirts
- Long-sleeved shirts
- Pajamas
- Warm sweater or fleece
- Waterproof jacket
- Hat or toque, gloves or mitts


- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Towel and facecloth
- Comb or brush
- Soap and shampoo
- Deodorant
- Sun screen
- Insect repellent


- Sleeping bag and Pillow

Note: make sure your sleeping bag is warm enough for outdoor weather.

Note: we will be sleeping on the floor at the Aquarium, so you are welcome to bring a small, thin, rolled up sleeping mat. However, we cannot accommodate air mattresses.


- Flashlight
- Sunglasses
- Watch
- Camera
- Note book and pencil (highly recommended!)
- Day pack
- Water bottle
- Sit-upon (something to sit on so you don’t need to sit on the wet ground!)

Things NOT to bring

- iPod or MP3, knives, electronic games, curling irons, money, jewelry, junk food, make-up --> anything you don’t want dirty, lost, or broken
- There will be no alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs allowed on this trip. Any participant with these items will be sent home immediately.

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