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Abby-Rose Arnold

Nam- Abby-Rose Arnold
n - Thunder Bay: Thunder Bay is on beautiful Lake Superior, and is known for "The Sleeping Giant" which is made up of several mountains, that from a far, looks like a giant laying down for a rest. We are home of the Finish Pankcakes as there is a large portion of the population that has finish roots. There is approximately 110,000 residence of thunder bay (2017). Home of Lakehead University, Northern Ontario School of medicine, Bora Laskin Law School and Confederation college. 

What gets me up in the morning : Yoga and Tea but mostly food (i'm a huge breakfast person). 

A bit about me :  I love to travel, I work as an environmental consultant, I drink a lot of tea, Love going on hikes and random adventures. I am very spontaneous, love culture and food. 

Tell us something random about yourself :
I was fortunate enough to study abroad in Norway (Picture Above). I studied in the faculty of biosciences and aquaculture / fisheries in Bodo, Norway for 5 months. Would definitely recommend you visit Norway, absolutely beautiful country and reminded me a lot of Canada.  

Abby-Rose Arnold    
Alaïs Nevert

Nam- Bonjour ! My name is Alaïs Nevert :) 
n - I am from the unceded Indigenous lands of the traditional territory of both the Kanien’kehá:ka, “Mohawk,” and the Anishinabeg, “Algonquin,” peoples, in Montréal, Québec.
What gets me up in the morning 
- definitely coffee! I also love my job working in youth engagement with Parks Canada; connecting with other youths is so inspiring!   
A bit about me 
:  My parents immigrated to Montreal from France when they were young and my sister and I were both born and raised here. I grew up loving the outdoors and started working for Parks Canada as a student photographer in Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve. Every time I had the opportunity to travel between islands I fell in love with the feeling of being surrounded by the freezing ocean! The longer the boat ride, the happier I was. Since then I had the amazing chance to work and study in many places across the country and it has shaped me and my passion to help others experience it as well! I am thrilled to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I want to be more involved in protecting our waters and I’d love to help develop everyday tools for people to easily reduce single-use plastic and waste.
Tell us something random about yourself 
While my favourite non marine animals are squirrels, my favourite marine ones would have to be ouaouarons (bullfrog)! I grew up chasing these majestic mosquito eating, all night singing, all day sunbathing giant frogs! I too, love eating, being loud and napping in the sun... 

Alaïs Nevert    
Alexandra Leroux

: Alexandra Leroux

Location:  I live on the traditional territory of the Huron-Wendat, in Chelsea, Quebec.

What gets me up in the morning
: Definitely coffee and a nice sunny day. I also always look forward to my post-work hikes with my dog! (as seen above).

A bit about me
: I am a communications coordinator at Students on Ice, a not-for-profit company focused on bringing youth from around the world on educational expeditions to the polar regions. I have been lucky enough to go on expedition in 2011 as a student to the Antarctic and most recently as an assistant producer in the Arctic this past summer. I am constantly surrounded with climate and ocean-focused issues and want to learn more in this capacity.
I've lived in the country my whole life and for that reason have a great appreciation for nature. While being so fortunate to live in this wonderful environment I'm also not too far away from Canada's capital city, Ottawa. Living in this region I can see the different issues presented in a smaller community versus a big city. I am excited to explore where this program can take me in regards to the creation of service projects in both communities. 

Tell us something random about yourself: I am very into photography and had the opportunity to use this skill as an expedition photographer in the summer of 2019!

Alexandra Leroux    
Brianna Blair

Name: Brianna Blair

Location: I grew up on the traditional territory of the Wolastoqiyik-Maliseet First Nation in Quispamsis, NB, but now I'm living on traditional Mi'kmaq territory in Halifax, NS where I attend Dalhousie University.

What gets me up in the morning: On any given day it could be chai lattes, my adorable alpacas, travelling, listening to music, exploring the outdoors, skiing, arts & crafts or of course, the ocean at my backdoor. I also love reading, spending time with friends and family and trying new things, as you can probably tell from this list!

A bit about me: I have been lucky enough to live by the Atlantic Ocean for my whole life. In fact, I can't imagine not living along a marine coastline! When I was growing up, my mom would take me on all kinds of outings that really fostered my passion for the earth and its oceans. We would frequently visit a local coastal nature park where she was able to bribe me to take longer hikes with the promise that we could spend extra time exploring the beach afterwards. I would always look forward to splashing in the waves, climbing over seaweed-covered rocks and searching for shells in tidal pools along the shore. On rainy days, we would head to the Saint John Museum instead where I would immediately run to the marine animal room, home to my favourite exhibit: a huge model of a North Atlantic right whale named Delilah. 

The ocean has played a huge role in my life, which is why I'm so excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge! I can't wait to connect with more youth all across Canada who share my love for our oceans and to collaborate on some amazing projects over the course of this year. 

Tell us something random about yourselfMy favourite marine animals are whales of any variety, though I have a special appreciation for humpback whales because I've gotten to see them in the wild. I would be thrilled if we had the chance to see some wild orcas while visiting Haida Gwaii, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Brianna Blair    

Name: Celina Feng
Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town) -
I'm originally from Markham, Ontario. I moved to Ottawa to attend university and ended up finding a job here!
What gets me up in the morning
: Knowing that I'm constantly working towards my travel goals.
A bit about me
My earliest/most influential memory of the ocean wasn't too long ago. Until I was 23, I had never been in the ocean due to financial constraints growing up. But the memory of snorkling in the Great Barrier Reef and seeing the bleached coral has influenced my personal values toward envrionmental stewardship and sustainability.
I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I haven't been able to shake the feeling of being in the ocean since the first time I went in. It's been heartbreaking seeing the garbage and plastics in the ocean, and I'm excited to actually make tangible change!
Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions)
I've never been to the US or traveled to other provinces/territories outside of Ontario / Quebec.

