Ocean Bridge Classic FAQs


How might COVID-19 impact my experience in the program?  

The Ocean Bridge program can be delivered safely in a COVID-19 context with adaptations. The distance-learning and coaching components are delivered remotely and are unaffected by COVID-19. The remote and urban learning journeys, and many youth-led action projects, are traditionally delivered in-person and therefore may need to be modified with added precautions or shifted to a virtual delivery model. Your program staff will decide whether your program is in-person, virtual or a blended model based on the local and federal health and safety regulations in the months leading up to and during the learning journey. 
Safety of our participants, staff and the local communities we work with is our top priority and we follow COVID-19 policies to mitigate the risk of transmission. These policies are communicated to participants during program orientation and in preparation for learning journeys (you can also ask your Ocean Bridge coach about them at any time). All staff and participants are expected to follow the COVID-19 policies during the delivery of action projects, learning journeys and all other activities taking place as part of the Ocean Bridge experience. We also follow 2 in our program delivery, which means should in-person programming be offered, Ocean Bridge ambassadors can choose whether or not they feel comfortable participating. 

What can I expect from a Virtual Learning Journey?  

If COVID-19 regulations lead to your learning journey being hosted “virtually” you can expect an immersive experience that gets you up, outside and moving. In most cases, except for full lockdown scenarios, our virtual learning journeys include online virtual sessions, workshops, and solo that can take place in your home or outside where you can be a safe physical distance from others. Our team has a year of experience testing distance-learning and virtual engagement strategies in a COVID-19 context, and we are confident we can provide participants with a meaningful experience whether we connect with you in-person or from a distance. 

Who can participate? 

Each year Ocean Bridge recruits 140 youths and young professionals 18-30 years old. The participants are selected to represent the social, economic and geographic diversity of Canada. Whether you are from a rural land locked town, coastal urban city, northern community or anywhere else in between we want to hear from you! If COVID-19 healthy and safety regulations allow for travel to occur during the program, Ocean Bridge will cover travel expenses including transport, accommodation, and meals for both immersive learning journeys. 

Additional supports accessible to participants on a need’s basis include: 

  • Financial support for phone or internet access throughout the program. 
  • Financial support for childcare care costs during the immersive learning journeys. 
  • Adaptive technology (device, equipment, or software that is used to help a person with a disability or impairment reach full functional capacity). 

We encourage everyone to apply, from diverse backgrounds, identities, abilities, talents and interests.  Whether you are from a rural land locked town, northern communities, urban coastal city or anywhere else in between we want to hear from you! The program will cover travel expenses including transport, accommodations, activities and meals for both immersive service Learning Journeys. Additional support is available on a case-by-case basis.  


  • Must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or person who has been granted refugee status in Canada; 
  • Must be living in Canada for the duration of the program and cannot be out of the country for more than one month consecutively; 
  • Must be 18 to 30 years old at the start date of the program. 

How many participants are accepted annually? 

We currently accept 140 participants from across Canada each year. We strive for our participants to be reflective of the cultural, social, economic, academic and geographic diversity of Canada. 

What is the cost of participating? 

Ocean Bridge is a fully funded program and there is no cost to the participant. For both immersive learning journey experiences, the program covers travel, food and accommodation expenses if applicable. Participants may qualify for additional support to cover some childcare expenses, internet connectivity, and adaptive technology. All participants have free access to mental health & wellness support through Ocean Wise for the duration of the program. 

Participants can access up to $500 for costs associated with local action projects and for the urban learning journey projects, each team will have a budget of $5,000 for project costs. 

What kind of experience is Ocean Bridge looking for in a participant? 

Ocean Bridge is about giving youth and young professionals new experiences, so we do not require participants to have any specific background with respect to work, volunteer, or school. It is more important to us that participants are curious and passionate about our oceans, have a desire to make a difference and are prepared to engage fully for the duration of their ambassadorship. 

How do I apply? 

Apply here by filling out our application form. You will need to include an expression of interest highlighting who you are and why you would like to join Ocean Bridge. We welcome expressions in all formats including, but not limited to, videos, letters, photo essays and art pieces. You are encouraged to represent yourself using a medium that best expresses who you are and your passion for oceans! 

If you prefer to apply by mail, call 604-659-3885 and we will provide you with the mailing address and cover the cost of postage for your application. 

Still have questions? 

Contact us at oceanbridge@ocean.org or call us at 604-659-3885. 

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