University of Guelph Fossil Fuel Divestment!

This photo doesn't exactly look like ocean conservation, but it is a little piece of our university's effort to further the transition away from fossil fuels and towards a future of sustainable, ethical, and 'clean' energy. As a member of Fossil Free Guelph, I had the opportunity to be part of a movement that got divestment on the voting agenda for the Board of Governors, and this is a screenshot of myself and two other members stating our case for divestment before the vote. The motion to divest all $38 million of stocks invested in fossil fuel companies was passed, and the University of Guelph will withdrawal and reinvest those stocks in 'green' energy projects over the next 5 years. I think that just transitions to sustainable energy sectors can acknowledge the innovation that the Fossil Fuel Industry has brought to Canada, while also recognizing the environmental and social injury it has caused to our land, air, water, and people. Recognizing these facts solidify the need to invest in new technologies and sectors that don't degrade the ecosystems and resources we rely on for our future health and sustainable innovation. Our nexts steps are holding the university accountable to making ethical and sustainable reinvestments that align with the UN principles of responsible investing; investments that have the future of our air, land, water, and people at the core of their values.
1 Comment(s)
As a fellow Gryphon (alumni) I am so thrilled to see this! Thank you so much for your dedicated work!
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Benjamin Foucault
May 14, 2020