Celina Feng    

Name (tell us your first and last name): Chizara Anucha 

Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town) - (tell us where you (and your family) are from, where you are now living if you have moved and what brought you there. Include an acknowledgment of the traditional territory or territories you are from/on. To learn about the traditional territory you are on, visit Whose Land):  I’m from the the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation (Toronto). My family immigrated here when I was little from Nigeria. I have lived in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) for most of my life, I also attended school here as well (York University and the University of Toronto). 

What gets me up in the morning (tell us about what you enjoy doing): My alarm clock! But terms of life meanings, I would say a desire to contribute to the betterment of my community, city, province, country and world. I’m a real homebody (although i’m trying to do more things outside my comfort zone) so a lot of my favourite things to do include things in the home such as cooking for friends and family, tending to my ever growing plant collection, crafts, reading and attempting but ultimately unsuccessfully trying to host board game night with my friends. 

A bit about me (tell us a bit about yourself including the answer to two of the following three questions): I grew up mostly in suburban and urban environments in the Greater Toronto Area after my family immigrated to Canada from Lagos, Nigeria. My earliest memory of the ocean was seeing a commercial for Dalhousie University’s marine biology program on television. My childhood dream job was to be a marine biologist and although I didn’t end up pursuing that field I did complete my undergrad in environmental studies. During my environmental studies degree, I was able to complete an internship in St. Vincent and the Grenadines with a organization that works to protect coastal and marine environments while promoting sustainable livelihoods in the Grenadine islands. My work there mostly centred around capacity and community building. I recently graduated with a Masters in Social Work and now work in mental health at an indigenous health organization. I’m passionate about ensuring communities are socially, environmentally and mentally well.

I’m excited to be apart of Ocean Bridge because I truly believe in the power of young people to affect change and tackle today’s greatest challenges such as climate change. I’m excited to see what we can collectively do to make change as the Pacific Cohort for Oceanwise 2020!!!

Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions): While I have had the privilege and opportunities to travel and explore many parts of the world (Japan, the Caribbean, South Africa and France) I have only been to another part of Canada outside of my province once in the my life (I went to Quebec City). I’m really excited to see another part of this vast country and meet up with other young people from different parts of our nation. And my favourite marine animal is the sea turtle. 

Chloe Hajjar

Name: Chloe Hajjar
Born: I was born in (Toronto) territory Anishinabewaki, but I moved when I was 3 months to the Island of Bermuda where I was raised. Now I am currently living on the unceded territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), sel̓íl̓witulh (Tsleil Waututh), and Coast Salish peoples (Vancouver, BC)

What gets me up in the morning: My alarm -  which plays Beach Baby by Bon Iver. When the sun is peeking through my windows (which is rare at this time of year in Vancouver) or if it is snowing (also rare in Vancouver). On the weekends, the excitement of a day ahead of skiing, camping, hiking, road tripping, exploring BC, hanging out with friends OR trying a new recipe. On weekdays - My job, every day is different and I never really know what to expect. We are a startup up so I’m always excited about the project I get to work on and the new things I get to learn.  & of course the need to pee.. that will get me up real quick.

    A bit about me: I grew up on the island of Bermuda ( in the Atlantic Ocean), I moved to Canada at 16 where I lived outside Toronto for 2 years…I then moved to Ottawa to complete my undergrad in Business at Carleton. I worked for Global Affairs Canada, in the government for 1.5, quitting my job to move out West and Tree plant. I spent the last year traveling through central/South America doing different workaways. I then returned back to Canada to complete another season of tree planting. I have now officially moved out West in November to work for an ag-tech company in Gastown, where we make smart indoor gardens.

    • An ocean-related issue close to my heart is….Lionfish Invasion…they are extremely invasive to the ocean wildlife, to coral reefs, sea grass, mangroves and a lot of marine life species. They reproduce at high rates and have no predators. They are venomous and will release dangerous neurotoxins that are super poisonous and painful if you are in contact with them.  (this is a prominent issue in the Atlantic/ Caribbean) 
    • My earliest memory of the ocean…. I was a baby… and I was shoveling sand into my mouth. My most influential memory was learning about global warming in geography class, and finding out that Bermuda would one day be underwater if sea levels were to rise…that was a pretty scary reality to be faced with at such a young age. 

    Favourite marine animal…Octopus..they are so incredibly magical, intelligent and have three hearts

    Chloe Hajjar    
    Courtney Burk

    Name: Courtney Burk
    Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town)
    I am on the traditional lands of the Wolastoqiyik-Maliseet and Mi'Kmaq Territories, in Fredericton, New Brunswick.
    What gets me up in the morning: 
    The need to feed my cat, Rosie; the thought of breakfast, and the need to explore the country I'm living in! I love learning and exploring in a self-propelled fashion (long-distance running, ski-touring, biking, and climbing).
    A bit about me: I am a masters student at the University of New Brunswick, studying wildlife movement and climate change. While I am not living by the ocean right now (I am fairly close to it!), I understand how all of our water systems are connected. I have been lucky enough to spend a lot of my life near the ocean and fueled by it. I am looking forward to finding a new connection with the ocean through Ocean Bridges.
    Tell us something random about yourself: 
    Humpback whales! Gentle giants with the ability to propel themselves out of the water. I'll never forget the first time I saw a humpback fully breach -breathtaking.

    Courtney Burk    
    Daniel Tennier

    Name Daniel Tennier 


    I live on the traditional territories of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in Scarborough ON.

    What gets me up in the morning

    The soft “I'm awake!” yells that find their way getting stuck on repeat like a well loved vinyl from my son lying “awake” in his boat bed, followed by a cup of coffee.

    A bit about me

    I am currently working as a communications tech for the IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers), but to most, I’m an aspiring artist that works in the realm of abstract expressionism in the form of three dimensional sculptures and storytelling. I’m excited to be part of Ocean Bridge because it will give me the tools I need to make people more aware of our impact on the oceans through my art and storytelling. A big part of my life for the last year has been trying to reduce the plastics in my life and repurpose forgotten treasures from thrift stores to antique shops, you can even catch me on the side of the road finding that one item that still has so much love to give. My earliest memory of the ocean would have to be sitting on the very edge of Peggie’s Cove, reaching out my hand and desperately trying to stretch out my finger tips that last bit to have the slightest chance of grasping the next crash of a incoming wave.  

