Total: 13

Name Added by Description
CAUT Territorial Acknolwedgement Jessica Steele
Aug 8th, 2018
Council of the Haida Nation - Marine Planning Program Caroline Merner Knowledge about the ocean and Haida culture is handed down from generation to generation. Inherited teachings are passed on to nieces, nephews, children and grandchildren. This connects Haida to the land, sea and our cultural values, ethics and laws.
Mar 21st, 2018
Guidelines for Working with Elders Nicole
May 23rd, 2019
Guidelines for Working with Elders Alex Arboleda Guidelines for Working with First Nations, Inuit and Métis Elders
Feb 11th, 2020
Haida Watchmen Alex Arboleda
Feb 11th, 2020
IIisaak Olam Foundation Website Taylor Jones-Arason
Mar 26th, 2020
IISAAK TALKS Taylor Jones-Arason The purpose of IISAAK TALKS is to connect with the world during the COVID-19 pandemic and to share Indigenous knowledge that can help us cope and reflect on the way forward. In this series, Eli Enns, one of Canada’s leading Indigenous conservation experts, and President of the IISAAK OLAM Foundation, shares essential teachings connected to the Nuu-chah-nulth law of IISAAK - "to observe, appreciate, and act accordingly".
Mar 27th, 2020
Indigenous Circle of Experts - Canada's Pathway to Target 1 Caitlin Pierzchalski
Apr 10th, 2019
La réconciliation en action - Célébration du lieu que nous appelons tous notre chez-nous : La réconciliation au cœur des relations des habitants de la côte ouest de l’île de Vancouver Caitlin Pierzchalski
Apr 10th, 2019
Native Land Nicole This resource is not an academic or professional survey of Indigenous territories, and the maps are constantly being refined from user input. They are useful as a starting point and for helping people get interested and engaged.
Mar 13th, 2018
Reconciliation in Action - Celebrating a Place We All Call Home: Reconciliation in our Relationships on Vancouver Island’s West Coast Caitlin Pierzchalski
Apr 10th, 2019
Territory Acknowledgement Nicole This resource is a launching off point for discovering they why and how's of territory acknowledgements.
Mar 13th, 2018
Whose Land Nicole Whose Land is a web-based app that uses GIS technology to assist users in identifying Indigenous Nations, territories, and Indigenous communities across Canada.
Jan 11th, 2019