Organizations and Partners // Organisations et partenaires
Total: 9
Name | Added by | Description |
Atl'ka7tsem/Howe Sound Marine Conservation | Caitlin Pierzchalski |
This is the map app that Fiona will be talking about during her presentation Oct 29th, 2019 Manage |
CaNOE SPLASHmail | Jessica Steele |
Submit Events on CaNOE's Splashmail to have it advertised throughout the CaNOE list serve Sep 24th, 2018 Manage |
Coastal Ocean Research Institute | Jessica Steele |
The Coastal Ocean Research Institute will systematically collect, analyze, and publicly communicate data describing the health of coastal ecosystems on Canada’s West Coast. Aug 13th, 2018 Manage |
Coastal Voices | Nicole |
Coastal Voices is a diverse group of Indigenous leaders, knowledge holders, scientists and artists from British Columbia and Alaska working together, discussing and planning for the profound changes triggered by the return of sea otters. Through the lens of traditional knowledge and western science, our goal is to collect and share information to build a respectful dialogue to better equip coastal communities and policy makers with socially just and ecologically sustainable strategies to navigate the changes that come with the recovery of this key predator. Mar 5th, 2018 Manage |
Cold-Ocean Deep-Sea Research Facility | Taylor Jones-Arason |
May 21st, 2020 Manage |
CPAWS - Ocean and Coasts | Taylor Jones-Arason |
Jun 22nd, 2020 Manage |
Inland Ocean Coalition | Nicole |
Apr 13th, 2018 Manage |
Metaxas Lab | Taylor Jones-Arason |
Sep 2nd, 2020 Manage |
Waterkeeper Alliance | Caroline Merner |
Waterkeeper Alliance is the largest and fastest growing nonprofit solely focused on clean water. Find a waterkeepers organizations near you! Apr 6th, 2018 Manage |