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Alex Phan

Name: Alex Phan

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Location: I currently live on the traditional territory of the Katzie and Kwantlen First Nations in Maple Ridge, BC. My parents are originally from Vietnam and immigrated to Canada due to the impacts of the war.

What gets me up in the morning:

A good cup of black coffee, good food, the beautiful BC sun, and the opportunity to learn and create a better planet.

A bit about me:

I am currently in my final year studying on the unceded traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples, including the Tsleil-Waututh, Kwikwetlem, Squamish, and Musqueam Nations at Simon Fraser University. I am a psychology and sociology student passionate about the human condition and seeing how different systems interact to impact people. A fun fact about myself is that I am half-blind. I am interested in a few different ocean-related issues such as microplastics in the oceans, and the interconnectedness of climate change, the ocean, and Indigenous peoples. I am privileged to be born and raised in BC, so I remember taking a trip to the traditional territory of the Squamish, Sechelt, and Tla'amin and Klahoose nations in the Sunshine Coast and seeing the biodiversity in the shallow tide pools.

I like sea otters, specifically females, and I think bivalves are pretty cool.

Alex Phan    
Alison (Gaby) Good


Hi everyone, my name is Alison Good but I usually go by Gaby (nickname of my middle name).


I grew up in Quito, Ecuador but moved to Vancouver for University. I currently live in the traditional territories of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh First Nations in Vancouver, BC.

What gets me up in the morning: 

A little bit of everything! Currently, my plants (I am trying my best to get a green thumb!) and I am working on starting a tiny veggie garden on my balcony (not sure if it is going well yet)! I also enjoy singing and I am part of a choir (currently taking place virtually) :). And I also really enjoy spending time in the outdoors (snowshoeing, hiking around Vancouver, etc.)

A bit about me: 

My very first memories of the ocean are taking family trips to a beach called Canoa in Ecuador. It is a really special place for me and I got to enjoy all of the beauty coastal and ocean ecosystems got to offer. This is also were I was first exposed to the large amounts of wastes that end up in the oceans and get washed onto our shores.

I have been super interested in trying to minimize my waste at home, in particular that of plastic and single use waste and I am excited to learn from others what steps they have taken.

I am very excited and grateful to be a part of Ocean Bridge and meet a bunch of people that care about the ocean and conservation. I am also very excited to learn and gain more awareness about the issues facing the ocean ecosystem and what steps we can take to help.  

Tell us something random about yourself

My favourite marine animal is… how can you pick? There are so many amazing animals out there. But I think if I had to pick right now, I would say whale shark. They are so majestic and it is at the top of my list to see while scuba diving.

Oh… and also,  I really like rocks!

Alison Good    
Alyssa Goulet

Nom : Alyssa Goulet
Pronoms: Elle/la
Lieu : J'habite à St-Eustache, Québec, qui fait partie du territoire traditionnel des Premières Nations Mohawk, Algonquin, Anishinabewaki et Haudenosaunee.
Qu'est-ce qui me motive à sortir du lit chaque matin? : L’idée que cette journée est nouvelle et pleine d’opportunités, que je vais apprendre des nouvelles choses et grandir en tant que personne. Tout ça et le café que je pourrai prendre dès que je me lèverai.
Un peu à propos de moi : Un problème lié à l'océan qui me préoccupe est le réchauffement planétaire, qui met en danger la vie de beaucoup d’espèces aquatiques. Un autre qui me préoccupe majoritairement est l’impact humain, autant au niveau de la pollution que de la pêche. Mon premier souvenir de l'océan est quelques années auparavant, en me tenant sur la rive, un sentiment de paix m’a envahi, j’avais l’impression d’avoir trouvé l’endroit le plus extraordinaire qui puisse exister (je le crois encore).
Quelque chose de surprenant ou de particulier à propos de moi: Mes créatures marines préférées sont les cténophores.

Amanda Watkins

Name: Amanda Watkins
: she/her/they/them

Location: I am located in Tkaronto, or Toronto, Ontario. Tkaronto is the traditional and ongoing territory of the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe, and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, and is part of the Dish With One Spoon Territory. 

What gets me up in the morning: 
The potential to learn more, converse with others, connect with my family, friends, colleagues and peers, and whenever possible, cake for breakfast. 

A bit about me
: I am a communications professional and environmental activist, currently working in the responsible investment sector. I have a Masters of Environmental Studies in Sustainability Management, and a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Multimedia. I am passionate about environmental engagement of all sorts, and when it comes to waterways, I am particularly driven by issues around public and coastal land access, and why certain groups tend to have more access to oceanfront and lakefront communities. 

I am excited to be part of Ocean Bridge because I am keen to meet other waterway activists and community members.

Tell us something random about yourself: 
My favourite marine animal is the sea otter!

Amanda Watkins    
Amy Williams

Name: Amy Williams
Location -  I live on the traditional territory of the Beothuk in St. John's, NL.
What gets me up in the morning
: My dog Mya, nature walks, research, and getting to work to improve services and end the stigma surrounding mental health and disability! I enjoy creating art, learning new things, gardening, and hiking especially on the east coast trails!
A bit about me
: An ocean-related issue close to my heart is reducing use of plastics, through education and sustainable living. Recently I have been learning more about microplastics and their effects on ocean life. My earliest memory of the ocean is catching capelin in buckets on the beach during rolling season. I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I am passionate about environment conservation and can't wait to work with other youth to tackle this issue for a better future!
My favourite marine animals: Exocoetidae fish because they can fly!

Amy Williams    
Anisa Maya Dhanji

Bonjour à tous! My name is Anisa Maya Dhanji and my pronouns are she and they. I am a racially mixed settler-Canadian neurodivergent French educator residing and dreaming on, and benefitting from these stolen lands, airs and coasts that rightfully belong to the Peoples of the Coast Salish First Nations, specifically Semiahmoo, Katzie, Kwikwetlem, Kwantlen, Qayqayt and Tsawwassen. I gratefully grew up on the ocean shore, falling in love with the ebb and flow of water (and whales – I love whales!)

I completed a duo-degree program in Linguistics and French at Simon Fraser University along with a French speaking proficiency certificate and a Speech science specialization certificate. Following my graduation, I went on to complete my teaching degree and am now working as a French teacher and learner in Surrey, B.C. I like being creative, using diverse mediums to create art about the landscapes of identity(ies), ancestral memory(ies) and the heartwork of love and relationships. My passions primarily lie in photography, poetry and prose, social justice (restorative and transformative) and I also work as a senior floral designer in White Rock, B.C. Other interests of mine include walking, figure skating, swimming, gardening and cuddling my two cats.

I look forward to the next year as an Ocean Bridge Ambassador for a few reasons! I would like to grow as a community engagement coordinator/leader and environmental activist with my partner who is doing this program alongside me. I believe that learning is not limited to Western research and that storytelling allows for us to discover and learn from each other and the world in more diverse and vulnerable ways. I hope to foster a personal sense of inquiry among myself and my learning communities where we can collectively act together and share our stories of love and care for our oceans. I hope to transform our personal and emotional connections to place into a mission to help restore and protect our local marine ecosystems. And lastly, I hope to use my unique position as a language teacher to raise marginalized voices and highlight their agency and inherent activism in my classroom.

Anisa Maya Dhanji    
Annabelle Bourdeau

Nom :  Mon nom à la base est Annabelle Bourdeau. Cependant, la majorité des gens m'appellent Nanna (particulièrement pour mon chien x) ). Lorsque je me sens plus homme ou que je veux un prénom plus neutre, j'ai choisi Morgann. Souvent j'utilise en autre Jarnsaxa ou Ymir.

Lieu (Territoire traditionnel et ville/village):  J'habite à Saint-Constant sur le territoire non cédé Kahnawá:ke (Kahnawake) de la nation Kanien'kehá:ka  (Mohawks ). 

 Devant chez moi, il y a une rivière et un bois pour mes explorations et mes observations. J'adore y prendre des photos ! L'une de celle-ci dans le montage que je vous envoie, a été prise par contre à Sainte-Catherine et une autre juste un peu plus loin de chez moi (à quelques minutes de route).

Qu'est-ce qui me motif à sortir du lit chaque matin ? :  Écrire, aider à l'écurie, faire des recherches, travailler, une tisane au plantain…

Un peu à propos de moi :
Ce qui m'inquiète le plus relié à l'océan est la pollution sous toutes ses formes. Je crois que c'est ce qui cause le plus de problème en ce moment. La rivière devant chez moi est polluée par exemple depuis que je suis enfant. Ça l'a été mon premier contact avec l'eau dans la nature.

Par ailleurs, sincèrement, je n'ai jamais vu l'océan, mais il me hâte d'avoir accès. Cependant, j'ai été à Ravello et à Capri en Italie où j'ai vu la merveilleuse Mer Méditerranéenne lors d'un voyage avec mon Papi qui est Italien.

Sinon, j'ai très hâte de vous rencontrer pour partager cette passion avec vous, apprendre davantage et qu'on change les choses ensembles !

De journey Surprenant Ou de Particulier à propos de moi:  Ce qu'il ya de chez moi Surprenant doIT être Les Qué Je écris des Romans et que je te me Demarré UNE going concern-Cosmétiques Solides waste Zéro. Autre choisi ? Je suis complètement obsédé par la mythologie nordique ce qui est assez bizarre ! Ahaha!!

La personne que j'admire le plus est ma mère. Nous sommes une famille avec différents problèmes de santé et c'est vraiment elle qui est notre socle.

Pour finir, mon animal marin, préféré est le serpent de mer. (Oui, comme ce cher Iormungandr pour ceux qui connaissent la mythologie) 

Annabelle Bourdeau    
Anoosha Lalani

Pronouns: She/Her

Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town): I live on traditional land of  Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, Huron-wendat (Wyandot) and Mississaugas of the New Credit territory in Toronto, Ontario. My family and I are originally from Pakistan but I grew up moving around in South East Asia!

What gets me up in the morning:  I'm generally not a morning person and morning me is the grumpiest me you'll meet but recently, I've been bribing myself out of bed with a beautiful iced coffee or tea beverage. I've been getting really into making myself nice drinks at home. The days where I'm out and about in nature or enjoying our oceans are the days where its much easier for me to get out of bed!

A bit about me: I've always been passionate about ocean conservation. I grew up scuba diving in Asia and one of the early trips I took was focused around coral restoration. We collected broken pieces of coral and tied them to an electric frame to generate growth. I joined Ocean Bridge beacuse I wanted to get back in touch with an interest I've felt disconnected from since moving to a busy city and working in a field that is not directly related to ocean conservation. 

My favourite marine animal is: A whale! Top of my bucket list is to see a wild whale up close. 

Anoosha Lalani    
Anthony Ho

Name: Anthony Ho
: He/Him/His
Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town) - My family originates from Hong Kong, but I was born and lived on the Coast Salish (Kwantlen, Katzie, Semiahmoo, Tsawwassen first nation) Territories  in Surrey BC, but fairly recently moved to the  Qayqayt First Nations lands with my partner.
What gets me up in the morning : 
I enjoy learning and challenging myself, at every opportunity I enjoy expanding upon my experiences and knowledge. 
A bit about me:
An ocean-related issue close to my heart is ocean acidification and warming , as they go hand in hand, and I would like to learn in greater detail the specifics as it is an incredibly important topic in ocean conservation.
My most influential memory of the ocean is falling into it while leaning over the edge of a pier admiring the sea anemones and barnacles and mollusks living on the pillar. I've always been a big nerd for the ocean. 
I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I look forward to learning from people of all different backgrounds 
Tell us something random about yourself
I'm a real big fan of crustaceans. All the different forms of crabs.
Also, my partner is in the Ocean Bridge Program too!

PC: Anisa Dhanji

Anthony Ho    
Ashtyn Ashtyn Nauffts    
Ben Haight

Name:  Ben Haight
 He/Him Plains
Location: I have lived in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, my whole life.  Saskatoon is located on Treaty 6 territory, the traditional territory of the Plains Cree and Metis Nation homeland.

What gets me up in the morning: The sunshine and bird songs coming through my window. The opportunities of a new day, to go outside and enjoy nature, going out and being active whether that be biking along the river or playing soccer with my friends.

A bit about me: I am 18, just graduating out of high school. I love the outdoors and all of its different ecosystems. I am discovering that I have an interest in specifically restoration ecology. I live in a prairie city so I don't have tons of memories of the ocean. But my earliest memory  of the ocean would have to be from when I was about 6, we were visiting family on Vancouver Island.  We spent the whole day on rathtrevor beach, swimming, playing in the sand and searching for the coolest looking clam shells when the tide went out.  I am excited to be apart of ocean bridge because I think it will be awesome to meet different people from all over Canada with a similar interests in protection conserving nature. 
Tell us something random about yourself :I love storms, windy days and rainy days. Also, my  favourite marine animal would have to be a tie between an orca and sea otter. 

Ben Haight    
Ben MacMillan

Name:  Ben MacMillan
Location: I live on the traditional Unceded Mi'kmaq territory in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. 
What gets me up in the morning: 
I love starting my day with a coffee on the beach. No matter where you are on PEI, you are never far from a beach! After that, I love trying to get outside for hikes or go swimming during the summer months. 
A bit about me: 
I have lived my entire life in Canada, but my family is half Mexican, which has given me some different perspectives growing up. I love PEI, but being able to live by the ocean in another country gave me some insight into just how important the water is no matter where you are in the world. I have always felt most at home when near the water, even if I am in a different part of the world. Kayaking, paddleboarding, and surfing are some of my favourite things to do on the water! Besides that, I am currently studying International Business Studies at the University of Prince Edward Island. 
My favourite ocean memory: When I was visiting Newfoundland for the first time I had the amazing pleasure of seeing whales while at Signal Hill National Historic Site. It was an incredible scene and something I'll never forget! 

Ben MacMillan    
Brandon Collier

Name:  Brandon Collier

Location: Beothuk | St. John's, Newfoundland.

