2020 Cohorte du St-Laurent/ 2020 St-Lawrence Cohort
Map Locations
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Alexandre Viel-Gallant | Salut la gang! Mon nom est Alexandre Gallant et j'habite tout près du Parc Angrignon à Montréal! Ma plus grande motivation est de conscientiser le monde à comprendre leur environnement extérieur, mais aussi intérieur: méditation, yoga, qi-gong, jardinage, etc. De plus, je suis un pratiquant d'arts martiaux de très loongue date! Je pratique et enseigne plusieurs styles tel le kung fu, le muay thai et plusieurs autres! J'ai bien hâte de tous vous rencontrer! |
Alexandre Gallant | ||
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Alissa Sallans | Name: Alissa Sallans Location: I am currently living in Banff, Alberta, on Treaty 7 territory, but grew up just outside of Toronto. Pronouns: She/ Her A bit about me: Hey everyone! My name’s Alissa and I have just completed my B.A. in International Development and Environmental Studies at Trent University, in Ontario. Two aspects of my degree that have really shaped me have been my study abroad in Ghana last year, as well as my community-based research project on single-use plastic reduction at farmers’ markets this year. Outside of school I love spending time in nature, and as a facilitator with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts I really enjoy planning and facilitating conferences too. I have cared about the environment since I was very young, and after having the opportunity to visit the Antarctic with Students On Ice in 2014, I became especially passionate about experiential and environmental education. I can’t wait to get to know everyone and work together to learn about and take action towards ocean conservation! What get me up in the morning: A nice homemade hot chocolate. Tell us one random thing about yourself: I am a licenced boat captain for vessels under 60 Tons! ![]() |
Alissa Sallans | ||
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Amy Ingersoll | ![]() Name: Amy Ingersoll Location: I live in the traditional territory of the Mi'kmaq people, in Halifax NS. Pronouns: She/Her A bit about me: I am interested in art, reading and biology. My passions are ocean conservation, and psychology. I'm looking forward to meeting people from various backgrounds and contributing to ocean wellness. What gets me up in the mornings: Meditation. I like to start my day by meditating because it allows me to feel refreshed and centered for the new day. Something random: I like collecting things (following the principles of leave no trace). I have a feather collection, but my favorite item is an orca bone that my Dad and I found on a beach when I was a kid. |
Amy Ingersoll | ||
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Ariane Gacionis | She/Her A bit about me: Hi everyone! My name is Ariane Gacionis, I am going into my fourth year in International Studies and Modern Languages with a minor in Indigenous studies at the University of Ottawa. My hobbies include piano, reading theses/research (can seem boring but I love knowledge), dancing (absolutely love salsa) and watching Ted Talks! I also love travelling and learning languages, I speak French English and Italian and am currently learning Portuguese. ![]() What gets me up in the morning? In all honesty, my cat wakes me up at 7am on the dot every day to be fed, so all credit goes to her work and existence. But really, work, studying and research are what get me up daily. I love learning more and I love spending the day staying busy and working. This month, I have been concentrating on my class looking at violent masculinity and the processes of violence in Brazil, which if anyone wants more on feel free to contact me! Tell us something random about yourself |
Ariane | ||
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Camille Deslauriers Ménard | ![]() Nom Camille Deslauriers Ménard Lieu (Territoire traditionnel et ville/village) – J’habite sur le territoire non-cédé Kanien'keha:ka (Mohawk), sur Tiohtià:ke/l’île de Montréal, un lieu de partage qui depuis bien avant l’arrivée des colons français était déjà un carrefour d’échanges où plusieurs peuples et nations se rencontraient. Encore aujourd’hui, c’est un endroit magique et foisonnant qu’il me hâte de vous faire découvrir… I live on the unceded Kanien'keha:ka (Mohawk) territory, on Tiohtià:ke/Montreal Island, a land that was a center of exchanges way before French arrived and where multiple people and nations were meeting. Still today, it’s a magic and energic place I’m so excited to make you discover… Qu'est-ce qui me motive à sortir du lit chaque matin? Food. I’m a foodie. And something new to learn or some new story to tell. Un peu à propos de moi J’aime la Gaspésie, c’est là que, petite, j’ai découvert l’infinité de l’océan et la joie des goélands. Jouer sur la plage, dans les récifs, aux Jardins de Métis. C’est là que j’ai pris goût au voyage. Ça a été le lieu de grandes découvertes personnelles et ce sont des paysages exceptionnels… I’ve always self identified as an artist. It was theater for the most part of my life. And writing. I’ve been also directing and teaching. But now, really, it’s storytelling, my gem, the space, the moment, where everything’s possible, where everyone’s welcome, to share a bit of imagination and to lose their self in stories well known and territories unknown. I’m excited to be part of Ocean Bridge because I know I’ll learn a lot. And because I need more nature shots. I don’t do drugs, I do landscapes, I need those escapes. Somehow, here and now, a change is blooming. Winter is not coming. Back. In the world, globally, we think, certainly. We’ve been in detention for bad behaviour. Tastes like sweet and sour. For me, also, it’s a change of range. Because I want to make a difference. I want the broad audience to look at their essence, to slow their cadence and to move for a defence. I want to bring conscience. Nature is in danger. As we are. And The Big Blue Sea needs more safety. But only we, that are the plague can be the medicine. Don’t be vague, too late for the vaccine. Let’s make a wave of actions… Quelque chose de surprenant ou de particulier à propos de moi |
