Ocean Bridge 2022 - Application and Program Details
What is Ocean Bridge Classic?
What is Ocean Bridge?
The Ocean Bridge Classic program is a 6-month (May – October) part-time program designed for Canadians and permanent residents aged 18 – 30 from coast to coast to coast. Each year, the program connects 140 youth and young professionals from rural land locked towns, northern communities, urban coastal cities and anywhere in between to form a national cohort of ocean ambassadors.
This project-based experiential program aims to empower young people to become Ocean Wise citizens and adopt a culture of service. Through 1:1 coaching, immersive learning journeys*, online workshops and discussions, ambassadors become equipped with relevant skills and are provided with funding opportunities to design and deliver ocean and freshwater action projects that are implemented on a local or national scale.
Book-ended by two immersive regional Learning Journeys, ambassadors have the opportunity to learn and explore in one of the following awe-inspiring regions of Canada: The Pacific Coast, the Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence River, and the Atlantic Coast.
This transformative experience provides ambassadors with the tools to position themselves as change makers in their communities and beyond. Whether this is your first experience with conservation work, or you are looking to reconnect with the environment or your community, this program has something to offer to everyone.
What can you expect for the program?
Leadership and Professional Development: Participants will feel empowered with relevant experiences and skills to catalyze changes in their own lives, communities, and environments. This opportunity will provide a gateway for youth to channel their interests in marine and aquatic environments into direct action toward ocean and freshwater conservation and stewardship.
Instilling Conservation Ethic: Participants will have in-depth and meaningful interactions with marine and aquatic biodiversity and ecosystems in remote and rural coastal and watershed environments across Canada while guided by local experts and traditional knowledge keepers. This program aims to inspire participants to protect ocean and freshwater environments
Inspiring a Culture of Service: Participants will engage in meaningful civic engagement driven by their own interests and concerns. These experiences will allow youth to position themselves as change makers and expose them to the power of individual action in their communities and beyond.
Understanding of Intersectional Complexities: Participants will explore their own positionality and be exposed to a range of perspectives through formal (learning journeys, workshops, etc.) and informal channels (interaction with peers, online discussion, etc.) as it relates to ocean and freshwater conservation and stewardship. These interactions aim to challenge participants to engage in critical reflection about how to best make a positive impact.
Who can participate?
Canadians or permanent residents aged 18 to 30 who are passionate about the ocean and waterways. No prior experience is necessary and people from all backgrounds and knowledge are welcome!
Our program is committed to creating an inclusive, diverse and equitable environment for all applicants and aligning our programming with anti-racism and decolonization agendas. Should you require additional support for your full participation, we have multiple services, grants, subsidies, and resources available like the following:
- iPad loans,
- Phone line or internet subsidies up to $60 per month,
- Childcare subsidies during immersive learning journeys while on learning journey up to $45/day,
- Adaptive technologies (hearing aid, soft wear, equipment, or accommodation for transportation)
- Postage coverage for paper applications,
- Financial support or loan of outdoor gear,
- Dietary restriction accommodation,
- $500 grants for action projects,
- Loan of filming equipment,
- Loan of podcast equipment,
- Homewood health and wellness services which include consultants, therapists, articles, videos, and a whole library about various topics.
We encourage everyone from any background, identities, abilities, talents, and interest, to apply. The program will cover travel expenses including transport, accommodations, activities, and meals for both immersive service-Learning Journeys. Additional support is available on a case-by-case basis.
Program Requirements for Ambassadors
As a part-time program, Ocean Bridge prides itself on providing ambassadors with multiple different ways to engage with the program. With that being said, we do expect the following from our ambassadors:
- Complete a minimum of 120-hours (average of 5 hours/week) of ocean and waterway service through the 6-month program including developing and delivering an ocean action project independently or in collaboration with other Ocean Bridge Ambassadors (note that time spent participating in all components of the Ocean Bridge program contributes to your 120 hours requirement).
- Engage in bi-weekly 1:1 coaching session with an Ocean Bridge team staff (duration and frequency is participant dependent and may vary from 30 min to 1 hour).
- Participate fully in a 2-day virtual orientation on May 6-7.
- Participate fully in a 10-day immersive regional learning journey* in the summer.
- Participate fully in a 5-day immersive learning journey* to Vancouver, BC in September.
- Contribute meaningfully to your individual or collaborative action project to be delivered during IMPAC5’s Ocean Festival.
- Participate in the online community space through full engagement in the online learning modules comprised of speaker series, online discussion, and skill development workshops.
- Submit a final project report to the Ocean Bridge Project database.
We understand that life is full of surprises and we are open to discussing commitment requirements with participants on an individual basis.
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