What gets me up in the morning: 
I enjoy running, which is a nice way to start the day (when the...challenging...St. John's weather cooperates).

A bit about me: 
I am an aspiring teacher, with a focus area on High School Science (particularly Physics).  While I am certified English/French bilingual, my French abilities may be in need of some fine-tuning.  I enjoy hiking along the beautifully scenic East Coast Trail which runs some 250km. I think laughter is one of the great equalizers in the world, so we ought to remember to laugh as much as possible.

My favourite marine animal: Cuttlefish (and by extension, Cephalopods). Incredibly intelligent beings, and what I surmise alien-life may look like somewhere in the Universe!

Brandon Collier    
Brody Coffey-Whitworth

Name:  Brody Coffey-Whitworth
 I live on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, Chippewa, Wendat, and Mississaugas of the Credit in Toronto, ON. 
What gets me up in the morning: 
I enjoy getting outside, going for a run, walk, hike, bike ride.  I am hoping to get back to travelling soon, I enjoy going to new places and learning new things.  
A bit about me: 
I am graduate of Queen's University with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Global Development Studies.  After Queen's I attended the University of Victoria and completed a Certificate in Business Administration.  My professional experience is in event management and marketing.  An ocean-related issue close to my heart is waste/garbage ending up in our oceans and bodies of water.  I am excited to be a part of this program to connect with peers who share the same interest and passion for our waters as I do.  

Tell us something random about yourself: 
My favourite marine animal is the otter.  When I lived on Vancouver Island I would see river otters everyday and even a few sea otters when visiting the north-west coast.

Brody Coffey-Whitworth    
Bronwyn Kizan

Name: Bronwyn Kizan
I currently live and grew up on the traditional territory of the Blackfoot First Nations in the Crowsnest Pass, Alberta.
What gets me up in the morning
: I love waking up and watering the seeds I am starting. It is my first year starting seeds and it is so fun seeing how much they have grown and changed each day!
A bit about me
I am so grateful to live in the mountains. I love spending time outside hiking, mountain biking, and skiing. I also love art and graphic design and am very inspired by the nature around me.

An ocean-related issue close to my heart is reducing waste and and using less toxic products. I believe that what we do as individuals does have an impact on large companies and governing bodies. While I am by no means perfect, I am always trying to learn ways to reduce my personal impact. I run a small natural cleaner company with my mom and our main goals are to reduce waste and to use ingredients that are safe for people and the environment. I also respect that it is a privilege to be able to focus on my personal environmental impact.

I grew up beside a creek and have always loved spending time in and around water, I especially love to swim. I visited the ocean for the first time when I was 16 when we went on a very random family trip to Mudge Island on the West Coast and fell in love it with. Taking road trips to the West Coast is now something that I love to do. It is such an amazing feeling spending time around the ocean, as it is so different to other bodies of water. I think that the tide makes it extra exciting and the first time I explored tidal pools was such a cool experience. But I stick to swimming in rivers and lakes, although it is amazing and beautiful, swimming in the ocean scares me. One day I would love to move to the West Coast!
Tell us something random about yourself
My favourite marine animal would probably be an otter. They are just way too cute. But I have been pretty excited every time I have gotten to see a marine animal of any type!

Bronwyn Kizan    
Caroline Keddy

Name: Caroline Keddy

Pronouns: She/Her

Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town): I grew up along the shores of the St. Lawrence River, in Cornwall, Ontario on the traditional territory of the Mohawks of Akwesasne. I have moved around quite a bit in between, but have found myself back in my hometown that I love so much! As a young child, I spent my summers at our family cottage swimming the days away, and this instilled in me a great passion for the outdoors and the underwater world. I acknowledge the Mohawks of Akwesasne who were on this land and cared for it long before me.

What gets me up in the morning: I am extremely grateful to have a job that I am so passionate about and excited to wake up in the morning for! But first and foremost I always start my day in prayer, which sets the tone for my day and allows me to give my best in every aspect of my life – at work, with family and friends, and with those I have yet to meet! After work I enjoy yoga and working out, reading, journaling, and spending time with my loved ones and dog. A couple of my favorite sports include ultimate Frisbee and softball.

A bit about me: In 2019/2020 I participated in the International Youth Internship Program, and was a Fisheries Resource Management Intern at Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve, in Belize. This experience opened my eyes to the numerous challenges facing independent fishermen, as well as the ways in which climate change is threatening their livelihoods.
An ocean-related issue close to my heart is protecting our oceans against the threats of climate change and plastic pollution. While walking along the beach at the field station on Turneffe Atoll, the beach was littered with copious amounts of garbage. I was in the middle of a marine reserve and what felt like such a pristine area, yet the beach was still full of plastic and waste. This just further highlighted the need to minimize my own waste and to seek out eco-friendly and plastic-free options whenever possible. I am also passionate about changing humanity’s relationship with the ocean from one of exploitation to one of admiration and respect.  

I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because of the opportunity I will have to connect with other like-minded individuals and share resources on how to address the numerous threats the ocean is facing. I am also very much looking forward to the opportunity to deliver a service project in my home community, shed light on the plight of the ocean, and inspire others to take action and be a voice for the ocean!

Tell us something random about yourself: My favourite marine animal... All of them! I just finished watching My Octopus Teacher, so currently have a soft spot for octopus. I had the chance to swim amongst spotted eagle rays during my internship in Belize, and I will never forget the feeling of awe and wonder that overcame me in that moment as they were gliding all around me! They are so graceful and I felt transported to another world as I swam amongst them.

Caroline Keddy    
Cassidy Downey

Name: Cassidy Downey
Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town) - 
I am the only “mainlander” in my immediate family, as I was born on the traditional territory of the Beaver First Nation in Dawson Creek, British Columbia. The rest of my family are from the traditional Beothuk territory in Baie Verte, Newfoundland, and we currently live in Gander, Newfoundland; which is also traditional territory of the Beothuk. 
What gets me up in the morning
: If it’s not one of my animals trying to get me out of bed to start the day, the sunshine usually does it! There’s something about the potential of a new day that is very exciting to me, there are so many new things I have left to learn!
A bit about me:

I have just finished a degree in Marine Biology through Dalhousie University, coupled with a certificate in Aquaculture and the Environment. I started my university career in Animal Science with the idea that I was going to go on to become a veterinarian. In my second year I chose an aquaculture class as one of my electives because I was terrified of the ocean and wanted to get over that fear. I ended up loving it so much I switched my degree! Throughout my degree I also had the privilege in taking part in two necropsies; one on a common thresher and one on a common dolphin who ended up being pregnant! These experiences have opened my eyes to lots of concerning and exciting things about the ocean that I wish was more common knowledge. I’m excited to be a part of ocean bridge to further my skills on awareness, communication and to build bridges (pun intended) to overcome the barriers faced in ocean conservations and wellness. Marine Protected Areas (MPA) are a big interest to me! The ocean is so important to our wellbeing, even for land-locked areas, and I think if we had more MPA’s we might be able to help out the ocean a little more. 
My favourite marine animal: 
Definitely the whales. Their songs are so beautiful, the dynamic of each individual pod and species is mesmerizing. I also love horseshoe crabs because they honestly scare me. We don’t have them here in Newfoundland and my first experience with one was the carcass of an individual that I got to see in one of my labs. I flipped it over and was absolutely disgusted by the number of legs (Two legs is surely more than enough??), ever since then I've completed plenty of research on them for different projects.

Cassidy Downey    
Chelsea Renaud

Name:  Chelsea Renaud 
Location: I live on Mi'kma'ki, the ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. 
What gets me up in the morning: Lately, since the pandemic started and there really isn't anywhere to go, and you can't see anyone, I have been getting up for the pure excitement of an iced coffee and a nice breakfast. We deserve it these days!! Since I am working form home I try to go for a daily walk while talking to family to try and maintain a good headspace. 
A bit about me: I am currently working on a graduate degree in Environmental Science at Acadia University after finishing my undergraduate degree here in May 2019. I get to work on a main water reservoir in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and assess the metals of concern to the water treatment plant. It has been a very rewarding experience already because I am able to provide some insight on watershed management to the municipal government. I hope to be able to work on remediating contaminated sites as a career to maintain healthy ecosystems! I am originally from Ottawa, ON and moved here for school, but also so I could be closer to the ocean. 
Something random: I cracked my head open on the metal bars of the top bunk while putting a fitted sheet on the bottom bunk. What I have learnt form this experience?? ALWAYS choose the top bunk. 

Chelsea Renaud    
Christina Roussakis

Name: Christina Roussakis

Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town): I live on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, Chippewa, Wendat, and Mississaugas of the Credit in Toronto, Ontario.  I also spend a lot of time on the traditional territory of the Haudensaunee (Iroquois), Ojibway/Chippewa and Anishnaabe in Tobermory, Ontario.

My grandparents on both sides are from the southern peninsula of Greece . I am grateful to still be connected to my roots through many years of after-school Greek school and trips to visit my relatives in Greece.

What gets me up in the morning
: Walking, running, hiking, dancing, biking, kayaking... I also love (and dearly miss) sitting in a cafe with a cappucino and a good book.

A bit about me
: An ocean-related issue close to my heart is creating a future where every single person in the world has access to clean, public drinking water. 

I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I am excited to be a part of a community of people committed to taking care of the Earth. I love that Oceanbridge creates the space for this to happen... I am excited to share ideas and stories and very excited to learn together.

I love learning and exploring. My passion for learning has most recently taken me to law school, but prior to that you could find me working in a human cadaver anatomy lab, taking a language course in a different country, or conducting research on mental health care policies... I feel my best when acting and/or improv are part of my schedule.

Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions):
My favourite marine animals are whales and dolphins (of all types). As an Ontarian I feel compelled to give a shoutout to the frogs, otters and water snakes that are closer to home!

Christina Roussakis    
Christopher Klune

Name:  Christopher Klune
Location:  Amiskwaciy Waskahikan, the traditional lands of the Cree, Saulteaux, Nakota Sioux, and Blackfoot. I know this place as Edmonton.
What gets me up in the morning: 
Usually it's my alarm clock, but sometimes my partner helps me out. I'm also passionate about all things education, and knowing that I've been so privileged to lead a fulfilling life makes me want to give back everyday in some small way.
A bit about me: 
I really like eggs, that's the first thing that popped into my head. Weird, isn't it? More seriously, I've been born, raised, and educated in Calgary and left with a BEd and BA in 2017. Since then I've had the opportunity to teach and work in Jordan, Kenya, and 3 communities in Alberta. I'm an avid couchsurfer and minimalist backpacker, my most memorable trip being a month long journey in Rajasthan with my friend Ged. Current pursuits include trying to gamify my teaching, teaching myself to sew, and preparing my camping gear for some summer backpacking and bike touring. 
My favourite marine animal: Definitely not urchins, but I value all marine life. I just wish they weren't so mean. I really like clownfish, mostly because my dad knew they were cool before Finding Nemo came out. 

Christopher Klune    
Clay Spencer Clay Spencer    
Clay Spencer Clay Spencer    
Cogie Cogan

Name: Cogie Cogan

Pronouns: They/ Them

Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town): I currently live in Winnipeg, Manitoba on Treaty One territory  which is home to the Anishinabe (Ojibway), Ininew (Cree), Oji-Cree, Dene, and Dakota, peoples as well as the Birthplace of the Métis Nation. 

In August I am moving to London, Ontario to attend university at Western.

What gets me up in the morning: The dog gets me up in the morning. I enjoy skateboarding, playing basketball and ultimate frisbee. I spend most of my spare time skateboarding. I am spend my weekends chilling at an eco-village where I till soil and play in the sun. 

A bit about me: 

My earliest/most influential memory of the ocean would be the time I was in Hawaii jumping over waves with my siblings. We hiked an hour to get to a remote black sand beach. The water and the surrounding nature was gorgeous. 

I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I hope to have jobs in the future that are outdoors and allow me to help out plant. I think Ocean Bridge will help me to find opportunities in this field. I also want to buy a trailer and travel around the country, so it will be cool to have friends in every province. 

Tell us something random about yourself:

I am vegan. Oh, and I can aslo tie a cherry stem into a knot only using my tongue. 

Cooper Munro Theobald

Name: Cooper Munro Theobald 

Pronouns: She/Her

Location: I am currently situation on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Coast Salish peoples -Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), Stó:lō and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) Nations, also known as Vancouver, BC. Next week I will be relocating and for the rest of the summer I will be located on Tla-o-qui-aht territory, also known at Tofino, BC.

What gets me up in the morning: These days, having big (post-pandemic) dreams is what gets me up in the morning. Right now I've got my sights on learning to surf and sail, in hopes of one day working abroad as a surfing instructor and a yacht captain. They're both activities I'm so privileged to have opportunities to get involved in close to home (a.k.a pandemic permitted), so feeling as if I am progressing towards some big goals is definitely keeping me sane right now. Other things that get me up in the morning: knowing I'll get to skateboard if it's dry and being able to look at all the different configurations of the sky (and the moon if i'm lucky!).

A bit about me: If you get to know me, you'll hear a recurring theme: I have a terrible time recalling any specific memories of my childhood, but I am blessed with an overall sense of all the time I spent playing in the water as a child. So for me, there's no earliest or most influential memory of the ocean, just a sense of peace and belonging anytime I am near, on or preferably swimming in the water.

I am excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I love the ocean, but I have never felt particularly knowledgable about it. I'm really looking forward to gaining a deeper understanding of such a large source of joy for me (the water!) and finding ways to share that with others. :)

Something random about me: I took a gap year in the middle of my undergraduate degree and although I did return to my studies in January, I have no idea if I'll even finish the degree. If you want to talk about being confused about education, come my way!