    Tell us something random about yourself

    My favourite marine animal hands down would have to be the majestic and mysterious narwal because, like, sea unicorns.

    Daniel Tennier    
    Graeme Shaw

    Name: Graeme Shaw

    Location: From Kintore, Ontario - currently live in Tobermory, Ontario.  Traditional territory of the Odawa people. I was brought to the area by work with Parks Canada at the Bruce Peninsula National Park. 

    What gets me up in the morning: A flock of wild turkeys having a party outside my window every morning.

    A bit about me: Growing up in rural Ontario, I’ve always spent my free time outside. Though my childhood was surrounded by vast farmland, the majority of my adulthood has been on a sliver of land amidst vast Lake Huron. I manage infrastructure projects for Parks Canada with emphasis on mitigating environmental impact with usage of sustainable and off-grid technologies. After doing a shoreline clean up at a location within my park, I was shocked to see the amount of plastic and garbage washed up on the shore of Lake Huron. This helped spark my initiative to lead institutional change. I’m excited to be part of Ocean Bridge to provide me with knowledge, skills and connections to other passionate people across Canada.  

    My favourite marine animal: I like annoying people with loon calls so I’d say they take the cake. 

    Erin Van Breda    
    Heidi Richardson

    Name:  Heidi Richardson

    Location: I live on the traditional territory of the Haida First Nations in Tlell, Haida Gwaii, BC.

    What gets me up in the morning: 
    My dog Connie or also called corn dog! Plus the beauty of Haida Gwaii and getting outside. I usually take Connie to the beach every day when I am not working with BC Parks as a Park Ranger during the summer months. I usually get some chores done and then go to my family ranch that's just down the road! 

    A bit about me: 
    Lately I have opened up a small home business, and been traveling during my off season. I am between Prince Rupert and Haida Gwaii, so I always have to be near the ocean! Even picking out universities I knew I had to be near the ocean, so I ended up at Dalhousie in Halifax  and VIU in Nanaimo. I ended up graduating with a Diploma in Resource Management Officer Technology, and a Degree in Natural Resource Management. 

    I started commercial fishing at the age of 17, and worked all over northern BC waters. I went on to work with Parks Canada in Gwaii Haanas for three years, as a resource conservation tech. I then switched to BC Parks and became a Park Ranger out of Prince Rupert for coastal parks and protected areas. My main park is the Khutzeymateen Grizzly Bear Sanctuary. If I'm not on the boat, I am usually helping out another park region fixing trails, plotting vegetation assessments on mountains, building tent pads, or doing outreach to the public. 

    Growing up on Haida Gwaii, I did a lot fishing, hunting, and foraging for food. I usually stock up of salmon and deer every fall. My family has been here since 1919 after establishing Richardson Ranch and they have been slowly growing a world wide export of polled Hereford cattle genetics. I now own a little 5acre chunk of land in Tlell and hope to grow my own veggies, and have a small scale petting farm for kids  to visit and play.

    I want to be able to show people how great Haida Gwaii is but also our own marine debris issues that are arising. There has been large scale beach clean up, but that's just a small dent in what is still out there on our beaches. I can't wait for the week on Haida Gwaii, as I love being a mini tour guide! Right now I'm looking forward to my 3rd season as a BC Park Ranger in Prince Rupert and getting back on the ocean. 

    My favourite marine animal: 
    The mighty coho salmon, the delicious rock scallop, and memorizing humpback whale. Oh and also bioluminescence! 

    Heidi Richardson    
    Isabelle Hurley

    NameIsabelle Hurley

    Name: Isabelle Hurley
    I grew up on Coast Salish territory in Victoria, BC. Now I'm completing my masters on the traditional territory of the Mi'kmaq in HalifaxNS.
    What gets me up in the morning
    I'm really not a winter person, so these days heading to hot yoga before work is the key motivator for getting me out of bed.  
    A bit about me:
    I'm currently completing my masters at Dalhousie University. My thesis focuses on modelling future ocean conditions and considering what climate policy will be needed to face the changing ocean. So unsurprisingly, climate change is the biggest ocean issue for me. 
    Tell us something random about yourself 
    I couldn't live without sea salt peanut butter.

    Isabelle Hurley    
    Lee Cameron

     Hi, I'm Lee! (they/she)

    Location: I grew up in the traditional and unceded territory of the Algonquin (Anishnaabeg) people, in what is formally called Ottawa, ON. 5 years ago I moved to Tkoronto, a historical meeting place for many nations, including the Haudenosaunee, Anishnaabe, and most recently, the Missisaugas of the credit river. This land is covered by the dish with one spoon wampum belt covenant, and I am extremely fortunate to live close to the largest white oak forest in the region, which has thrived because of the continued stewardship of the first nations peoples who lived here long before I did!

    What gets me up in the morning: Doing advocacy in gender-based violence and for the benefit of 2SLGBTQI community gets me up, out of bed, learning, reading and helps me to grow every day! For fun, I like to explore my city (and others) for hidden gems, good coffee, community art, and free lectures (about city-building, queer and trans history, anti-oppression, innovative research, and puppets)

    A bit about me: I am beyond excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge to build my knowledge and skill set around oceans and waterway conservation - and sustainability and community engagement more broadly, too. I've always lived in landlocked places, and I think it's vital for myself and other landlocked-folks to tune into and support ocean protections. I'm also stoked to meet other young people invested in building a better world for ourselves and future generations.

    Lee Cameron    

    NameLucija Prelovec
    I was born in Croatia, then moved to the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe (Mississaugas) in Oakville, Ontario and now live in the traditional territory of the Mi'kmaq in Halifax, Nova Scotia. 
    What gets me up in the morning
    : Knowing I get to help create an amazing ocean education resource! But I also love dancing, crafting, and just spending time by the ocean.
    A bit about me: 
    My most influential memories of the ocean were spending summers snorkeling in the Adriatic Sea.  As a kid, I would spend hours underwater exploring and learning, it is the main reason I chose to pursue a career related to the ocean.  It is also what had made me such a passionate advocate for ocean literacy.  I love being able to teach about the ocean and all its wonderful inhabitants.  Getting kids to fall in love with the ocean is the key to getting them to care and help protect it.
    Tell us something random about yourself:

    My favourite marine animal is the manatee, but I also love sea urchins and the octopus!

