Teaching children sustainability through art

Last month, I started my new job as a kamp koordinator for a local non-profit organization called 'kind krafts.' kind krafts aims to foster environmental sustainability, social justice, and animal welfare through arts and crafts (right up my alley!!). They sell handcrafted items and donate all proceeds to various causes and families in need and organize free craft workshops in the community. My job as a kamp koordinator is to organize arts and crafts programs for children and youth, using sustainable sources and re-using old materials. Pictured is a little duck that one of the participants made out of an egg carton. :) At the end of this month, we will be making our own zero waste kit, which will consist of a beeswax wrap, snack bag, and grocery bag transformed from an old t-shirt. Let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions!
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I love this! Go you!
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Stéphanie Sabbagh
Sep 5, 2019