Cooper Munro Theobald    
Elijah Doucette

Name: Elijah Doucette (just Eli works fine too)

Pronouns: He/Him
I live on the traditional territory of the Beothuk and Mi'kmaq in Corner Brook, Newfoundland.
What gets me up in the morning
: My cats, my partner, and the chance to learn something new each day. :) I like to do creative things like weave bracelets, sew, doodle, and write. I also enjoy exploring and watching wildlife.
A bit about me
: My earliest ocean related memory is looking at seabird eggs right next to the ocean (then getting chased by an angry bird parent...). I'm super excited to join Ocean Bridge as I'm majoring in Environment & Sustainability in university, so the program is really in line with my interests, and gives me an opportunity to actually be involved in a meaningful project.
Tell us something random about yourself
: I have an isopod and a snail tattooed on my forearm. I plan to add more critters when I can.

Me on a school trip to Italy back in 2019 (in the "before times")
Elijah Doucette    
Elliot Peck Williamson

Hey everyone! My name is Elliot, my pronouns are She/Her and I grew up in Toronto, Ontario, and moved to the traditional territory of the Kanien'keha:ka (Mohawk) in Montreal, Quebec to study at McGill University in 2016 and have lived there ever since! 

What gets me up in the morning:  Opening the window and smelling the fresh air and getting a little sunshine on my face :)

 A bit about me:   Some ocean-related issues close to my heart are shark finning, overfishing, corals, and kelp restoration. I'm hoping to dig into some of these issues and others with my ocean service projects. My degree was in Geography and Sociology so I'm specifically interested in the human impact on coastal environments, and marine-use and spatial planning. I'm excited to be part of Ocean Bridge this year because I think it will be an amazing opportunity to be part of a like-minded community devoted to marine and freshwater conservation and be inspired by all the ambassadors' service projects and passions.

Tell us something random about yourself: A person I admire is Rob Stewart, who was a documentary filmmaker whose 2006 film Sharkwater, sparked global awareness about the severity of shark finning across the globe. His work completely changed my life and led me to follow a career in environment and marine conservation! 

 I'm truly fascinated by all marine life but my favorite marine mammal has to be sharks because that's where it all started for me. In 2019, I had an incredible opportunity to free dive with over a dozen sharks in Fiji and it was MAGIC! 

Elliot Peck Williamson    
Emily Chin

Name: Emily Chin
: She/Her 
Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town) -
born and raised on the unceded traditional territories of Squamish, Musqueam and Tsleil-Waututh nations! 

  1. What gets me up in the morning: sunshine beaming through my window, the smell of coffee and a tasty breakfast, and an early morning hike!  
  2. A bit about me (tell us a bit about yourself including the answer to two of the following three questions): Growing up, my dad would always take my sister and I fishing- it was our family activity together. Having always been around the ocean, I loved it but never thought too much of it beyond that. After visiting Indonesia and Australia in 2019 and spending so much time in the ocean surfing and diving, I fell in love with the ocean. Unfortunately, there was also a lot of waste washed up on the shorelines, which absolutely broke my heart and has become an issue close to my heart. 

    Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions)
    One of my favourite marine animals is the turtle!
Emily Chin    
Emily Guevara

Name: Emily Guevara
Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town):
Tiohtià:ke (Montreal), which is on the unceded Indigenous lands of the Kanien'kehá:ka/Mohawk Nation. 
What gets me up in the morning: Coffee. Sunrise beach runs. SCUBA/free diving. Nature. Wildlife. Scientific exploration. Conservation. 
A bit about me
: I'm an avid adventurer who is completely in love with the ocean. My interests are in animal rescue, rehabilitation, and conservation. 
I have an MSc in International Marine Ecology, focused specifically on neurobiology and colour vision. I find the brains of other creatures very intriguing, and I'm super interested in how marine animals navigate their environments/how changes in the ocean due to climate change will effect this navigation. 
My most influential memory of the ocean was a surprise underwater visit from a mama humpback whale and her calf, 20 metres underwater, off the coast of Mozambique. 
The ocean-related issues close to my heart are plastic pollution & the degradation of coral reefs associated with climate change. 
Tell us something random about yourself: I'm completely and utterly mystified by octopuses. 

Emily Guevara    
Fatimah Mulla

NameMy name is Fatimah Mulla. 
: I live on the traditional territory of Haudenosaunee (Iroquois), Huron-Wendat, Ojibway/Chippewa, W̱SÁNEĆ in Markham, ON. My family are originally from India, however my parents immigrated to Canada in the 80s. 
What gets me up in the morning
: caffeine, my cats - Oscar and Whitey, spending time with my family and friends and spending as much time as possible outdoors enjoying the natural world!  
A bit about me
: I am currently working as a Mental Health and Addictions counsellor at Kids Help Phone as well as Canadian Muslim Counselling. I'm currently working on finding a way to marry my counselling work with my love for the natural world. I'm so excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge, to learn more about our oceans - specifically from an Indigenous lens, to be inspired to take back what I learn and apply it to my work, and to meet so many of you folks who also share a deep love for our oceans and conservation. 
Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions)
My favourite marine animals are turtles and dolphins!  

Eramosa Karst
Whitey loves to come along on walks!
Fatimah mulla    
Félixe Ouellet

Name Félixe Ouellet

Pronom la/elle/she/her

Location Je vis sur la rive-nord de Montréal. I live on Montreal's north-shore.

What gets me up in the morning Déjeuner :)). Eating breakfast.

A bit about me Pour ma part, les polluants présents dans les cours d'eau et leurs effets sur les écosystèmes marins sont ce qui m'ont d'abord poussé à m'intéresser à la conservation des océans. J'ai toujours été une grande fan de l'eau, des océans et des organismes marins. Mes souvenirs les plus importants en rapport avec l'océan sont ceux passés à la plage avec ma famille. J'ai extrêmement hâte de faire partie d'Ocean Bridge afin d'approfondir mes connaissances sur le sujet en tant qu'étudiante en science, puis peut-être me trouver ma voie. 

Personally, polluants contaminating watercourses and their effets on marine ecosystems are what first pushed me to gain interest in ocean conservation. I have always been a huge fan of water, oceans and marine organisms. My most important memories regarding water are the ones spent at the beach with my family. I'm extremely excited to be part of Ocean Bridge to deepen my knowledge on the subject as a science student, and maybe find my path.

Tell us something random about yourself 
Ma couleur préférée est le jaune. My favorite colour is yellow.

Félixe Ouellet    
Gabby Mills

Name: Gabby Mills

I currently live in Kjipuktuk (so-called Halifax) in Mi’kma’ki, on the traditional and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq. These lands are governed by the Peace and Friendship treaties (under which no land was ceded or surrendered). More specifically, I live on Creighton St. in the North end of Halifax, which is a historically Black neighbourhood, and also happens to be the same street my chosen family grandparents have lived on since the 1980s. It’s really special to me, and I can’t imagine moving anywhere else.

What gets me up in the morning:
Genuinely, I’m not a morning person. But I can be coaxed out of bed by hot coffee and checking the vegetables on my patio garden for new growth.

A bit about me:

An ocean-related issue close to my heart is the relationship between ocean health and climate change, as I believe all environmental or conservation work needs to be addressed through climate justice initiatives first and foremost.

My earliest memory of the ocean would be exploring the touch tank on the Halifax waterfront, or maybe exploring Silver Sands beach (known for its locally “famous” enormous concrete moose sculpture). Silver Sands beach, I’ve since learned, is also historically significant because it shows how local land use planning and development can change the relationship between place, people, and the ocean. The beach actually isn’t sandy at all now because of excessive sand and gravel excavation in the 1960s. As such, most of the public infrastructure (a concrete animal sculpture garden, a canteen, and popular dance hall) that made the beach popular has also disappeared over time. This, coupled with intensified erosion, has really changed who frequents the beach and how it is accessed. Learning this recent history last year really reshaped and contextualized some of my early memories and family trips to the ocean here.

Tell us something random about yourself
: The book I’m most excited to start reading next is Undrowned: Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals which was a gift from a dear friend.

Gabby Mills    
German Andrei Fernandez Sotomayor German    
Hailey Renaud

Name: Hailey Renaud (she/her)
: I live on the traditional, unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and Sel̓íl̓witulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations in Vancouver, BC.
What gets me up in the morning
: The sun, blue skies, flowers, and doing work that makes a difference. Also, Mac & Cheese.
A bit about me
: An ocean-related issue close to my heart is biodiversity loss linked to major ocean issues, such as climate change, overfishing, pollution, etc. The ocean has so many unique, diverse species that need a helping hand. My earliest memory of the ocean is from my first trip to the ocean during a visit to PEI. My father and I went for a walk, just the two of us, and I remember finding a sea star - the first time I had ever seen such a creature. The sticky thousands of 'legs' were so cool to me. The sun setting over the ocean in the background was an added bonus!
Tell us something random about yourself
I've worked with children for 10 years, which means I'm great at fixing booboos, love arts and crafts, and know all the words to the Frozen 1 and 2 soundtracks (as well as every other Disney movie).

Hailey Renaud    
Hameet Singh

Name (tell us your first and last name): Hameet Singh
Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town) –
I am located in Waterloo, ON, traditional home of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.
What gets me up in the morning
– I have been deeply passionate about environmental and sustainability related issues from a young age, ever since watching the “Inconvenient Truth” in middle school and volunteering for the local conservation authority in the beautiful Credit River Watershed in high school, partaking in stewardship activities such as tree planting, electro fishing and trail maintenance. I am always motivated by good, meaningful work that makes a difference and strive to implement this in my career.

A bit about me

I completed my Master of Environmental Studies at the University of Waterloo, focusing on Sustainability Management. My Master’s thesis focused on the nexus of marine protected area (MPA) governance and social-ecological change. My fieldwork was based in the Ria Lagartos Biosphere Reserve in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, where I had the opportunity to speak with local community members and understand their perspective on marine conservation. I’ve also published a few research posts on the topic of MPAs through my work with the Canadian Parks Collective for Innovation and Leadership. I am currently working as a GHG and Sustainability Analyst for an environmental consulting firm.

An ocean-related issue close to my heart is the protection of vulnerable marine species using space-based management tools such as MPAs. I believe MPAs have a strong potential to conserve vital ecosystems and wildlife, ensuring overall oceanic sustainability.

My most influential memory of the ocean is taking a boat tour in the mangroves of Ria Lagartos, and seeing the many different aquatic bird species that comprise the biosphere reserve. My goal was to see the Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja) during the tour, but I was lucky enough to snap a photo of three different species in one frame:

great blue heron (Ardea herodias)                                                     American white ibis (Eudocimus albus)
Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja)

Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions)
My favourite marine animal is the horseshoe crab. It is considered a living fossil, originating 244 million years ago. I saw many of these amazing creatures during my fieldwork, which are on the decline as they are harvested for their blood.

Hameet Singh    
Hannah Miller

Hi all! My name is Hannah Miller, and my pronouns are she/her. I live on traditional Beothuk land in St. John's. I was born and raised in the coastal community of Fortune and take any chance to visit home! 

Espresso with vanilla cream, a good book, and Bill Withers (Lovely Day!) gets me up in the morning. I love poetry, cooking new dishes (mostly the eating part), hiking, ice skating, and Jesus. 

As the daughter of a fisherman, and proud Newfoundlander, sustainable fisheries have been in my heart since I was young. I remember waking at dawn to venture out on my father's boat, as we'd see what marine life we could spot. Preserving my birthplace with mighty hope to see it thrive, is one of my greatest passions. 

I am stoked to be a part of Ocean Bridge! I look forward to developing my service capacities, grow in my understanding of ocean conservation, and meeting everyone with a similar enthusiasm for the ocean! 

My favorite marine animal is the Great White Shark, for they are simply misunderstood! I have a Great White pillow pet named buttercup as my attempt to rid the stigma.

Hannah Miller    
Havva (Eva) Ozcan

Havva (Eva) Ozcan

 Pronouns: she/her

 Location: I am from Antalya, Turkey. But I have been living on the traditional territory of Niitsítapi in Calgary for seven years. 

 What gets me up in the morning: Ares (my cat) wakes me up every morning. I try to enjoy short hikes around the river in the mornings or the evenings.   

 A bit about me: I loved to listen to the waves of the Mediterranean Sea and collect seashells when I was in Turkey. It makes me upset to see trash on the beaches or in the water. I always try to be responsible and collect garbage as much as I can, and I am excited to be part of the Ocean Bridge and be part of a bigger solution. 

 Tell us something random about yourself: My favourite marine animals are dolphins and jellyfish. 

Eva (Havva) Ozcan    
Haylea O'Neil

Name: Haylea O'Neil
Location: I am from the traditonal territory of the Mi'kmaq in Digby NS, but currently live in St.John's NL. 
What gets me up in the morning: A nice sunrise and morning run, and  learning new things! I always wake up excited to get outside and see what the day will bring. 
A bit about me: I am a fisheries and aquaculture graduate, and currently taking my bachelor of science in ocean sciences! My earliest memory of the ocean is whale watching every day in the summer as a kid with the company my mother worked for, and fishing with my father! I am excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I am very passionate about ocean conservation and can't wait to work with people with the same interests and spread awareness.
Favourite marine animal: Orcas, any sharks, and lobster! 

Haylea O'Neil    
Inaam Chattha

Name: Inaam Chattha
Location -  I live on the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee people in Hamilton, On.

What gets me up in the morning: exercise, coffee, and simply to desire to go out and seize the day

A bit about me: I am currently studying BioChem at McMaster and I am in my second year. My plan is to minor in Enviornmental Sciences. I have always loved the environment but never got a significant opportunity to make a difference. I am hoping with this program, I can change that. An ocean issue that is extremely close to my heart is the exponential increase in plastic/microplastics in the oceans and how detrimental it is for aquatic organisms.

Inaam Chattha    
Jacqueline Chung Jacqueline Chung    
Jason Basi

Name:  Jason Basi

Pronouns: He/him

Location: I was born and raised in the traditional territory of the Lekwungen-speaking people in Saanich, BC.

What gets me up in the morning: Sunlight and birdsongs... and coffee :)

A bit about me: 
In my first job after university, I was driving across British Columbia to big cities and small towns alike.  Somewhere along the way, a spark ignited within me to pursue a career where I can actively celebrate the super, natural beauty of BC's coast.