    Lucija Prelovec    
    Malcolm Cowan

    Name: Malcolm Cowan

    Location: Union Bay, BC.

    What gets me up in the morning: This is the type of question that confuses me. It is inherently philosophical seeking a metaphor for the my idendity. It might be better posed as the purpose of my life? I care a lot about the people in my life and am passionate about improving the human condition but am not yet sure what that means. 

    A bit about me: I am currently working on my MSc at the University of Victoria studying Pacific oyster summer mortality events in aquaculture. It is a project and problem highly entwined with climate change and emerging diseases. My background working in this industry has given me a deep appretiation for the beauty and complexity of marine systems.

    My favourite marine animal: I don't know about animal, but I have found myself especially interested in marine bacteria in recent years.

    Malcolm Cowan    
    Maria Chiarella

    Name: Maria Chiarella

    Location: I am from Lima, Peru and grew up on Coast Salish territory in Victoria, BC. I currently live in the unceded territory of the Algonquin (Anishnaabeg) people (Ottawa).

    What gets me up in the morning: I would say that I am motivated by my passion for climate-change activism, empowering others, and working in a sector that I am proud of. Sunshine helps too.

    A bit about me: . My background is in Political Science and Environmental Studies from the University of Victoria. I currently work in the forestry sector, helping to grow the next generation of forestry and conservation leaders through outdoor green jobs and environmental education.

    Prior to, I worked in international development, working as a Junior Professional Consultant for UNDP Vietnam. I’ve also had the privilege to work in Peru and Bolivia for projects related to community economic development, youth empowerment, and entrepreneurship.

    I am extremely excited to be part of Ocean Bridge, and I hope that through this experience I connect with other youth leading action in their communities and learn from their experiences.

    In my free time, you will find me reading, spinning, kickboxing, listening to music, and brush lettering. I am always looking for new hobbies, though!

    Tell us something random about yourself : I was a tree-planter for 4 summers and have encountered many, many wildlife.

    Maria Chiarella    
    Marie Luce Carrier

    Nom : Marie Luce Carrier
    J'habite Rimouski, ma ville natale.

    Qu'est-ce qui me motive à sortir du lit chaque matin?

    Connaitre des gens pour en faire des rencontres enrichissantes, aller à l’école, me dépasser, m’impliquer, mettre mon potentiel au service des autres, prendre soin de la planète, jouer de la musique, faire des activités au grand air (ski, planche à neige, raquettes, etc.) et contempler la mer.

    Un peu à propos de moi :
    Un problème lié à l'océan qui me préoccupe est l’immense quantité de déchets qu’on y retrouve. Au Québec, l’eau est présente en abondance. Il ne s’agit évidemment pas de l’océan à proprement parler, mais d’eau qui se jette néanmoins à un moment donné dans l’océan. J’ai beaucoup côtoyé cette mer, simplement en m’y rendant presque tous les soirs depuis que je suis toute jeune pour contempler les couchers de soleil. J’ai aussi visité à plusieurs reprises la Gaspésie et la Côte-Nord, deux endroits où j’ai eu le plaisir d’observer les baleines.

    Mon animal marin préféré est les tortues.

    Marie Luce Carrier    
    Mary E Williams

    Name: Mary Williams
    : I was born, raised and am living in Toronto, Ontario, otherwise known as Tkaronto which has been care taken by the Anishinabek Nation, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Huron-Wendat, and the current treaty holders, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.

    A bit about me:
    I am currently in my first year of a two-year Masters in Environmental Studies program at York University. At the broadest level, I am interested in examining the political ecology of aquaculture and fisheries management, and more specifically, salmon farming. I hope to research sustainable and ethical ways to transform the salmon farming industry that advance the interests and voices of coastal First Nations communities in B.C., in light of the federal government’s commitment to transition all of B.C.’s ocean-based salmon farms to land-based systems by 2025. I completed my undergraduate degree in Law & Society at York University, and continue to work in the legal field and as a Teaching Assistant.

    An ocean-related issue close to my heart is (Pacific) salmon conservation. As a keystone species in marine ecosystems and an important source of nutrients for terrestrial ecosystems, rising concerns about the collapse of wild salmon runs are especially alarming. The potential collapse of pacific salmon stocks threaten unpredictable and far reaching impacts on environments and animals that I treasure. Some of my favourite memories of the ocean that I revisit when in need of inspiration include listening to humpback whales off the coast of the Broken Group Islands and witnessing a small pod of orcas glide through an inlet near Valdez, Alaska. Observing these beautiful creatures fueled my desire to work in salmon conservation, and ocean conservation more broadly, which I am excited to continue doing through the Ocean Bridge program!  

    What gets me up in the morning:

    Typically, my alarm, followed by a strong desire for breakfast, or my thirst for coffee…. and knowledge. Each day I wake up intrigued by the prospect of what I will learn, or just as important, what I will unlearn, whether it be from work, school, my community or random documentaries. Otherwise, I love hanging out with friends, dancing, art, photography, and goofing around outside.

    My Favourite Marine Animal: would have to be orcas, closely followed by puffins, octopus and narwhals. Though if you ask me tomorrow, I would probably have an entirely different answer.

    Mary Williams    
    Matt Sanders

    Name: Matt Sanders

    Location: I have lived in Ladner, British Columbia for most of my life. Ladner is located on the Katzie and Tsawwassen First Nations territory.

    What gets me up: I enjoy playing and watching sports, going out with friends, being outside, and most important, a warm cup of coffee.

    A bit about me: I have lived within minutes from the ocean for my whole life! I feel a strong connection and responsibility to make a positive impact on the ocean's health. I am excited to learn from all of you! I look forward to Ocean Bridge bringing together a variety of viewpoints from across Canada to unite and work with each other. An ocean related issue that is close to my heart is the increase in ocean acidification. To me it is a pressing issue that requires close attention.

