Local Community Action

Welcome to the Ocean Bridge community challenges!
As an Ocean Bridge ambassador, you will serve your community and our oceans by challenging yourself to complete 1 to 2 hours of local service every week in your home community. To support you on this year of service dedicated to the oceans, you will have a weekly mentorship call with one of our program specialists. They will work with you to identify personal and professional development goals, build connections with local groups and people in your community and support you in creating and delivering innovative and meaningful service activities.
Weekly ocean-related action project guidelines:
· Have a connection to Ocean Health or Ocean Literacy.
· Must take place in Canada and serve your community.
· Can be different each week, or can be one project that occurs over several weeks, months or a year!
· Are at least one to two hours of service per week.
· Encourage other youth to join you.
· Can be creative and innovative - if you aren't sure if something qualifies, ask your program specialist!
Each Ocean Bridge ambassador is required to:
· Complete 120 hours of service during 1 year.
· Engage at least 13 youth from their community (age 15-30) in contributing 120 hours each to ocean service.
· Share their experiences through social and media communications to help us reach 500,000 Canadians as a team!
Have an idea but need a little more funding to turn it into a reality? Apply for a Canada Service Corps #RisingYouth community service grant - they have three levels of funding available:
· $250 for a simple idea to improve your community, available monthly.
· $750 for a bigger community initiative (budget required), available bi-monthly.
· $1500 for an even bigger idea with a large group (budget & community reference required), available quarterly.
Not sure where to start?
Check out the community challenges below and get inspired. Although not mandatory, these challenges are great way to get started or try something new.
· Lead a shoreline clean-up for you friends & family