After working for two years in the BC seafood industry, I am currently in pursuit of an entrepreneurial journey in seaweed.  

My favourite marine animal: Black Oystercatcher

Jason Basi    
Jasspreet Sahib Jasspreet Sahib    
Jeanine Sinclair

Name : Jeanine Sinclair

Pronouns:  She/Her

Location: I was born, raised and currently live on the traditional territory of səl̓ilwətaɁɬ təməxʷ (Tsleil-Wautut), xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish) First Nations, also known as Vancouver, BC.

What gets me up in the morning: Adventure!! I’m constantly motivated by new adventures, planning trips with my friends and always trying to get outdoors. 

A bit about me : I am very bubbly and am always down to chat! I grew up along the coast, and as a kid I was always obsessed with turning over rocks and seeing what crabs would scurry away. In grade 11, I learned about all the animal phylums and my mind was BLOWN! It became my lifelong mission to learn everything I could about the wonders of the ocean, which led me to get a Bachelor of Science with a concentration in Marine Biology at the University of Victoria. 

After I finished my degree, I knew I had to do something to help the planet. I knew there were thousands of problems our oceans faced, but many of them seemed too distant. How can one person stop coral reef bleaching or put an end to overfishing? Eventually, I turned my attention the issue of plastics. Although this is also a huge problem and a little daunting, I knew I could make a small impact on an individual level. So, I’ve been moving towards living a zero-waste lifestyle for a few years now and advocating for the people around me to use less single-use plastic in their everyday lives. I started an Instagram where I post my progress and encourage others to come along. 

I'm incredibly excited to get started with the Ocean Bridge program, where I hope to really focus my skills on how to educate others on the issues of plastic pollution.

Tell us something random about yourself: I rock climb a lot and I’m learning to lead (any climbers out there?). I’m also getting into overnight hikes and hoping to do more this summer. Absolutely obsessed with cuttlefish and nudibranchs - I might have a tattoo of each!

Jeanine Sinclair    
jen w Jennifer Willoughby    
Jennifer Blythe

Name: Jennifer Blythe

Pronouns: She/her

Location: I live on the traditional territory of the Chippewa, Odawa, Potawatomi, and Delaware Nations in Bright’s Grove, Sarnia, Ontario. I feel so grateful to have grown up on the beautiful shores of Lake Huron, and that is where my passion for water bodies of all types began!

What gets me up in the morning: My alarm clock! But more than that is opportunity; the opportunity to take a beautiful walk along the lake, to learn something new, and to connect with other people. It’s never too late to make each day a meaningful one, and I try to remember that every morning (or afternoon if I sleep in far too long!)

A bit about me: I’ve been fascinated with aquatic systems since I was a kid; my first ever class presentation was on how to tell the difference between crocodiles and alligators (spoiler alert it’s all in the snout!). Since then, I’ve dedicated myself to environmental research, most recently completing a MSc studying wetlands in northern Ontario, and working as a research assistant for the study of microplastics in the Canadian Arctic. I’ve seen the effects of plastic pollution in my own community along Lake Huron, and so naturally I am very passionate about mitigating the risks plastic poses to marine and freshwater life, and also about holding industries and governments accountable for plastic pollution. Being from Sarnia where there is a higher level of industrial pollution that impacts different communities disproportionately, I am also very interested in working with communities to fight for environmental and social justice.

One of my most influential memories of the ocean was when I scuba dived for the first time off the coast of Sodwana Bay in South Africa as part of a volunteer conservation excursion. For the first time I was able to see what lies beneath the surface of the ocean, and I was in awe. What I remember most though was our dive instructor telling us that it was great we could see the coral reefs now before they were gone. My heart sank thinking of this possibility, but it has only made me more determined to work together with other people and communities to change that story. I’m excited to work with other like-minded individuals during the Ocean Bridge program and use our collective passion to work towards a more optimistic future for our shared and beloved water bodies.

Tell us something random about yourself: My favourite marine animals are whale sharks, oceanic whitetip sharks, lemon sharks, hammerhead sharks, Greenland sharks……basically all types of sharks! I’ve always been fascinated with them as a marine keystone species, and not even the movie Jaws has changed my mind!

Jennifer Blythe    
Jennifer Willoughby

Name:Jennifer Willoughby


Location:I currently live on the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe peoples, in St. Catharines, Ontario.

What gets me up in the morning:My cats scratching at the door for either breakfast or snuggles. I am not really a morning person, in University an 8:30am class seemed too far out of reach. I have gotten better though after a job that had me getting up before 6 am.

A bit about me: I have a degree in Zoology from Guelph University. While in University I had an internship and then job at a wildlife rehabilitation center near Sudbury, Ontario. Here I got to work hands on caring for and raising a variety of animals that rely on our native aquatic environments including Blanding’s turtles, moose, mergansers, and bitterns. At this job, as well as my next job as a zookeeper, I had the pleasure of leading kids’ camps, birthday parties and tours where I got the opportunity to educate on different species that we share the earth with and the issues they face. 

I am very passionate about biodiversity loss, wildlife rehabilitation, educating youth, plastic pollution, and the effects of climate change on aquatic ecosystem health.

I am very excited to be a part of the Ocean Bridge team!

My favourite marine animal:I find it hard to choose a favourite animal. I do have a fondness for turtles though! During my undergraduate degree I partook on a field course in Costa Rica where we got to participate on a night nest watch/protection for leatherback sea turtles. I’ll never forget watching such a huge creature climb out of the sea and dig her nest.

Jennifer Willoughby    
Jessica Fung

Name: Jessica Fung


Location: I was born on Coast Salish Territory in Vancouver, BC. In 2019, I moved to Prince Edward Island - the unceded territory of the Mi'kmaq - to begin my Master's Degree in Global Affairs at UPEI.

What gets me up in the morning: 
On weekdays, it's a busy schedule of Zoom calls for work. On weekends, it's the prospect of visiting the local farmer's market and flea market!

A bit about me: 
My earliest/most influential memory of the ocean is going to the beach with my parents and collecting seashells. I never wanted to leave! 

I am passionate about reducing the number of microplastics I release into the environment. One big step towards this goal has been my switch to purchasing only second-hand garments and ensuring that they are made of natural fibers like cotton and linen. 

A random fact about me: I've sewn over 450 reusable masks since the start of the pandemic!

Jessica Kaylee Fung    
Jocelyn Marsh

Name: Jocelyn Marsh
I was born in BC but grew up on the traditional territory of Cree, Blackfoot, Métis, Nakoda, Tsuu T'ina, and Dene First Nations in Edmonton, AB. I wanted to pursue my education further so decided to move to New Westminster, BC in 2013 where I currently reside on the traditional territory of the Qayqayt First Nations.

What gets me up in the morning: I’d like to think a good cup of coffee and some good music! Reality is my cat gets me up in the morning to feed her… but I’d like to dream it’s the coffee and jams.

A bit about me:
I graduated as an RVT in 2019 and have been working in small animal medicine since. I think I’m a pretty bubbly person and love continually learning about the world and people around me. I love hiking and getting outside whether that be for a walk or run. However, my newest hobby I’m pursuing is roller blading, but we haven’t made it past the braking part so it’s a work in progress :)
An ocean-related issue close to my heart is... ocean plastics- how micro plastics and large volumes of ocean waste affect everything from the top-down.
I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because... I think this is such an amazing opportunity to meet a group of individuals that are passionate about conservation efforts and how to combine ideas to further public knowledge as to why caring about our oceans/environment is important!

Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions)
Random fact about me is I have competed in a pipe band all across Canada and the United States, as well as in Scotland for the World Pipe Band Championships.
My favourite marine animal... there’s so many to list but a few of the top ones are Sea Stars, Manatees, and Dinoflagellates!

Jocelyn Marsh    
Juan Jimenez

Name – Juan Jimenez

Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town) –  Born in Colombia, raised in Canada; I now live in the city of Hamilton, situated upon the traditional territories of the Erie, Neutral, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee and Mississaugas. This land is covered by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, which was an agreement between the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabek to share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes.

What gets me up in the morning -  a cup of coffee and the promise of a good sunrise

A bit about me - An ocean-related issue close to my heart is... climate change. Considering oceans have a key role in the process to capture GHG, I cannot help but to think of how easy it is to disregard life below as it is dramatically affected by pollution, acidification, over-fishing, and more factors that reduce its capacity. Not only that, but realizing this capacity influences the weather patterns to scale up extreme weather events, making them more frequent, has an inherent effect in sustainable development and vulnerable populations. That’s why raising awareness of that we barely see is dear to my efforts.

My most influential memory of the ocean dates back to 2019 when I lived for about a year in Lima, Peru. Seeing the most beautiful sunsets everyday in the Pacific’s horizon during the summer, I still have mixed emotions considering such views where partially due to the city’s pollution problem. A city that is located in dessert land, requiring vast amounts of water to keep the green despite having a hole ocean right in front of it. Then, realizing a significant amount of fresh water comes from the country’s melting glaciers that are expected to run for another decade at most. Then, learning about the ‘huaicos’ (mudslides) and floods caused by extreme whether running over homes and schools in isolated communities of the country. Then, getting sick after eating a contaminated fish at the local market – likely because the loose waste disposal policies they have in the coast. I like to believe that’s when I learned about the oceans' significance; from merely looking at the best sunsets.

Tell us something random about yourself - 
A person I admire is Francisco Javier Vera, an 11-year old leading climate advocacy efforts in South America. Carrying words of wisdom at such a young age, he is being subject to threats, but he is genuinely convinced of his fight. I only wish I could have been more aware of these issues growing up.

My favorite marine animal (life-form) would be corals due to the undervalued role they play in climate action.

Juan Jimenez    
Juliette Langlois

Pronouns: she/her

Location: I live on the traditional territory of Mohawk and Haudenosaunee First Nations (Kanien’keha :ka and Ho-de-no-sau-nee-ga )in Boucherville, Québec.

What gets me up in the morning:

A good vegan breakfast and the opportunity of a new adventure!

Being an early-bird, I usually don’t have any trouble getting up, but I like waking up, doing my morning routine (stretching, meditating, cleaning my room) before jumping in a busy day. (Although nothing will ever beat waking up to bird chirps, in a tent, in the middle of the woods!)

A bit about me:

I’ve always been passionate about nature, wildlife, outdoors and I am currently studying Environmental and Wildlife Management. What touches me the most is how climate change, pollution and human activity affect wildlife’s behaviors. Although I am looking forward to working in a scientific field, arts are an important part of my life. I particularly enjoy photography, drawing and crafting. I also have a strong interest for everything mental health related.

If I am an energetic girl, always willing to try new things, people usually consider me as a great listener and a (really) calm person. I am known as the “therapy friend” in my group because I constantly make sure everyone feels great and safe.

Something random about myself:

My dream is to design and build my own net zero tiny house!

Oh and I’m French Canadian so my English is far from perfect!

Juliette Langlois    
Karine D. Khatchikian

Name: Karine D. Khatchikian

Location -  I live near Montreal which is the traditional territory of  Kanien'keha:ka (Mohawk). 
What gets me up in the morning:
 A dog-sitting failure turned into me keeping the dog so well she makes sure to wake me up every morning eager to start the day. I really enjoy gardening specifically edible plants because growing your own food is awesome. Beside that I spend my free time teaching my dog new tricks, going for walks and outdoor adventures.
A bit about me
: I have a Bachelor degree from McGill University in Life Sciences with a specialization in Animal Biology. I've always had a passion for nature and all it's inhabitants. I really think everyone can make a difference in ocean conservation but like most people I just didn't know where to start. My desire for ocean conservation was sparked by a field course I took during my undergrad on marine mammals in the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick. I was able to learn so much about so many marine animals I didn't even know existed (ex: Porpoises) and also observe them in the wild. Unfortunately, our oceans and their habit is greatly threatened by human activities.

My favourite marine animal: Really hard to choose but I'll have to say whales, they are so majestic and intelligent creatures. If you've never heard whale song you have to have to look it up asap!

Karine D. Khatchikian    
Kariscia Ramjag

Name: Kariscia Ramjag 

Pronouns: She/Her

Location: I’m currently located in Toronto, Ontario on the traditional territories of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, Huron-wendat (Wyandot) and Mississaugas of the New Credit territory. I live in Ottawa, Ontario during the school year on the traditional territory of the Algonquin Nation. 

What gets me up in the morning is working on my small business (STEMcups) where I make STEM-themed cups and merch. Coming up with new ideas for my cups, working on a T-shirt design and creating social media content are what gets me excited to start my day. I love being able to unleash my creative side while putting my science degree to use! 

A bit about me: I’m a biology student at Carleton University with a passion for science and communication. An ocean-related issue close to my heart is the destruction of aquatic ecosystems and the subsequent loss of biodiversity. As someone that loves learning about evolution, the threats facing the ocean today deeply sadden me as they can lead to extinction and loss of genetic diversity. Life started in the water and we still have more to learn. If we keep destroying the oceans, we run a high risk of losing new knowledge and discoveries. I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I get to expand my network while creating change and new experiences. I’m excited to get working on my project and to see what my fellow ambassadors create as well. 

Tell us something random about yourself: I collect GIANTmicrobes plushies! There is a picture of my collection below.

Kariscia Ramjag    
Kate Mussett

NameKate Mussett
Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town)
I was born and raised just outside of Halifax in Seabright, Nova Scotia, but am now living and playing on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded homelands of the Ktunaxa people in Fernie, BC.
What gets me up in the morning: 
My dog, Dakota, and any outdoor adventure activities! Mostly skiing in the winter, and biking in the summer :)
A bit about me: 
Growing up, the ocean was always seen as a relative and a teacher, where respect was central to my family's relationship to the coast. As I continued my journey into coastal ecology as well as my relationality to water, I came to learn more and more about the effects of colonization on Indigenous peoples, knowledges, and practices. My efforts to decolonize aquatic conservation research were largely influenced by my upbringing and experiences, where equitable collaboration in fisheries conservation is now the central focus of my masters work at the Centre for Indigenous Fisheries at UBC Vancouver. I hope within this program (and throughout my life and career in ecology) to continue to make space for Indigenous peoples in the spirit of working towards sustainable, equitable, and harmonious co-existence.
Tell us something random about yourself: 
I was (and still am!) a huge musical theatre nerd, and almost gave up science to go to theatre school.  