    Something random: I have tree planted for 6 summers! 

    Matt Sanders    
    Michelle Matson

    Name: Michelle Matson
    I grew up on the unseeded territory of the Sinixt people in Castlegar, BC. Now I go to Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, BC on the territory of the Scwepemc first nations. 

    What gets me up in the morning: 
    FOOD. School, Exercise, Fresh Air, Friends and Family. I almost always roll off the wrong side of the bed in the morning, but I can usually fix it with breakfast, and if that isn’t enough then a jog or spin class, getting outside (preferably in weather above -20°C ), and studying with friends will do it. But seriously, usually all the motivation I need is breakfast. Especially if it is an oatmeal yogurt parfait with fresh fruit and raspberry syrup or a peanut butter blueberry banana smoothie (if you have never put peanut butter in a smoothie you are missing out on life… unless you are allergic, in which case its quite the opposite).

    A bit about me:
     I’m in my third year of the Natural Resource Science degree program at TRU, and some of my courses have really opened my eyes to the threats to salmon management that are happening in BC right now. In the interior, salmon are many people’s closest connection to the ocean environment and low returns in populations like the Thompson Steelhead are scary. I am very excited to be a part of a platform where we can bring some more awareness about these kinds of issues. I would say that my earliest memory of the ocean was at my grandparents cabin on the Sunshine Coast where we would chase the waves and fish for nothing off the side of the local docks.

    Fun fact about myself
    I speak fluent Danish. 

    Michelle Matson    
    Mollie Symons


    My name is Mollie and I'm named after my grandpa's cousin, a philosophy professor in Wales who very much loved her garden and her books and had a laugh so contagious it fills me up even just from photographs. 


    I am originally from a little village called Port Williams in Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley. This land is Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People. My dear parents, my beloved siblings and my darling cats all live there in a very chaotic and joyful household. 

    I now live in St. John's, NL the ancestral homelands of the Beothuk. The island of Newfoundland is the ancestral homelands of both the Mi’kmaq and Beothuk and I would also like to recognize the Inuit of Nunatsiavut and NunatuKavut and the Innu of Nitassinan, and their ancestors, as the original people of Labrador. I moved here to study at the Memorial University of Newfoundland and live with my partner, Luke, a source of such boundless energy in this world with a heart so big and beautiful. Ours is a house full of softness and warmth, cosy nooks and crannies and all the sunshine that St. John's can possibly bless us with. 

    What gets me up in the morning:  

    A whole pot of piping hot tea is my favourite way to start any day. I am blessed to live in a big old house of many windows and I love looking out ALL of them in the morning to greet the world around me and the radiance of that day. When St. John's isn't too treacherously coated in ice or snow, my absolute favourite thing to do here is run up Signal Hill. Here one is greeted by the edge of the North Atlantic which includes super cool rocks, a landscape at once both rugged and rolling and the crashing majestical wonder of wind and waves. The top of Signal Hill is, in my mind, the most enduringly glorious thing this little city holds. I get up and give every day my best effort because I am striving to learn more, to love more, and to grow more in this life I've been given. I hope to make the world around me a more gentle and inspirational space and to hopefully happen upon a great many adventures and kindred spirit souls along the way. I think Ocean Bridge is going to be full to bursting with both of these things!

    A bit about me: 

    I don't think I have a single most influential memory of the ocean, but rather all of them come together, overlapping, building upon and enhancing one another to form the ever changing mosaic of my cherished experiences with this incredible force. Every time I interact with the ocean I learn something I didn't know before, see something I hadn't previously noticed and feel a deeper connection and growing sense of wonderment at all that her processes encompass. I love sharing the ocean with those who have never or rarely experienced it before and my time spent working to welcome international students, former refugees and new immigrants to Canada included as many beach excursions as possible. It is predominantly through these experiences that I learned how the ocean not only possesses the power to bring us closer to the earth, but also closer to one another as creatures of the earth. I think that I am going to build upon this wonderful realisation a great deal more throughout my time with Ocean Bridge. 

    I'm hugely excited to be a part of this program because I know it is going to be an experience of SO much learning and growth. I am immensely grateful to have the Ocean Bridge team as a source of support in helping turn my passion into active service. I hope that the work I do through Ocean Bridge will ensure better protection of the ocean, will increase the vibrancy of my local communities and will engage and inspire others to be advocates for what they love most. 

    Favourite marine animal: 

    My favourite marine animal is way too hard to choose since they're all so interesting and important and I wish we could have a chance to intimately know them all. Blue Planet is among my favourite ways to pass a winter's eve becoming highly emotional and leaping about the house with exhilaration at marine life. In the summer, I hike and paddle as much as I can to experience it firsthand (and work hard at subduing my excitement so as not to startle the poor creatures just trying to go about their routines). Since moving to Newfoundland I've become terrifically passionate about puffins and every day of my life is building towards finally getting to see one here. 

    Mollie Symons    
    Moronke Harris

    Name: Moronke Harris

    Location: I am a first-generation Canadian (Ghanaian and Guyanese) born and raised on the traditional territories of the Wendat, Haudenosaunee, and Anishinaabe peoples in Richmond Hill, ON, now living on traditional Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh territories in Vancouver, BC. 

    What gets me up in the morning: On any given day, a chance do/experience something I have never done before or a solid adventure (surfing, hikes, road trips etc.) will do it no matter the hour.

    A bit about me: I am an early-career biogeochemist currently working for an international, intergovernmental organization based out of BC. Here, I facilitate hydrochemical characterization of research expedition survey areas in the Gulf of Alaska, and preparation for a proposed multi-vessel 2021 Pan-Pacific High Seas Expedition that will survey the full breadth of the North Pacific Ocean. 

