Lecture in Your Community


For this challenge, you will host an ocean themed lecture in your community!

Lectures provide a great opportunity for members of the community to gain insight into a specific topic. It's also a really good opportunity for those that might not often share what they do (ex. scientists) to engage the wider community. Lecture events often end in a Question and Answer period which allows the public to interact directly with ocean experts.  



  1. Choose a time, date and location for your event. Be sure to set a timeline for your event (ex. 45 minute to 1 hour lecture followed by a 20-30 minute Q and A)
  2. Invite a lecturer. Check out the Ocean Wise Community Education page for lecturer ideas. You could ask a scientist, a local non-profit leader, a nature photographer/videographer, an author or other ocean champion (such as yourself!) Be creative!
  3. Consider hosting a reception after the event to allow audience members to continue the discussion.
  4. Gather your equipment: Ensure you have the necessary equipment for a presentation (screen, computer, cords, microphone). If hosting a reception after the panel, ensure you have everything you need.
  5. Set up a webpage so people can register for the event, such as EventBrite.
  6. Use the Communications Plan Template to develop a communications strategy. Contact the Ocean Bridge Communication Coordinator to connect you with local media outlets.
  7. Market your event! Invite friends, family and members of the community to attend. Spread the word through social media, and community meetings, or in person.


  1. Check to make sure your technical equipment is working (microphone, powerpoint etc.)
  2. Introduce the lecturer, share a Territorial Acknowledgement and enjoy the lecture!
  3. Facilitate a short Q and A session after the lecture. 
  4. Be active on social media using our hashtags #OceanBridge #LeadersToday and tag @OceanWise @leaderstoday and @SocDevSoc on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
  5. Thank the lecturer for their time and audience members for attending


  1. Share your experience! Tag your service on our Ocean Service Activities map. Take photos and share them on our community space gallery, write a blog or post about the your experience on the discussion board.

Ready to take it to the next level?

Host a monthly lecture series on a variety of topics!

Continue to Letter Writing Event in Your Community »

Submissions (1)