Kate Mussett    
Katharine Thomas

NameKatharine Thomas (she/her).

Location: I was born and raised in Sǫ̀mba k'è, Denendeh aka Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.  My mother is from Ontario (Toronto and Georgetown) and my father is from New Brunswick (north of Woodstock).   In Tłı̨chǫ Yatıı̀: Sı Sǫ̀mba k'è gots'ǫ at'e. Semǫ Ontario gots'ǫ hǫt'e. Seta New Brunswick gots'ǫ hǫt'e.
Yellowknife is located on Chief Drygeese Territory (kwatı̨ı̨nde Drygeese wèneè k’e nats’ehde), within the Môwhì Gogha Dè Nîîtåèè boundary, and is also home to the North Slave Métis. 
Sǫ̀mba means "money" or "gold" and k'è means "place".  I recently learned that this was the original Dene name for Giant Mine, a local abandoned gold mine which is located about 5km from downtown Yellowknife and is considered one of the most contaminated places in Canada.  

What gets me up in the morning: Anxiety, usually.

A bit about me: I am very far from the ocean!  I think the closest bit of ocean I could drive to would be to go to Haines, Alaska - google tells me this would take about 25 hours.  
An ocean-related issue close to my heart is the impact of climate change on the oceans, and vice versa.
My strongest ocean memory is being on a beach in Caissie Cape, NB during jellyfish season: watching my little sisters scoop up blobs of (very dead) jellyfish from the beach and carry them back to the ocean to "save" them.

Something random: Before the pandemic hit I didn't have a fixed address and was housesitting full-time.  I got to live all over my hometown and look after a bunch of different animals.  My favourite place was a literal shack, which I lived in for 3-4 months - the floors were pretty slanted and there was no toilet (a bucket worked fine), but the neighbours were fantastic and the dog was the best dog.

Katharine Thomas    
Kathleen Weary

Name: Kathleen Weary 

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Location: I am currently living on the unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe in Ottawa, ON, where I moved to attend Carleton University. J'ai grandi sur le territoire des Abénaquis à Sherbrooke, QC. 

What gets me up in the morning: I start the day with a delicious coffee, exercise/yoga. I love learning about Global and International Studies, my university program. I enjoy chatting for hours with my roommates, going on adventures in nature with friends, hiking, camping, skiing, and advocating for causes I care about. 

A bit about me: I just finished my term as president of my student association at Carleton. I fell into student politics because I'm somehow drawn to tackling the most pressing issues our generation faces, especially climate change, right relations with Indigenous Peoples, global cooperation, and social and racial justice. 

An ocean-related issue close to my heart is mitigating the effects of climate change. I am most interested in preventing continued fossil fuel extraction, especially in the Arctic, due to off-shore drilling, lack of Indigenous self-determination, and growing international interest in Arctic resources. 

My earliest/most influential memory of the ocean is spending summers in the Baie des Chaleurs in Bathurst, NB, where my mom is from. Rain or shine, my friends and I would go to the beach and swim. To me, there is no better feeling than the cold water rushing through my hair. We would spend our days racing on the sandbars at low tide, sailing at high tide, and trying to push each other off our make-shift rafts and into the swarms of jellyfish. 

I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I want to meet others who are passionate about protecting and enjoying the ocean. I also want to learn from folks about how they create meaningful political change and ensure the vitality of the ocean. 

Tell us something random about yourself: My next ocean goal is to learn to surf. Let me know if you have tips :)

Kathleen Weary    
Kayla Reed

Name: Kayla Reed

Pronouns: She/Her

Location: I have had the privilege of living most of my life so far on the traditional territory of the Tla’amin Nation in Powell River BC, but I’ve been back and forth between Nanaimo (on unceded Snuneumuxw territory) over the past few years.

What gets me up in the morning: Right now I’m working really hard on trying to get my little vegetable garden going and having fun with that, I’ve also gotten really into foraging for mushrooms this year.

A bit about me: I’m in my fourth year at Vancouver Island University where I’m studying geography and Indigenous studies. I really love learning and I have a lot of interests which has admittedly prolonged the process of earning my degree a little bit, but how can I not take a course on the archaeology of ancient Egypt if it’s being offered?

I’m also a member of the Metis Nation through my mom’s side, and I’ve lived on the West coast for my entire life. It’s so beautiful here!

An ocean-related issue close to my heart is...

Ocean acidification. The event which initially drew me into the field of Geography was a screening of Chasing Coral.

My earliest memory of the ocean...

I think I was about six and I vividly remember being terrified of walking barefoot at the beach because I thought crabs would come pinch my toes.

Tell us something random about yourself:

During the early days of the pandemic, I went through a really intense baking phase and spent days trying to make croissants.

Kayla Reed    
Kayleigh Hillman

Name:   Kayleigh Hillman
  I was born and raised in Vancouver, BC, on Coast Salish (Musqueam, Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh) territory. Five years ago, my career brought me to Nova Scotia, and I have since started a new life in Halifax, on Mi'kmaq territory.
What gets me up in the morning: On a normal day at home, I might start my day with a climb at the local bouldering gym. If the East Coast weather cooperates, I’ll get out for a jog or a trip to the beach, but I’m equally happy to cozy up with a good book or a board game. When I’m away at sea, I never know what the day will bring, but I may be woken by any number of ship noises or movements. The best part of my job is waking up to a different ocean view every day.
A bit about me: My heart broke when I first saw the documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” as a kid, and I was introduced to the issue of polar ice depletion in the Arctic. I am fortunate enough to have travelled to the Arctic for my job, and I will never forget seeing the vastly depleted glaciers with my own eyes. I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I want to make a difference for the oceans, and I am eager to be inspired by other youth activists across Canada.
Something random about myself:  I worked at Walt Disney World, FL, for a year, and then Nintendo of Canada for a year, before joining the Coast Guard.

Kayleigh Hillman    
Kenya Mathlin

Name: Kenya Mathlin
: She/her
Location: I live on the traditional territory of the Huron-Wendat First Nations in Toronto, Ontario. 
What gets me up in the morning:
I enjoy waking up to the sounds of the birds that live in the ravine behind my house. I also love that I have the opportunity to connect with other youths and share our love for the oceans. 
A bit about me: 
I have grown up loving everything when it comes to the oceans or nature. I spend many hours outside doing numerous outdoor activities such as kayaking, hiking, skiing, swimming, and more. I have always had a love of water whether it was being on the swim team, going to the beach or sitting watching the streams go by. I have travelled to many places, which made me notice the large amounts of plastic in and around the oceans/lakes. I am excited to help clean our oceans and make people aware of the garbage that is being dumped in our ecosystems.  
Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions)
I have many favourite animals including Giraffes, frogs, Whale Sharks, and Whales in general. I would love to see whales someday. I have also been passionate about art for as live as I can remember.

Kenya Mathlin    
Kristen Dafoe
Pronouns : She/Her

Location: I live in the Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee territory close to Belleville, Ontario. 

What gets me up in the morning: Hiking and books! 

A bit about me: I'm always looking for an adventure and enjoy learning new things. I love hiking, photography, yoga and meditation. At Trent University I studied Ecological Restoration and have a passion for the environment and conservation. One of my favourite things to do is explore new areas and go on backpacking trips. So far this has included Ontario and Nova Scotia but I'm excited to explore more of Canada and see where life takes me. One of my favourite things about the environmental science field is how broad it is and how many different projects you can get involved with!

Tell us something random about yourself: I'm into herpetology and think reptiles and amphibians are rad :) 

Kristen Dafoe    
Kristen Dafoe Kristen Dafoe    
Kristen Gould

Name: Kristen Gould 

Pronouns: she/her 

Location: Port Saunders Newfoundland and Labrador. This is the unceded traditional territory of the Beothuk and Mi’kmaq. Before European Settlers reached Newfoundland the Maritime Archaic People, Groswater People, Dorset People and the Ancestors of the Beothuk were in this area. (Look up Port au Choix National Historic Site) 

What gets me up in the morning: When I open my eyes I start to wonder about where I am going to hike today. I love being outside and observing nature. The changing seasons and changing weather always offers a different landscape to explore. 

A bit about me: I grew up in Southwestern Ontario (Paris, ON). Moved to St. John’s Newfoundland and Labrador to attend Memorial University in 2009 and have lived in the province of my birth ever since. Successfully completed a science degree at Memorial University with a major in Geography and minor in Psychology.  I moved to what is called The Great Northern Peninsula (of the island of Newfoundland) in 2017 to begin as a Heritage Guide at Port au Choix National Historic Site. An ocean related issue close to my heart is Protected Areas. I believe as Canadians, and global citizens, it is important for us to entrench protection of our natural spaces into legislation for future generations. A very influential memory of the ocean/ a waterway was when I was visiting Quebec City. I did not realize that the Saint Lawrence River rises and falls with the tides as far as Quebec City. When I noticed the shifting tides I felt very close to home. The tides changing in the Saint Lawrence River lead to the tides changing in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence by home. It was truly a feeling of being connected to something greater. 

Tell us something random about yourself: I love the wildflowers of Newfoundland! Early in spring I eagerly await signs of new life, and I keep looking for different species until the snow falls. 

Kristen Gould    
Kristen Tymoshuk

Name: Kristen Tymoshuk
Pronouns: She/her
Location: I am living in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people.

What gets me up in the morning: The shame of being late to work if I don’t (for legal reasons this is a joke). I love to play ultimate frisbee, go bouldering, and host elaborate brunches for my friends.  

A bit about me: I am very interested in climate justice and I am always trying to integrate ocean science with art and communication. I just finished my biology degree at Dalhousie and throughout the years I have been constantly frustrated by how inaccessible science can be. I spend my time educating myself about barriers to science so I can make it more accessible. I’m excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge to meet and work with many motivated ambassadors across the country!

Tell us something random about yourself: My biggest journey of personal self-growth over the past few years has been trying to make myself like raw tomatoes. For most of my life, I just could not eat one without gagging. My starting point was making tomato sauce and leaving chunks of tomato unblended to get a feel for the texture of cooked tomato. Once I conquered cooked tomato, I started making raw salsa by chopping up fresh tomatoes very finely so they were mixed thoroughly among the other vegetables and spices. Now I’m trying to introduce slices of raw tomatoes into sandwiches and veggie burgers, but this is more difficult because the texture is a much bigger player and it’s harder to hide it behind the textures of other things.

Kristen Tymoshuk    
Kylie Frank

Name: Kylie Frank

I was raised in Central Alberta and have now settled up north in Norman Wells, Northwest Territories. Norman Wells is an oil town, its traditional name in Slavey language is Tłegǫ́hłı̨ which means “were there is oil”. It is located in the Sahtu region of the NWT. Currently Norman Wells is home to around 650 residents, but has had up to almost 900 during the booming years.

What gets me up in the morning
: For my job I spend my days helping with small business support as well as planning both art & agriculture workshops. Being able to plan these events for people is one of my favorite jobs I’ve had and I love that I get to do it everyday. As much as I love my job my, dog is the main reason I wake up in the morning, we love to spend time outside everyday no matter the season.

A bit about me
: I am in the process of learning how to live my life sustainably in a way that fits my lifestyle, I've recently started learning about composting. An ocean-related issue close to my heart is the damage people have done and continue to do with garbage, so much of these feels preventable and constantly seeing images and videos of hurt animals knowing we caused it is heartbreaking. Our rocky beach along the Mackenzie is always covered in broken glass, beer cans, and garbage. I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I want to be able to become confident in my knowledge so that I can teach community members up here not only that it should be cleaned up and how, but the reasons why. I didn’t see the ocean until I was 15 or 16 but my earliest/most influential memory of the ocean would have been in BC. I don’t remember any much, just how vast and free the ocean felt.

Tell us something random about yourself
My favorite marine animals would be narwhales and sharks

    Kylie Frank    
    Leah Lourenco

    Name: Leah Lourenco
    I grew up and currently live on the traditional territory of the Huron-Wendt and Haudenosaunee First Nations in Bradford, Ontario. After the dispersal of the Huron-Wendt First Nation, the Chippewas (Ojibwe) settled in the area. 
    What gets me up in the morning
    : I am an early bird, so I wake up with the sun for the most part.  I am trying to organize my life at the moment, but what keeps me moving is going out for walks/jogs, and pole dance/fitness!
    A bit about me
    : I studied Zoology and Environmental Conservation at the University of Guelph, so I have always had an interest in animals and nature. I also have a MSc in Microbiology from University of Copenhagen, Denmark. My education really got me interested in parasites, trust me when I say that I did not know I would love the things that give most people nightmares! So one of the ocean-related issues I find most interesting is related to fish parasitology and how fish farming diseases can impact the natural populations. 
    I really love learning and trying to things, I find it is important not to limit yourself, and saying "Yes" can be fun. So I am excited to learn more about marine and waterway conservation as part of Ocean Bridge as I would like to know more about the issues in Canada. 
    Tell us something random about yourself
    : It is always hard to choose one animal, but after completing a field course as part of my BSc., I would have to say Spinner dolphins! Who wouldn't choose them after being surrounded by a superpod in the ocean and watching them do their aerobatics!?

    I have very little present day photos of myself doing science, since I love doing nature photography with no people in them. ^.^" 

    But here is a photo of things I do when I say "Yes."

    Leah Lourenco    
    Lilli Enders

    Hi everyone! My name is Lilli Enders (she/her) - I grew up on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee in Hamilton, ON and currently live on the territory of the Mi’kmaq in Wolfville, NS! 