    I have a background in microbiology and ocean biogeochemistry with a focus on aquatic disease diagnosis and the carbon and nitrogen cycles. My research placements have taken me from using image analysis to quantify Canadian barnacle microtopography (University of Guelph, Canada), to studying climate engineering tactics in the Bermudian ocean (Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences), to facilitating large-scale water quality monitoring programs and examining the hydrochemical effects of Floridian seagrass beds on ocean acidification mitigation (Mote Marine Laboratory, USA). Next step: MSc and PhD degrees in Oceanography!

    Outside of science-based activities, I have a professional background in government records/information management, and volunteer for conservation initiatives like the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary (an addendum to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea - UNCLOS).

    Tell us something random about yourself: I am an avid traveler (35 countries over 5 continents and counting - still waiting on Australia and Antarctica) and visual artist working in painting and pottery mediums when I can find the time!

    Favourite marine animal: As an aspiring deep-sea researcher, Giant Squid (Architeuthis spp.) hands down.

    Excited to continue my ocean-centered efforts as a member of the 2020 Ocean Bridge Pacific Cohort!

    Moronke Harris    
    Nancy Kimberley Phillips

    Name: Hello! My name is Nancy Kimberley Phillips.

    Location: I am a Settler-Canadian womxn from the place where the makhabn (Bow River) and Elbow River meet (now known as Calgary, AB). In niitsi’powahsin(the Blackfoot language) this place is called mohkínsstsis (or ‘Elbow’) and this location is in the heart of Treaty 7 territory (the homeLands of the Siksikaitsitapi, Îyâhe Nakoda, Tsuut’ina and the Métis Nation). I recently moved back to Treaty 7 after living on the unceded homeLands of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm, Skwxwú7mesh, and Sel̓íl̓witulh Nations (Vancouver, BC) for the past year and a half!

    What gets me up in the morning: Typically, the alarm on my phone telling me to get up and get on with my day. Whether it is for school, work, or the other amazing projects that I get the chance to be part of, I am always deeply grateful for the opportunities that I have in my life. I am very passionate about public and land-based education and my dream career is to teach and facilitate conversations about our shared histories, in many different facets. Outside of the more ‘formal’ things I do, I really enjoy crafting (specifically textile work!), watercolour painting, poetry, hiking, camping, and adventuring with my partner! 

    A bit about me: 

    I am currently working to complete my Master of Arts degree in Museum Anthropology at the University of British Columbia. My thesis is about tracing the past and present to imagine the futures of Indigenous knowledge and community inclusion at Ocean Wise. This research project is located at the intersections between museum Anthropology, Indigenous studies, environmental conservation, educational pedagogy and Marine Biology.Previously, I completed my Bachelor degree at Mount Royal University in Calgary, in Anthropology and Indigenous Studies. 

    While living in Vancouver I worked for Ocean Wise as an Education Generalist, primarily with the Mobile and Curriculum program teams! This has been my favourite job to date – I learned so much about the waters, the animals in them, conservation and community. I also was a Teaching Assistant at the UBC, and was working at the Museum of Anthropology. Now that I’m back in Alberta, I am in a big transition period and am getting re-connected to my communities, projects, and passions in this territory again. I am thrilled to be part of Ocean Bridge to keep my connections with Ocean Wise alive and to do environmental and water conservation work at home. A close friend of mine recently said I have a “prairie, river loving, heart” and I think that about sums me up pretty well!

    My favourite marine animal: This is such a difficult question, and I’m going to cheat a little bit. My favourite water-dwelling creatures (in freshwater) are beavers! My favourite sea-dwelling animals are orcas!

    Nancy Kimberley Phillips    
    Nikolai Karpun

    Name: Nikolai Karpun

    Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town) –
    I was born and raised in Delta on the traditional territory of the sq̓əc̓iy̓aɁɬ təməxʷ (Katzie), sc̓əwaθenaɁɬ təməxʷ (Tsawwassen), kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem), S’ólh Téméxw (Stó:lō), Kwantlen, W̱SÁNEĆ, and Stz’uminus First Nations.

    What gets me up in the morning: Each morning I wake up is a new day for opportunity. My job allows me the opportunity to engage and teach youth about conservation and the environment. When I’m not working, I coach high school and youth football, or I spend my day exploring in nature. Hiking is one of my favorite activities, and I’m always looking for new views and adventures to deepen my connection with nature.   

    A bit about me: My earliest memory of the ocean happened when I was 7 years old, my family went to visit my great-great-uncle on the sunshine coast. He lived in a beachfront property, and we spent the morning running around on the beach looking for Geoduck’s. That afternoon he took us out on his boat, the Tickety-Boo Two. Feeling the salt spray as we navigated the Inlet felt so surreal; I was as content.  
    I’m excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because it is an opportunity to not only expand my knowledge and views on conservation, but also to make life-long memories and connections that are invaluable. I am excited to share this experience with each and every one of you.

    Tell us something random about yourself:
    My favorite marine animal is a Sea otter. I also think Seahorses are pretty neat. Penguins are cool too.

    Nikolai Karpun    
    Noor B. Toeama
    At Dahab, Red Sea!

    NameHi Everyone, my name is Noor :)

    Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town):  I live on the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of the Credits in Burlington, Ontario (GTA). 

    What gets me up in the morning:  My puppy  <3 

    A bit about me: I was born and raised in Cairo, Egypt, then moved to Canada in 2010. Growing up, I discovered my love for water and animals from my visits to the mediterranean sea. I swam competitively swimmer for 6 years, and now I play rugby. I just graduated high school last summer and I am now taking a gap year, in hopes of learning more about myself and what I want to do.

    Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions): If I could be anything in the world, EVER, I would be a dolphin!

    Noor Toeama    
    Patrick Duke

    Name: Patrick Duke

    Location: I'm from the traditional territory of the Tsuu t'ina, Siksika (Blackfoot), and Stoney (Nakoda) First Nations in Calgary, AB. I now live on Coast, Straits Salish, and Esquimalt territory in Victoria, BC.

    What gets me up in the morning: Sharing a passion for climate action and building on our knowledge of climate processes. 

