Opportunities with Ocean Wise


Opportunity A: Share your Knowledge and Skills with YouthToSea

Ocean Wise's YouthToSea, a council of 30 youth aged 15 to 18 that are passionate about taking action for oceans are looking for youth & young professionals to participate as a presenter in their webinar series. The YouthToSea team have identified the following topics as areas of interest, and are open to additional topics or skills that you are keen to share with them as well!

Possible Topics:

  • Social Media (How to use & leverage social media platforms)
  • How-To Create Videos (software options, how to use)
  • Strategies for Contacting Community Partners (how to write to businesses and approach your community about projects)
  • Design (Canva specialist? How to create promotional materials, elements of design)
  • Public Speaking (how to pitch your project in 3 minutes)
  • Photo Storytelling (How to take photos and use them to create stories)
  • Storytelling (How to get information across in an engaging way)

To host a session: visit this sign up form and add your name, preferred date(s) & time(s) next to the topic you would like to host, or start a new row and add a new topic for an area you are particularly skilled in. Once you've signed up, a staff member will be in touch to confirm your session and finalize details.

Things to Note:

  • Timing of sessions is flexible, but between 9am-3pm PST on weekdays are preferred.
  • They are ready to schedule sessions immediately!
  • This service activity is appropriate for people that are physical distancing, self-isolating and in quarantine.

 Photo Credit: Connor Mcdowell

Opportunity B: Sustainable Sustenance

Canada has the longest coastline and one of the largest volumes of fresh water in the world. Canadians across the country are intimately connected to the water, and the unique ecosystems have influenced their diverse cultures. This blog explores the relationship between culture and sustainability by examining the impacts and sustainability of aquatic cuisine. By increasing awareness of the tools necessary for making sustainable seafood choices, we hope to promote healthy choices for our waterways and oceans.

Opportunities for engagement:

(a) Recipe contributor (~ 3 hours, one time)

Responsibilities: Contribute personal or family seafood recipe that is important to you. List recipe ingredients, and cooking instructions. Answer following questions:

• What does this recipe mean to you and your family?
• Where would you get the seafood for this recipe?
• Where would most Canadians get this seafood?
• Is your seafood source sustainable (why/why not?)
• Is there a more sustainable option, and why is it more sustainable?
• Can you suggest any interesting resources about this fishery?

(b) Become a regional recipe collector (~1-2 hours reoccurring weekly)

While Sustainable Sustenance is a Canadian project, the creators have a larger network on the Eastern half of Canada, so we’re looking for individuals who are interested in expanding the blog into different regions of Canada. This role will involve collecting recipes (See Recipe contributor section) and helping to edit the contributions into a suitable blogging form.

(c) Participate in virtual cooking classes/webinars (~1-2 hours, one time)

We are considering virtual hosting cooking classes where we discuss the important of recipes to communities and individuals, and the sustainability of the fisheries. 

If you’re interested in contributing to this project, please contact Adrian Rogers, Program Specialist of the Atlantic cohort: adrian.rogers@ocean.org

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