    What gets me up in the morning: I am a huge coffee snob so an overly complicated cup of coffee is definitely helpful. In the spring and summer I also love the smell of lilacs and the sound of birds coming through my window!

    A bit about me: An ocean-related issue close to my heart is the protection of marine animals from human-made technologies! I am currently doing my MSc in math, and I am studying the impacts of tidal energy turbines on fish and marine mammals in the Bay of Fundy. 

    I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I can't wait to deepen my connection to the ocean by connecting with people who share my love for the environment!

    My favourite marine animal
    : My favourite marine animal is easily nudibranches! I smile every time I see one, and they always remind me to slow down a little bit and look at the little things.  

    Lilli Enders    
    Lisa Chen

    Name: Lisa Chen 
    : She/Her 
    Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town)
    Haudenosaunee, Anishinabewaki, Huron-Wendat, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation - On the land now known as Milton, Ontario
    What gets me up in the morning
    : Motivated to do something to save the world whether that is through enhancing myself through education, or doing outreach to pass on my knowledge onto others.
    A bit about me
    An ocean-related issue close to my heart is ocean literacy and ocean education. I am also very passionate about marine litter.
    My earliest/most influential memory of the ocean was when my aunt almost drowned me at a beach when I was 7 by unexpectedly pushing me below water. I have learn to be curious and respect nature.
    I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I would like to connect with likeminded individuals to save our ocean!
    Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions)
    My favourite marine animals are octopus and nudibranchs. 

    Lisa Chen    
    Louis Rosales

    Louis Rosales
     I live in Calgary, Alberta. 
    What gets me up in the morning: 
    A good breakfast, enjoying the sunrise, and a workout. All this before I start to go to work. I love sending memes early in the morning to my friends since them waking up to it is the most genuine of reaction you can get from people.
    A bit about me: 
    As of the moment I am trying to do as much outdoor stuff as I did from the years prior. The only thing that held me back before was my limited knowledge of what to do and where to go in a country I've never been to before. I'm a very flexible and open person and I just vibe with pretty much any idea you throw at me. I grew up all my life near the ocean and now living in a landlocked city made me miss it more and made me realize how I took it for granted. 
    My favourite marine animal: Dolphins and whales.

    Louis Rosales    
    Lucas Novello

    NameLucas Novello
    Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town)
    I live on the traditional territory of the Tsuu t'ina Nation, Siksika Nation (Blackfoot), and Stoney (Nakoda) First Nations, in Calgary, AB.
    What gets me up in the morning
    : I LOVE to learn. Additionally, I love being outside hiking, hanging out with friends, running, etc. The idea of waking up and living each day to be better version of me is an exceptional motivator!
    A bit about me 
    (tell us a bit about yourself including the answer to two of the following three questions):
    I'm currently majoring in Biological Science and Psychology at the University of Calgary with a great interest in zoology. Therefore, an ocean-related issue close to my heart is the impact that climate change and pollution has on the livelihoods and the prosperity of different marine species. A lot of marine life is crucial not only for the ocean ecosystems, but also for the prosperity of different environmental processes on land. I'm really interested in learning more about the effects we're having on the ocean, and what we can do to limit the negative impact we have. 

    I'm very excited to be part of Ocean bridge because it gives me a chance to learn outside the classroom and gain a real world perspective on something as amazing as the ocean. I am also excited for the connections I will make with others!
    Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions)
    My favourite marine animal...

    This is by far one of the hardest questions. I love octopuses (octopi? octopodes? and most other cephalopods) as well as jellyfish (specifically the box jellyfish and the immortal jellyfish), sea turtles, marine tardigrades, coral, and sea spiders!

    Lucas Novello    
    Marie-Christine Plouffe

    Name : Marie-Christine Plouffe
    Location ) : 
    I was born in Gatineau but I have been living in Montreal for 7 years. I speak French! I live on the Abenaki, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat and Mohawk traditional territories.
    What gets me up in the morning : 
    What wakes me up in the morning: definitely my cat screaming for food or biting my toes! A good little coffee, a workout every other morning and off we go for the day!
    A bit about me : 
     I am committed to reducing the pollution caused by single-use packaging. I am constantly adjusting my own lifestyle habits to fit my values - I have even decided to make it my job! I have started a business that specializes in making zero waste cosmetics.

    I have always had an obsession with water. I love spending my days swimming in a lake or hiking to find the most beautiful waterfalls. Nothing is more soothing than the sound of flowing water. 

    I wasn't fortunate enough to grow up near the ocean but I have always found it to be a mysterious and almost magical world. 

    My favourite marine animal: 

    I love octopuses as well as orcas and humpback whales. They are majestic animals.

    Dali - mon chat fou
    Marie-Christine Plouffe    
    Marysol Escamilla

    Name: Marysol Escamilla 

    Pronouns: She/Her

    Hello, my name is Marysol, I grew up in Mexihcah land in Mexico City, but I currently live in the traditional terriotories of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh First Nations in Vancouver, BC. 

    What wakes me up in the morning?

    The simple things in life give me the most joy, listening to a good song, warm showers, first sip of coffee, watching the sunset and the sounds of waves are the things that I enjoy the most in my everyday life. 

    A bit about me

    I was born and raised in Mexico City, 400 km away from the ocean but surranded by acient aztec canals. It didn't take me long to realize that being close to the water is one of the things that I enjoy the most in life. In 2017, when I moved to Vancouver to study a Masters in Clean Energy Engineering at UBC, I fell in love with the costal city lifestyle. Now, I live no more than 400 steps from the ocean in the heart of Vancouver. I happily spend a lot of time exploring the marine ecosystems around me. 

    I descrtibe myself as a passionate climate change fighter. My background is Sustainability engineering and I currently work in energy efficiency, creating programs to reduce energy consumption to meet British Columbia's greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. An ocean-related issue close to my heart is the impact of climate change in ocean ecosystems. 

    My favourite ocean animal... ORCAS! What a beautiful creature! <3 

    Tell us something about yourself

     I want to become a wildlife photographer

    Marysol Escamilla Marysol    
    Mathieu Lebon--Volia

    Nom : Mathieu Lebon--Volia
    Pronoms: il/lui he/him
     : Je viens de l'Ile de la Réunion et j'habite à Lethbridge, qui est situé sur le territoire ancestral des Blackfoot. 
    Qu'est-ce qui me motive à sortir du lit chaque matin? : Le plus souvent, mon chat qui me reveille mais aussi l'envie d'aller explorer ce qui m'entoure! 
    Un peu à propos de moi :
    Je m'interesse de très près a la lutte contre les changements climatiques afin de protégé non seulement la faune et la flore aquatiques mais aussi les habitant des regions côtières. Je m'engage activement dans ma communauté afin de sensibiliser les gens afin qu'ils travaillent a  la reduction de leur empreinte carbone
    Je suis excité de faire partie de l'équipe Portail Océan car c'est une opportunité incroyable de collaborer avec d'autres personnes passionnées et d'en apprendre plus sur les différentes réalités au Canada 
    Quelque chose de surprenant ou de particulier à propos de moi : J'ai grandi sur une petite ile tropicale située dans l'Océan Indien et mon animal marin preferer est la tortue marine!

    Mathieu Lebon--Volia    
    Mathieu Lebon--Volia

    Nom: Mathieu Lebon--Volia
    Pronoms: il/lui he/him
    : Je viens de l'Ile de la Reunion, dans l'Ocean Indien et j'habite sur le territoire traditionnel des Blackfoot a Lethbridge. 
    Qu'est-ce qui me motive à sortir du lit chaque matin? : Mon chat! Mais aussi l'envie d'aller explorer le monde qui m'entoure!
    Un peu à propos de moi : Je suis passionné par la politique internationale et par le cinema! Un problème qui me préoccupe est l'impact des changements climatiques sur les environments marin et sur les populations côtières.  

    Quelque chose de surprenant ou de particulier à propos de moi:
    Je viens d'une petite une ile tropicale et mon animal marin préféré est la tortue marine!  

    Mathieu Lebon--Volia    
    Melanie Downer

    Name:  Melanie Downer
    Location: I was born and raised in St. John's, Newfoundland and live here currently! My extended family is also from Newfoundland, and grew up in smaller communities outside of St. John's I live on the traditional land of the Beothuk.
    What gets me up in the morning: 
    My cats usually wake me up early to get ready for school/work. In my spare time I love to do crafts (knitting, embroidery), go kayaking and coach synchronized swimming. I also recently began SCUBA diving, so the excitement of exploring the ocean definitely helps to get me out of bed!
    A bit about me: 
    I am a student at Memorial University studying Ocean Sciences. As my entire family is from Newfoundland, many generations have relied on the ocean for their livelihood, for example through the cod fishery. When my grandparents were young, there was an abundance of fish that was deemed infinite off the coast of the province. After decades of overfishing, a moratorium was implemented as this infinite stock had perished. I am therefore passionate about human impacts on the ocean, through processes such as overfishing (as seen in NL) or microplastic contamination. I am currently researching microplastic abundance in local waters with my university, and love to look at such issues through this lens. As many Canadians live in close proximity to the ocean, it is easy to note how much we impact these ecosystems negatively - this is a big reason why I signed up for Ocean Bridge! I love learning about other's experiences on marine-related issues to determine how we can reduce impacts such as pollution and overfishing longterm, keeping different livelihoods and perspectives in mind while considering  sustainable practices in the future. 
    My favourite marine animal: Narwhals and Lions Maine Jellyfish!

    Melanie Downer    
    Nicole Mikalajunas

    Name: Nicole Mikalajunas
    I was born and grew up in Anishinaabe territory (Durham Region, ON). In 2009 I moved to Mi'kmaq territory (Halifax, NS) for University and never left.

    What gets me up in the morning: I love spending time with my two dogs Jotunn and Eska and I enjoy doing activities where I can be around them like hiking, camping, gardening, and reading. I am an avid LARPer and I love tabletop gaming of every kind.

    A bit about me:
    An ocean-related issue close to my heart is the conservation of the North Atlantic Right whale. They are the most endangered whale on our planet. Since the moment I first met one I have wanted to help protect them.

    My earliest memory of the ocean was visiting the beach in Florida as a child. This was my first time seeing the ocean and I would not leave until it was getting dark. I spent the day with my sister happily collecting sea shells and chasing tiny fish. 

    My most influential memory of the ocean was in New Zealand when I was in a small dingy at sea and we were surrounded by hundreds of long-finned pilot whales. They were spy-hopping around us and a large male swam up beside me. He turned onto his side to look at me and we held eye contact for a few minutes. It is still the best experience of my life.

    Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions):
    My favourite marine animals are balaenids: Bowhead and Right whales. I am fascinated by their longevity and social behaviours. They also feature in the most interesting mythology and legends.

    That being said I love all marine animals so it is difficult to pick a favourite :)

    Nicole Mikalajunas    
    Olga Trela

    Name: Olga Trela

    Pronouns: she/her

    Location: I live on the traditional territory of the Beothuk in St. John's, NL.

    What gets me up in the morning: What gets me out of bed in the morning is my cat. Before COVID-19, I enjoyed travelling the world and learning about different cultures, languages, arts, and history. I also enjoy fiber arts – such as knitting, weaving, and embroidery.

    A bit about me: I am currently in the last semester of the International Master of Science in Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea), an international European marine biology program. I am currently writing my thesis on brown trout survival. An ocean-related issue close to my heart is ocean acidification. I first started learning about it for my grade 8 science fair project, and it is still something I am interested in studying (and mitigating) to this day. I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I want to be able to make a meaningful impact to ocean conservation and I can’t wait to start collaborating with other people all across Canada.

    My favourite marine animal: My favourite marine animals are in the deep sea. I especially like the sea pig (Elpidiidae), because they are cute and play an important role recycling nutrients in the ecosystem.

    Olga Trela    
    Patrick Lopez

    Name- Patrick Lopez

    Location- I live on the traditional territory of the Mi' kmaq First Nations in Bridgetown, Nova Scotia.

    What gets me up in the morning- My dog pepper, my alarm usually, and the chance to make good food and have a good time.

    A bit about me- I'm 20 years old, Love airsoft and video games, and wildlife. My earliest memory of the ocean is whale watching with my family and seeing puffins and whales out and about enjoying themselves. I'm excited to be a part of ocean bridge because I can hopefully get the chance to spread awareness about the issues ocean wildlife face daily.

    My favourite marine animal is probably a puffin cause they're small and cool looking

    Patrick Lopez    
    Peter Ip

    NamePeter Ip

    Pronouns: He/Him

    Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town): I am from Victoria, the traditional lands of Coast and Straits Salish and Esquimalt but currently residing in Calgary, the traditional lands of Tsuu t'ina Nation, Siksika Nation (Blackfoot), and Stoney (Nakoda). 

    What gets me up in the morning: Watching the sunrise honestly gets me going in the morning, it’s nice and peaceful and always a great start to the day. Pair that with a cup of earl gray tea and it’s a golden morning. Aside from that, I enjoy the fact that I get to work on creative projects every day and learn new things and understand more of what I don’t know. 

    A bit about me: I was born in Hong Kong and grew up in Victoria for most of my life. I bounce between several cities during the year: Victoria, Vancouver, and Calgary. I’m a UX Designer at a tech company and have had the fortune to work internationally in the past. Outside of work I enjoy going bouldering, biking, hiking or anything outdoors. I really like learning and experiencing new cultures and that has led me to backpack around the world whenever possible. Current interests include candle making, amateur podcasting, and making questionable YouTube videos. 

    My favourite marine animal: I would say stingrays, just because I got to snorkel with them in the wild when me and my friend backpacked in Belize. 

    Peter Ip    
    Rachel Lewis

    Name: Rachel Lewis

    Location: I live on the traditional territory of the Mi'kmaq First Nations in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. I moved here in 2019 after completing my BSc in Geology and Environmental Science at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. Wolfville is also located on the traditional territory of the Mi'kmaq First Nations.