    A bit about me: I'm a PhD student interested in how the ocean mitigates climate change and will be impacted by human emissions. I study ocean acidification in the Pacific but my love for the ocean developed in the Arctic during my time up north on sea ice as part of my MSc.

    Spatial context: My community work is local, my research is regional, and my objectives are national, but the climate crisis is global and requires unprecedented changes in all aspects of society.

    Patrick Duke    
    Rebecca Grenier

    Name:  Rebecca Grenier
     I live on the traditional territory of the Tsawwassen and Semiahmoo First Nations in White Rock, BC. I moved down to the coast one year ago from Kamloops, BC - I missed the ocean (and my mom) way too much! 
    What gets me up in the morning: 
    Exploring the beach is definitely what gets me up in the morning! I love seeing all the different sea creatures and seeing the new shells that have washed up on the beach. I'm lucky enough to be able to walk to the ocean from my house, so I try to beachcomb as much as I can!
    A bit about me: 
    Hi everyone! I'm Becca, a nature-loving student studying Fish, Wildlife, and Recreation at BCIT. My first memory of the ocean is at my grandpa's house, which had prime views of harbour seals and steller sea lions sunning on the rocks down below. As someone who is super interested in marine life in general, I have a soft spot for sea lion conservation. I'm looking forward to learning from other oceanbridgers and spreading education and awareness to youth in Canada, all while having tons of fun along the way!
    My favourite marine animal: If I had to choose just one I would probably have to say sea otters, but my list of "favourite marine animals" could go on and on! :) 

    Rebecca Grenier    
    Roy Vergel Navarrete

    Name: Roy Vergel Navarrete

    Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town): I am on the traditional lands of the Mohawk in Montréal, Québec.

    What gets me up in the morning: Beautiful sunny days and work. Participate in community projets related to the environment, social justice and human rights. Also the need of playing outdoor sports and do a bunch of outdoor activities. 

    A bit about me: I am a geographer graduated from Université de Montréal, orientated in water management and environmental protection. I'm originally from Peru and I spent my childhood and teenager living by the Pacific ocean in North Peru. 

    Tell us something random about yourself: I've been bitten on the leg by a sea turtle while swimming. No worries, no big trauma ;)

    Roy Vergel Navarrete    
    Ruston Fellows

    Currently traversing the backwoods of unceded/occupied Algonquin Anicinabe Omàmiwininiwak territory.  

    Ruston Fellows    
    Sarah Mercer

    Name: Hello! My name is Sarah Mercer. 

    Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town): I am currently living in Victoria, British Columbia, which is the traditional territory of the Lekwungen peoples, the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples. I moved to Victoria from Ottawa, Ontario which is the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin nation. I originally moved out to the Island when I was taking a break from my undergraduate studies, of which I am now continuing here in Victoria. 

    What gets me up in the morning: I am really excited about this chapter of my life and am constantly being inspired by people coming into my life. Being able to explore the Island with people who inspire me gives me much reason to get out of bed in the morning! This exploration of the outdoors and my relationship with nature has led me to a spiritual practice which has been a meaningful addition to my life. 

    A bit about me: An ocean related issue that I hold close to my heart is the effect of Ocean pollution on third world countries. As an individual living in a first world country I have been somewhat blind to the effects of my actions on the planet. From use of plastics to carbon emissions, the climate where I live has not fluctuate in particularly observable ways. Noting that this is a human cognitive limitation not to understand the severity of an issue if we are not able to see tangible change. However in many places around the globe pollution and specifically ocean pollution is affecting quality of life and survivability. Many of these places are not the primary consumers of plastics and waste. I am really passionate about closing the gap between consumerism in first world countries and its effects on the health of our oceans.

    My most influential memory of the Ocean is fairly recent. When I first moved to Vancouver I was exploring one day and ended up at the most beautiful secluded beach. I spent hours sitting and watching the tide come and go. There was something almost magical about that spot, which I returned to every week during the time I lived in Vancouver. 

    My favourite marine animal: My favorite marine animal would have to be the humpback whale! They are both powerful and graceful which I really admire!

    Sarah Mercer    
    Shamily Shanmuganathan

    Name: Shamily Shanmuganathan 

    Location: I grew up in Brampton, Ontario the traditional territory of the Anishinabek, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Ogibway and home to the Métis. 

    What gets me up in the morning:
    Having the opportunity to start again and to work on myself as well as my community. Also, meeting new and open-minded people always inspires me to put myself out there and make my goals a reality! Honorable mention to my dog as well. 

    A bit about me: REALLY CLICHE, but I love traveling especially rural areas. I love being by the Ocean and mountains. I love being where nature is in abundance and I can forget about city noises.

    I recently graduated from the University of Waterloo with a BES in Environmental Studies and Environmental Assessment. Over my academic years, I had the opportunity to work in various fields such as energy consulting, environmental health & safety, and water education/conservation. I now work at CSA Group as a Standards Intern where I support the GHG Registries. I also had the amazing opportunity to be part of Waterlution's Youth Advisory Board for their Great Canoe Journey program. Just a few weeks ago, my friends and I launched our Instagram page @coralsandbees where we plan on sharing environmental happenings as well as my service projects! Please let me know if you'd like to get involved and share your projects as well!

    I'm really excited to be part of Ocean Bridge because I get to meet the future leaders of ocean conservation! 

    Favourite marine animal: 
    Blue Whales because why not? 

    Shamily Shanmuganathan    
    Shaugn Coggins

    Name: Hello! My name is Shaugn Coggins 
    I am a settler-Canadian and I grew up and currently live  on the traditional territory of the Cree, Blackfoot, Métis, Nakoda, Tsuu T'ina, and Dene First Nations in Edmonton, Alberta. 
    What gets me up in the morning: 
    Hiking, kayaking and photography are a few of my favourite pastimes. I love  exploring  the Rocky Mountains that are just a few hours away! A good cup of coffee (or two) also help me get up in the morning!
    A bit about me

    I am passionate about climate and environmental justice and graduated with my BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences from the University of Alberta in 2019. I am currently working as a research assistant on campus.  

