This picture was taken in March during a climate rally I attended at the Victoria Legislature Buildings. Although this was a while ago, I found it fitting because I am currently on a mission to research and write about multiple stories that apply to climate action - particularly from a youth perspective. These pieces are designed to break down daunting climate action-related topics in my province, relate them to why they matter, and demonstrate how youth can get involved. The first project I'm researching is the recent $40 billion-dollar expansion of B.C.'s LNG industry. Yesterday, I had the good fortune to sit down with Green Party MLA Andrew Weaver to discuss what the project means for B.C. (particularly from a climate change and youth interest perspective) and how youth can take action and voice their concerns. Although I can't share the results of this project yet, I feel this is a very important topic that youth in our province should be aware of. I will post more updates soon!

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