    What gets me up in the morning: The sound of birds chirping, the sight of sun rising, or the smell of coffee brewing. I like to begin my day by practicing mindfulness and meditating or doing yoga. I also enjoy listening to the news or to podcasts while I drink my coffee and eat my breakfast.

    A bit about me: I am very passionate about taking care of the planet. Since finishing my undergrad, I have worked mostly on greenhouse gas emission studies. This summer, I will be working on solid waste management projects. An ocean-related issue close to my heart is ocean pollution. Marine trash has mattered to me for quite some time now and I make an effort to pick up trash whenever I go to the beach. In recent years, I have developed an interest in trying to learn and understand the relationship between ocean and atmosphere. I am intrigued by how atmospheric pollution can be absorbed by the ocean, and how the ocean can release chemicals into the atmosphere. I am excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I want to learn more about ocean conservation and I want to promote clean change within my community.

    My favourite marine animal: It's so hard to choose just one... Finding Nemo was the first movie I ever saw in theatres and I loved it so much that I went back to the theatre to see it again! Crush was my favourite character and I've admired sea turtles ever since.

    Rachel Lewis    
    Rae Landriau

    Rae Landriau

    Name: Rae (they/them)
    I live on the traditional land of the Algonquin Anishinabe people 
    What gets me up in the morning:
    the sun coming in through my big window 
    A bit about me
    : I just finished my undergraduate degree in Environmental science where I specialized in geochemistry and ecotoxicology! I'll be starting my Master's degree this Fall focused in geography where I will be looking at contaminant transport, geochemistry,  hydraulic system dynamics and permafrost stability of mining sumps on the Mackenzie delta!
    Tell us something random about yourself
    : My favourite colour is grey!

    Rae Landriau    
    Rasheeda Slater

    Name: Rasheeda Slater

    Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town) : I live on the Traditional Territories of the Kwanlin Dün First Nation and the Ta’an Kwäch’än Council, in Whitehorse, Yukon. I spent my childhood in Whitehorse and have recently returned after a number of years away for education and career purposes.

    What gets me up in the morning: I enjoy the morning and get up in hopes of savouring every minute of the early morning atmosphere over a bowl of oatmeal. Once the day begins, I look forward to a plethora of outdoor adventures, anything that will allow me to explore, create, and build, and snacks!

    A bit about me (tell us a bit about yourself including the answer to two of the following three questions):

    I am trained and work as an Environmental Engineer for a local environmental consultant in Whiterhorse, Yukon. I completed by education on the unceded territory of the Mi'kmaq  in Halifax, NS to fulfill my lifelong dream of living on the coast. Though I loved every minute of my coastal existence, the unique Yukon landscape, my family, and COVID-19 drew me home for the time being.

    Though only a small, northern portion of the Yukon is coastal and Whitehorse is in southern Yukon, an ocean-related issues close to my heart is melting sea ice. The impacts of cimate change is very apparent in the Yukon and close ties with the other northern Territories highlight the challenges northern residents are facing on lands their ancestors have lived on for thousands of years. The current prevalence and future increase of these challenges are a part of the reason my interests relate to adaptation to climate change.

    I was too young to  remember my most influential memory of the ocean, but my parent's tell me that at the age of 3 I declared I wanted to be a marine biologist (after learning about marine biology at a science center) on Botanical Beach on Vancouver Island while exploring in the tidal pools.

    Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions)

    I am currently in the process of building a yurt to live in during the summer months this year.

    Rasheeda Slater    
    Riley Chervinski

    Name: Riley Chervinski
    Location: Located on the original lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation. Winnipeg, Manitoba. 
    What gets me up in the morning:
    Coffee & playing pickleball. 
    A bit about me 

    An ocean-related issue close to my heart is overfishing and coastal tourism. 
    My most influential memory of the ocean is visiting Busua, a fishing village in the Western Region of Ghana in 2019. Here, I learned to surf and spent a wonderful few days exploring the coast. 
    I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I have a background in marketing, communications and tourism. But I would like to use those skills to help advocate for oceans, wildlife and sustainable tourism. 
    Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions)
    Belugas are my favourite marine animal as we have a large population of them in Northern Manitoba. 

    Riley Chervinski    
    Riley Chervinski

    Name: Riley Chervinski 
    : She/Her
    Location: I am located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on the original lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.
    What gets me up in the morning:
    Going for an early morning walk on a sunny day!  
    A bit about me:
    I am a journalism and communications grad whose goal is to someday work in science communications. I enjoy taking difficult, complex topics and scientific language and putting it into plain language for audiences to encourage them to take action. 

    An ocean-related issue close to my heart is sustainable coastal tourism. I'm curious about the ways tourism and conservation can coexist, protecting the land while also benefitting the local economy. 
    My most influential memory of the ocean is learning to surf on Busua Beach in Ghana in 2019. 
    Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions)
    My favourite marine animal is belugas because we have a large population of them in Northern Manitoba. 

    Riley Chervinski    
    Sabrina Bélisle Sabrina    
    Samara Bhimji Samara Bhimji    
    Sara Campkin

    eSara Campkin
    I currently live on the unceded traditional lands of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Səl̓ílwətaʔ (Tsleil-Watuth), Stó:lō, Shíshálh (Sechelt) and Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish) Nations of the Coast Salish peoples in Vancouver, BC. I am originally from Calgary, on Treaty 7 land.
    What gets me up in the morning:
    My cat wakes me up. Other morning loves are breakfast, sunrises, bird songs and Jeopardy!
    A bit about me
    I grew up visiting my grandparents in Florida. I don't recall a first memory of the ocean but I know it would be Siesta Key Beach with miles of white sand and colorful umbrellas. Years spent going to that beach made me love the ocean and move to the coast. An ocean-related issue close to my heart is bottom trawling of commercial fishing nets. I have seen the impacts of this first hand was deeply saddened by the sight. I am currently studying environmental restoration. I previously studied biology and earth science for my BSc in Victoria, B.C.
    My favorite marines animal(s): rays, ducks, manatees, sea  cucumbers (How do you pick one?) 

    Sara Campkin    
    Sarah Louise Boisvert

    Name: Sarah Louise Boisvert

    Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town): I live on the traditional territory of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh First Nations in Vancouver, BC.

    What gets me up in the morning:
    Usually it's my dog ‘Bear’ demanding cuddles but the more poetic answer would be a drive to experience as well as educate and inspire about the world’s oceans, particularly the Salish Seas. I always try to have a job that will get me outdoors, with wildlife, and educating the public on our incredible flora and fauna! You can find me working with raptors this summer or exploring Vancouver's many beaches and trails.

    A bit about me:
    I am a recent graduate of the fish, wildlife and recreation program at BCIT. Choosing only one ocean-related issue close to my heart is next to impossible! I am incredibly passionate about shark research and how they are perceived. A goal in life would be shark tracking and their increased conservation off our coasts. I have been in love with sharks since I was 6 and a highlight of mine is diving with them in Hawaii. I adore marine mammals and would love to pursue their further research and conservation.  I am passionate about our resident Orca population as well as issues surrounding fish farms.

    I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge for several reasons; firstly is the incredible experience of working with other passionate people, but also the outreach aspect. I enjoy interpretive work and have given many educational programs in the past. I hope to continue this trend to educate and inspire others on the ocean and all its inhabitants! 

    Tell us something about yourself:
    My favourite marine animal would have to be sharks in general but Salmon sharks are incredible (for local... if globally zebra sharks and epaulettes hold a special place in my heart), Harbour seals because they are adorable and unproblematic, and Nudibranchs and octopuses as an honourable mention.

    Sarah Boisvert    
    Savanna Francis

    I am currently living in Kjipuktuk, Mi'kma'ki (Halifax, Nova Scotia), the traditional lands of the Mi'kmaq people.

    Savanna Francis    
    Scott McIlveen

    Name: Scott McIlveen
    : He/Him
    Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town) - I am originally from the Toronto area, situated on the ancestral lands of many nations, including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat. I am currently living on the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi'kmaq in Halifax but will be moving back home shortly!  
    What gets me up in the morning
    : The hopes of in some way improving myself or the world around me (but coffee helps too)
    A bit about me
    An ocean-related issue close to my heart is the decimation of global shark populations! I have spent some time researching and advocating against the sale of shark fins in the Toronto area and Canada more broadly. 
    My earliest/most influential memory of the ocean is going for a snorkel in Australia when I was 7 years old and being in awe of the natural world below me!

    Tell us something random about yourself
    Despite the fact that I've lived in mostly flat places one of my favourite things in the world is skiing and I live to get out to the mountains whenever I get a chance! 

    Scott McIlveen    
    Sheilagh Stacey

    Name Sheilagh Stacey
    Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town) –
    I am originally from St. John’s, Newfoundland and but currently live on the un-ceded Algonquin Anishinabe territory of Ottawa, Ontario  

    What gets me up in the morning : What gets me up in the morning is looking forward to learning new things that align with my diverse interests and working on bettering myself as an individual for my future, my friends, family and community and the environment

    A bit about me:
    I was born and raised in Newfoundland and my earliest memories of the ocean are exploring the cliffs and beaches of the southern shore of the Avalon Peninsula with my brother and cousins, hunting for sea glass in the sand and collecting rocks and other sea treasures washed up on the tides. In my adulthood, I have gained a deeper appreciation for nature and the gifts of abundance it provides us. I love hiking, exploring, identifying and foraging native plants and mushrooms, reading, riding my bike, working out, cooking and travelling.

    An ocean-related issue close to my heart is preserving the biodiversity of aquatic life and the future of humanity’s drinking water resources through greater research and practical application of technologies that can harness the powers of microorganisms (such as bacteria, algae and especially fungi) to help clean the sea, land and sky of environmental pollutants and toxins that end up eventually absorbed throughout the aquatic food chain and poisoning the quality of life of both people and the flora and fauna of our planet. I am especially interested in the mycoremediation (the rehabilitation of the Earth through the decontaminating abilities of mushrooms and fungus) of industrially/agriculturally polluted landscapes and the prevention of further contamination of our waterways from toxic run off in these damaged environments.

    I had a bit of a revelation in the past couple of years that I had fallen off track with what was important to me; I always had a deep connection to the ocean and nature and my childhood dream had been to grow up and become a biologist like my uncle, who worked much of his career for the Canadian Wildlife Service. After some wayward years I am coming back to this childhood dream of mine to pursue a career in the environmental/ecological realm. Being accepted into Ocean Bridge is super exciting for me because it is going to give me a second chance to redirect my career towards a life of intention, meaning and purpose. I really want to give back to the planet that has done so much for us.

    My favourite marine animal is probably the Peacock Mantis Shrimp. they have probably the most complex vision currently know to humankind, they have up to 16 photoreceptors in their eyes (humans only have 3) and can see ultraviolet and polarized light. Their claws can also give fastest punch in the animal kingdom.

    Coral reefs are also incredible living ecosystems, vital for the health and vitality of the ocean and its inhabitants.

    Sheilagh Stacey    
    Shelby Nielson

    Name:  Shelby Nielson
    Location: I'm from the small town of Dutton, ON, which is a bit south of London ON near the shores of Lake Erie. It is the traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg, Haudenosaunee, Attawandaron, and Wendat peoples.

    What gets me up in the morning: Two hungry labs! On a more serious note, I good cup of coffee and finding time in my day to get outside, rain or shine.

    A bit about me: I'm currently working towards a PhD in Epidemiology at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, in ON. I'm excited to be incorporating a OneHealth approach into my studies, which recognizes the interrelationships between the people, animals, and the environment when tackling health-related issues. While my research specifically is focusing on owner treat-feeding habits in companion animals, I'm hoping to be able to apply my knowledge in population health and well-being to endangered wildlife populations one day. My dream job would involve using these skills to advocate for the Southern Resident Killer Whales, a population I am incredibly passionate about!

    Tell us something random about yourself : In addition to being a full-time grad student,  I also train service dogs (the two dogs pictured are currently in training). When we're not 'working', we love to get out and explore our local trails.

    Shelby Nielson    
    Simon Boudreault

    Hello everyone! 

    My name is Simon Boudreault, I've lived in Canada, Ivory Coast, Czech Republic, Chili, Sweden and Austria and speak 3 languages. I graduated from a Bachelors in Business Administration, but have mostly been working with non-profit organizations and volunteering for Canada Service Corps programs such as the Canadian Conservation Corps, Katimavik, Ocean Bridge Direct-Action and Chantiers Jeunesse Ecoleadership Program since I graduated.

    I am currently living and working at Scales Nature Park in Orillia as a Field Technician for the START Turtle Project with the goal of saving and monitoring the turtle population in the Muskoka region.

      Simon Boudreault    
      Simran Sarai

      Name: Simran Sarai

      Pronouns: She/Her

      Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town):  I live on the unceded traditional territory of the Katzie, Semiahmoo, Kwantlen and Coast Salish Peoples in Surrey, BC.

      What gets me up in the morning:

       Coffee, my sunrise alarm clock, walks at my nearby beach, and getting the chance to meet and work with new people each day (recently, this has been mostly on Zoom). 

      A bit about me:

      I am an undergraduate student at SFU studying Resource and Environmental Management and Applied Biology! An ocean-related issue close to my heart is raising awareness on the threats facing the Southern Resident killer whale population! This topic was the focus of a semester long paper and presentation and really put into perspective how interdisciplinary ocean-issues are! One of my favourite memories of the ocean is spotting orcas  on the ferry coming from Victoria to Tsawwassen - the whole ship went silent in awe when we spotted them! I am so excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge and meet so many amazing people who also love our oceans!

      My favourite marine animal: I have so many!! But my love for the ocean started with dolphins, and a particular favourite are Pacific white-sided dolphins :)

      Simran Sarai    
      Skye Lacroix

      Name:  Skye Lacroix
      Location: I live on the traditional territory of the Yellowknives Dene First Nation on Treaty 8, also known as Yellowknife, NT.
      What gets me up in the morning: Usually my alarm, followed by my puppy whining and my cat meowing. I also need a cup of coffee every morning!
      A bit about me: 
      My traditional territory is right on the Coronation Gulf of the Arctic Ocean. So I grew up snowmobiling and boating on the ocean. I feel super connected to the land and water, and am passionate about sovereignty of Inuit and and all Indigenous peoples. My earliest memory is of watching the seagulls play in the Arctic Ocean out my back window. 