    My most influential memory of the ocean was on Vancouver Island when I was younger - I remember being amazed by the tide going out and being able to walk for kilometres along the beach looking at the tide pools. To this day, it's my favourite place that I've ever been. I'm looking forward to working with and connecting with this nation-wide community! 

    Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions):
    My favourite marine animals are sea turtles! And beluga whales! 

    Shaugn Coggins    
    Shitangshu Roy

    Name: Shitangshu Roy

    Location (Traditional Territoy and City/ Town): My family is originally from Bangladesh, but for the last 13 years, am proud to call home the traditional, unceded territory of the Mi'kma'ki people, Halifax, NS.

    What gets me up in the morning: The morning sun... And also thinking of ways to do something in the day that can maybe make a small difference to the lives of another person or being, and perhaps add up to even more!

    A bit about me: Half of my life was spent growing up in the middle of the Arabian desert in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and in truth, oceans were never really a part of it, until I had the chance to immigrate to Nova Scotia. While here though, an opportunity to work for an environmental education organization (the Adventure Earth Centre) made me look at our oceans in a completely different way...  They are powerful beyond imagination yet so fragile as well, so majestic yet also unforgiving, so full of life but danger too. Here, my perspective is also colored by my (other) contry of citizenship- Bangladesh- which will soon see a third of its land go underwater in this centure due to rising sea levels, and millions of refugees displaced as a result. Although the flipside of this concern is also a real optimism when seeing young people (all of us!) take the issue to heart and commit, truly, to making a difference. Am very excited to be part of the 2020 Ocean Bridge cohort, and especially to meet folks all doing a part to help our oceans in whatever ways we can!

    Something random: Had an unplanned sleepover on Table Mountain (South Africa)... Definitely not intended, but a good story nonetheless! 

    And also... If you're scared to pronounce my name, it means "Moonlight" in Sanskrit :)

    Shitangshu Roy    
    Tineasha Brenot

    Name : 

    Tineasha Brenot


    I live on the Anishinaabe, and Huron-wendat traditional territory in Peterborough, Ontario. I grew up in Brockville, Ontario where my family still lives along the St. Lawrence River.

    What gets me up in the morning: 

    Coffee, Jack Johnson and dancing around the kitchen. I love to hike and explore local gems along my travels. I’m always searching for new field guides to build on becoming a better naturalist and further support my interest in wildlife conservation. 

    A bit about me:

    Growing up in Ontario, I always felt like I was disconnected from the ocean and that there was nothing I could do to create a positive change from somewhere so terrestrial. It wasn’t until I worked with a local not-for-profit in Goderich specializing in coastal conservation in the Great Lakes that I realized just how connected our water systems are and the impact a few environmentally conscious people can have.

    I graduated from Trent University with a BSc in biology, and then moved to Ottawa to complete a graduate certificate in geographic information systems (GIS). Over the past few years since graduating, I’ve monitored at-risk reptiles, created educational programs targeting plastic pollution, managed invasive species, and developed stewardship guides as a way to interact with landowners. 

    I am SO excited about being a part of the Ocean Bridge Pacific Cohort for the opportunities that I’ll have to meet other incredibly passionate people in this field and to learn more about ocean conservation issues. I hope to bring my knowledge of plastic mitigation and waste reduction into the group and expand my understanding of how this issue compares to the Great Lakes region. I look forward to learning more about traditional land stewardship and protection during our adventure to Haida Gwaii The ocean has always called to me, and I’m excited to start running towards it!

    Tell us something random about yourself:

    I love turtles! I have worked with almost every species of turtle in Ontario and have always dreamed of working with sea turtles one day. 

    Tineasha Brenot    
    Topaza Yu

    Name : Topaza Yu 
    Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town): I was born and raised in Saskatoon, SK which is the Treaty 6: Whitecap Dakota First Nation territory. My family and I have lived in Vancouver and Hong Kong because of family and my father's work. I am now currently back in my hometown Saskatoon for my post-secondary education! 

    What gets me up in the morning:
    Definitely coffee or one of my parent's fluffy cats! 

    A bit about me: As a first-generation child of Chinese immigrant parents and a member of the LGBTQ2+ community in Saskatchewan, I experience the ways social determinants of health impact my communities and I apply this lens in my humanitarian work. Having experienced firsthand the effects of the inequitable income distribution, social status, and gender inequalities I am motivated to advocate for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), youth empowerment, and the oceans. This dedication is reflected through my leadership as the vice-chair of the Board of Directors at the Student Wellness Initiative Towards Community Health (SWITCH), which is Saskatoon’s core neighborhood student-run health clinic; as a member of Action Canada’s National Youth Advisory Board (NYAB); and as the founder of Uke with Tope and Tope Talks.

    My earliest/most influential memory of the ocean would be when I was 4, and my parents took me to Sunset Beach Park in Vancouver. I remember dipping my little feet in the cold seawater and watched the sand cover my feet. 

    I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I am excited to meet other bright-minded and driven youths who are as passionate about oceans and marine life as I am!

    Tell us something random about yourself : My favorite marine animal has to be the beluga whale (THEY ARE ADORABLE!).

    Topaza Yu    
    Yalda Mehran

    Name Yalda Mehran :D

    Location: I live in the territory of Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, Huron-wendat (Wyandot) and Mississaugas of the New Credit territory.

    What gets me up in the morning:
    Sometimes it is the smell of freshly brewed coffee, or a bowl of oatmeal, or sometimes the thought of going to the gym and hitting a nice hot sauna right after!

    A bit about me: I moved to Toronto in 2012 and finished university with a degree in political science. I took a lot of environmental science/studies courses at the university and was involved in many environmental clubs on campus, which helped me become more environmentally conscious. An ocean-related issue close to my heart is ocean pollution and the sheer amount of plastic in the oceans. I'm excited to be part of Ocean Bridge because it will allow me and other youth from coast to coast to coast to come together around the shared belief that protecting our oceans is of significant importance and to everyone’s benefit.

    Tell us something random about yourself:
    My favourite marine animal would be the Seahorse. I find it very interesting that the male Seahorse gives birth to baby Seahorses.
