Total: 10

Name Added by Description
Cleanup Registration! Nicole
Mar 7th, 2019
Décharge de responsabilité, renonciation aux réclamations, acceptation des risques et indemnités, et autorisation de publication Nicole
Mar 7th, 2019
Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-Up Caroline Merner Joining a cleanup is quick and easy. Browse through available cleanups, look for one that has space available and hit "join"! You can also manage a team and set goals for your cleanup.
Apr 6th, 2018
Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup Jessica Steele
Aug 7th, 2018
Liste de contrôle du coordonnateur de site Caroline Merner
Jul 30th, 2018
Nettoyage des Rivages Renonciation Jessica Steele Reconciation pour les participants des nettoyages des rivages
Jul 31st, 2018
Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity and Model Release Agreement Nicole
Mar 7th, 2019
Shoreline Cleanup Data Card Caroline Merner Citizen scientists: Pick up all litter that you find and record data only for the items listed on the back. Please do not use words or check marks. Only numbers are useful. Please return this card to the Site Coordinator when complete.
Oct 9th, 2018
Shoreline Cleanup Waiver Jessica Steele Waiver for Great Canadian Shoreline Clean Up Participants
Jul 31st, 2018
Site Coordinator Checklist Caroline Merner
Jul 30th, 2018