      My favourite marine animal: Polar bears are incredible, and I also love Arctic Char for sustaining my family and community. 

      Skye Lacroix    
      Sonia Dharni

      Name: Sonia Dharni

      Pronouns: she/her

      Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town) -  I live on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, Chippewa, Wendat, and Mississaugas of the Credit in Brampton, Ontario. 

      What gets me up in the morning
      : Watching the sunrise, going for a walk around the lake and enjoying nature, looking at squirrels in my backyard, and of course, my camera is always in my hand! I love nature and wildlife photography. 

      A bit about me: An ocean-related issue close to my heart is the fact that the ocean is turning into a soup filled with plastic. After watching the documentary, ALBATROSS, I felt heartbroken and hopeless. That was when I truly realized the impact humans have on the ocean, despite how far or how near they were to a body of water. I want to raise awareness on just how the tiniest piece of litter can have detrminetal impacts to our waterways. My earliest/most influential memory of the ocean didn't occur until June 2019, when I went on a sea-kayaking expedition with OBC. This was the first time I had seen the Pacific Ocean; it was so beautiful yet scary at the same time. I remember seeing sea otters (my favourite) for the first time - I was in awe and wanted to do everything I could to protect the species.

      Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions): My favourite marine animal is the sea otter - and not just because they're otterly adorable! They are a keystone species and I love how they use rocks as tools.

      Sonia Dharni    
      Sydney Morgan

      Name: Sydney Morgan 

      Location: I am currently living in the city of Greater Sudbury, which is on the territory of the Anishinaabe. I have lived here my entire life! My father and mother both grew up here as well, however my mother sailed over to Canada (through the St-Lawrence river) from Wales, UK on the R.M.S Carinthia when she was only four years old. 

      What gets me up in the morning: If i’m not waking up for my job as a Radio Operator in the forest fire division of the MNRF,  my two cats, Minnie and Tommen, are pretty good at waking me up when they get hungry. Other than that, hiking and camping are two activities I'll wake up at any time for! And, of course, I’m a huge foodie so that is often a motivator in getting me out of bed. 

      A bit about me: I enjoy projects that get me writing, and I try to read non-fiction books (my favorite author is Adam Shoalts) as much as I can. I love spending time immersed in nature, eating and cooking healthy meals, and staying active through walking, hiking, biking, and yoga! Despite never having had the chance to see the ocean with my own eyes, being near water bodies like lakes and rivers always makes me feel happy, relaxed, and calm. 

      Two issues affecting the ocean that are close to my heart are overfishing and plastic pollution-I try to live as sustainably as possible and avoid plastic as much as I can after watching a few different documentaries and reading articles about how plastic is harming wildlife. Overfishing is something that I'm only just beginning to learn about, however after learning what I do know, I had never consumed seafood in my entire life and now plan to keep it that way! 

      I’m excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I am passionate about learning new things, educating others about issues impacting our environment, and giving people hope about the future. It’s exciting to know that I’ll be working with others who are passionate about the same things I am. Additionally, I got to see some of the projects from last year's cohort and they were really inspiring and unique!

      Tell us something random about yourself: I really enjoy being close to wildlife (photography and volunteering with local wildlife rehabilitation centres) and I really, really enjoy bird watching. I think my favorite marine animal is the jellyfish, after seeing some at an aquarium I felt totally fascinated and mesmerized by them! Another random thing is that if I could travel anywhere in the world I would choose the Canadian Arctic. The wildlife and flora there really fascinates me! 

      Sydney Morgan    
      Trinity Manywounds

      Name Trinity Manywounds

      Pronouns: she/her


      I am from Tsuut'ina, which is located by the Blackfoot territory and the city of Calgary. As for the origins, while the Dene people were travelling about Turtle Island, some of them elected to settle in different places, one of which formed into Tsuut'ina. ManyWounds My surname was actually a person who helped build Tsuut’ina and was part of the long Battle between the Blackfoot and Crees. His story is told every year in Elementary. In short there was a man who went to war for many years and when he returned, he had Many wounds, therefore they named him that

      What gets me up in the morning:

      I guess the birds and bees, but the only thing that can keep me awake is black iced coffee. I don't really like sweeteners or creamers, other than that I really enjoy making matcha lattes in the morning, as for breakfast I enjoy smoothies.

      I admire: Pîhtokahanapiwiyin

      Known as a peacemaker and one of the most famous Cree Chiefs, Poundmaker was a signatory of Treaty 6 and a defender of his people. He was named for his talent in making Buffalo Pounds, structures made to capture and hunt Bison. In 1885, during the Metis Rebellion his band was attacked by Canadian troops and a battle ensued. After the rebellion was suppressed, he surrendered and was convicted of treason and imprisoned. Most actions Poundmaker took were done so with the hopes of achieving peace for his people, which ultimately led to him signing the force Treaty Six, despite his initial hesitancy. After his arrest, he was recounted as saying “You did not catch me, I gave myself up. I wanted peace”

      My favourite marine animal:

      Sea Otters

      Ocean issue:

      An ocean-related issue that I am very concerned about is the amount of mercury and pollution that is already in our oceans and how it impacts marine life, causing irreversible and fatal changes to the species as they affect the reproduction process. In addition, it can create health problems for us. I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge and getting to know more about the oceans and rivers around Tugumanasit’iyi

      Viktoria Muehlbauer

      Name: Viktoria Muehlbauer

      Location:  I was born and raised in Northern Germany and moved to Canada in 2016 after finishing my degree in Tourism & Geography. I live in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, on the traditional territory of the Kwanlin Dün and Ta'an Kwäch’än First Nations.

      What gets me up in the morning
      : Endless adventures under the midnight sun in the summer and magical northern lights in the winter. I love exploring all that Canada has to offer and the Yukon is an adventurer’s paradise. Hiking, climbing, kayaking, running and road trips are my favourite things to do and whenever possible I love to capture all my adventures with my camera.

      A bit about me:
      Growing up in Northern Germany I would spend most of my vacations as a child visiting the North Sea, Baltic Sea or Mediterranean. Orcas have always been my favourite marine mammal and early on, I knew that one day I wanted to live in the Pacific Northwest where they roam free. My most influential memory of the ocean was probably the first time I saw/touched the Pacific in 2012. Being close to a body of water has always made me feel at peace but finally seeing the Pacific back then made me feel at home. The Southern Resident Killer Whale population and their survival are something close to my heart. Learning about them and their culture is what made me decide to move to Canada. I am so excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because marine biology has always been my passion and I am looking forward to connect with people that share the same passion for our ocean and want to make a difference.

      Tell us something random about yourself
      I always pack too many snacks on any adventure that I go on.
      Orcas, belugas and, otters are probably my favourite marine animals. I would love to learn from Ken Balcomb, Dr. Ingrid Visser and Alexandra Morton. Their work inspires me.

      Viktoria Muehlbauer    
      Will Crolla

      Name: Will Crolla

      Location: I’m from Ottawa, Ontario on the traditional and unceded territory of the Anishinabe Algonquin Nation, but I’m currently living in Vancouver, BC on the traditional unceded territory of the Coast Salish (Musqueam (xʷməθkʷəy̓əm), Squamish (Skwxwú7mesh), and Tsleil-Waututh (səl̓ilwətaɁɬ)) people.

      Since I’ve was a kid and first saw the ocean, I’ve felt a pull towards the ocean and from just about the first time I remember visiting Vancouver, I’ve known I wanted to live here. The opportunity to do so presented itself with university when I came to study in Vancouver at UBC,  from which I graduated with a BA in Geography.

      What gets me up in the morning: These days, what gets me up in the morning is my job working at a coffee shop that I took on during the pandemic as a necessary income source. I love thinking about and making coffee, but my true passion lies in sustainability. I love thinking about and researching new solutions and approaches to existing problems, especially through the lens of nature-based solutions. 

      A bit about me:

      A lot of my background is in the zero waste field, so naturally, I feel incredibly tied to the issue of ocean plastics. However, the ocean probably closest to my heart is actually the protection of marine mammals. There was a fantastic report ( by Ralph Chami and his team that came out at the end of 2019 that outlined the importance of whales to the health of our oceans and climate. Though it is problematic because at its core it is assigning monetary value to life, which is a slippery slope, it does a good job of painting a picture of just how important the conservation of every species is. On the other hand, I’ve been very interested in kelp cultivation after working with such a project out of Desolation Sound last year.

      All of this can in some ways be traced back to the first time I remember seeing the ocean, which I think was in PEI when I was maybe 3/4. I remember sitting on a dock while my parents ate fresh lobster and I remember the red beaches. It was either that or vomiting on the drive across Vancouver Island to Tofino around the same age while wearing a sweater I’d just gotten from the Vancouver Aquarium. Either way, both memories stick out strongly as foundational in my relationship with our oceans.

      I can’t wait to get started with Ocean Bridge so I can connect with all the amazing ambassadors that are taking part from across the country and learn from all of them. We all have something to bring and through the connections we make through this program I think we have the potential to make important positive impacts on our ocean systems.

      Something random about myself:

      My favourite marine animal… This is so hard. In some ways, I want to say a humpback whale because it was the first whale I saw in the wild and I love how big they are while also being so chill. On the other hand, I love the resilience of species like Steller’s sea lion and the sea otter. Also, Georg Wilhelm Steller’s story is just super fascinating in general. 

      Most recently, I’ve been really fascinated by European eels. Technically, they’re not a strictly marine species, but a significant portion of their bizarre and mysterious life cycle takes place at sea!

      Oh, and of course all sorts of seaweeds and more specifically kelp. They are fascinating and have so many potential uses. With Bren Smith popularizing IMTA (3D Ocean Farming), we’re on the edge of a real breakthrough for kelp to enter the mainstream I think!

      Will Crolla    
      Wui Ching (Kitty) Lo

      NamWui Ching (Kitty) Lo

      Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town)
      Currently living in Vancouver, BC on the traditional, ancestral and unceded Coast Salish (Musqueam, Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh) territory. 

      I was born in the city of Zhu Hai in China and immigrated here with my parents in 2001. We came here seeking the mythical meese (is that plural for moose???) and to indulge in one of the 7 wonders of the world, poutine. 

      But mostly, we came here to seek a better life and opportunities. 

      What gets me up in the morning (tell us about what you enjoy doing): The sound of my alarm usually does a pretty good job getting me up in the morning.  I also look forward to enjoying my overnight oats... OH! And seeing my dog Truffles (right). 

      A bit about me 

      My absolute favorite dog in the world is the majestic creature known as the Scottish Terrier. Truffles is halfway there to being a full Scotty.. I also have a Chihuaha who's like 20 years old and just shakes (don't worry, she is perfectly healthy and very much loved). I've just recently started biking and trying to pick it up as a sport. Fingers crossed I can soon develop the confidence to ride a road bike. 

      In terms of schooling, I studied Criminology at SFU and graduated in 2018. My childhood dream was to be a 1.) Marine Biologist 2.) A Photographer for National Geographic 3.) Meeting Hannah Montana (no seriously, I was obsessed). Well, I never did make it into the field of biology, nor did I continue pursuing my dream of being a photographer, and the closest thing I got to meeting Hannah Montana was that one dream I had. Despite all of this, I visited the Ucluelet Aquarium this year and purchased for myself a "Future Marine Biologist" magnet. Let's just say I am also a dreamer. 

      Currently, I am working as a Program Coordinator and Victim Services worker at the Chinese Community Policing Centre in Vancouver. Because we are a culture based organization, we outreach to many Chinese communities and victims throughout the lower mainland. Working in this field allowed me to see that many resources are limited to non-native English or French speakers because of language barrier and lack of resources made available. Which is why I am excited to be apart of the Ocean Bridge Program! I hope to learn more about ocean conservation so that eventually I can build the confidence to teach my community, in my native language, about the importance of protecting marine life! 

      An ocean-related issue that is the closest to my heart has to be the sale and distribution of shark fins. After watching a documentary on this many, many, years ago, my view of the seafood trade has changed tremendously. I am fortunate to have learned about this early on in my life and I hope to continue being a sustainable shopper. 

      I look forward to working with all of you! I have much to learn in this field and am so excited to start this program!

      Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions):

      Three words: Pacific. Spiny. Lumpsucker. SOMEONE GET ME 5 OF THEM!!!

      Yasmin Schepens

      Name: Yasmin Schepens
      Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town) - 
      I grew up in Belgium and I speak Flemish. I came to Vancouver in 2016 with a Work and Travel visa for 1 year.
      I soon fell in love with the vast nature, wildlife and oceans as well as my current partner. 
      Now, I am happy to call myself a Permanent Resident of Canada.
      I currently live in Coast Salish (Musqueam, Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh) territory / Vancouver.
      What gets me up in the morning: 

      Low fog over the ocean, low fog in the mountains, sunrise hikes, the sound of wildlife/ birds, fresh smells of nature, a cool refreshing breeze
      A bit about me:

      I pick up litter on the beach and everywhere I go. Every piece of litter I pick up, is one piece less in the ocean or in someones stomach. I believe that every little bit helps. 
      When I was young, I loved going to the sea. I remember the fresh smell of the sea and the sky seemed cleaner and clearer as well. I would let myself flow with the waves for hours. 
      I am excited to be a part of Ocean bridge and learn more about what I can do to help make a difference and to inspire others as well.
      Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions):
      When I was young, I wanted to be a mermaid and swim with dolphins. 
      You could always found me underwater and I only came to the surface for oxygen.

      Here is a photo of me doing the standing bow yoga pose on the beach.
      It is all about balance. 
      Balance is key in everything. That's why I find this photo suiting for this program.

      Yasmin Schepens