2020 - Great Lakes


Going beyond land acknowledgements

Project Lead : Ali, Ariane, Chris, Ily

Project Description

Going Beyond Land Acknowledgement is a project run from the unceded Anishinaabe territory looking to bring light to issues across Canada through the creation of a new interactive map. We are creating a map that will provide individuals with access to actions taking place across Canada, in order to facilitate the land acknowledgement writing processes and lead to a better understanding of why we need to go beyond.

We believe that many land acknowledgements are written without an understanding of actions that may be happening locally or nationally and this map is aiming to make as much information as possible available to all.

What was your biggest challenge?

Difficulties collaborating in the ArcGIS software, inexperience with hosting online panels and facilitating guest speakers, navigating challenging conversations about colonialism. Resulting in lots of work, trial and error

What was your most valuable take away?

The three incredible speakers we had at our online panel during the national summit sharing their knowledge and experiences


This map is a starting point and has so much potential! Current cohort members are welcome to add more land- and water-based struggles to the map

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