Camille Deslauriers Ménard | ||
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Caroline Marais | Name: Caroline Marais Pronouns: She/ Her Location/ Traditional Territory: I live in the beautiful city of Burlington which is located on the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit. A Bit About Me: I have recently graduated from Trent University with a BA in Environmental and Resource Studies and a minor in Geography. Through my studies, my passion for the conservation of oceans grew. In particular, the issue that I hold dear to my heart is ocean acidification and the damaging effects it is having on the coral reef ecosystems. I’m very excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge to help continue the conversation on ocean conservation and the promotion of environmental stewardship. I’m looking forward to expanding my knowledge and helping to educate the youth about ocean conservation. I have always been drawn to water and intrigued by its beauty. It brings me serenity which helps me to escape from the busy world around me. In my free time, I enjoy spending time at the lakefront, going on hikes and cycling. Random Fact: I’m hoping to acquire my open water scuba diving certification this summer. ![]() |
Caroline Marais | ||
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Christina Gregoire | Name: Christina Gregoire Location: I live in Toronto, ON which is the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. Pronouns: She/Her A bit about me: A bit about me: I'm an INFP with an abnormal amount of sarcasm. Growing up I was an art kid, an athlete and someone who just loved to be outside in nature. Like all of you, I care about this planet and its future. A goal of mine is to explore how to connect people to environment conservation through more nontraditional creative approaches. What gets me up in the morning: ...Honestly, I would be lying if I said anything other than coffee Tell us something random about yourself: My name is Christina and no one really calls me Christina. People usually call me T or Tina, pick your poison when we meet. ![]() |
Christina Gregoire | ||
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Christina Mai | Name: Christina Mai Location: I am currently living in Calgary, Alberta, on the land of Treaty Seven territory. I was born in Saigon, Viet Nam. Pronouns: She/ Her A bit about me: Hello, everyone! I was admitted to this program rather late, but I hope to contribute as much as I can! This year, I started my high school's first environmental conservation club, EnCon (catchy, isn't it?). With my club, I earned a grant to start a school-wide composting program. I've been playing piano for 11 years and alto and baritone saxophone for 4 years. I was in air cadets for 3 years, being drum major and organizer of the military band at my squadron. Next year, I hope to study International Relations at university. What gets me up in the morning? I love anything mint and aromatherapy. Mint tea, mint chocolate, especially mint room spray! My favourite essential oil is eucalyptus. Something random: Much to my family's disagreement, I consider the gardens around my house sharing the likeness of a jungle. My room is full of plants! Actually, just two, but that's better than none! ![]() This was from a cadet exchange trip to Halifax that I attended. We were in the Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, and this window opened up to a beautiful view of the Atlantic Ocean. This was back when I had cropped hair :) ![]() Here is a picture of the ocean in Vietnam, my homeland :) this picture came from my visit to Saigon in 2017. ![]() Thanks for checking out my profile page! |
Christina Mai | ||
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Christopher Andrews | Name: Christopher Andrews Pronouns: He/Him Location/Traditional Territory: Ottawa, traditional Algonquin territory A Bit About Me: I studied landscape ecology at Dalhousie including a MSc thesis on bumble bee and blueberry fields. I have since worked as a science communicator for a wildlife conservation ENGO, as a research assistant conducting systematic reviews, and most recently and environmental management consultant. I am eager to be a part of a developing community of practice in the conservation space. Looking forward to getting to know all of you and working together. What Gets Me Up in the Morning: A cup of coffee and list of things to do! Random Fact: I'm was born in Halifax. |
Christopher Andrews | ||
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Claire Armstrong | Location: Born and raised in Vancouver, BC, so I've lived beside the ocean for as long as I can remember. This is the traditional territory of the Coastal Salish peoples (Squamish, Musqueam, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations). A bit about me: I am currently pursuing an undergraduate degree at UBC studying Oceanography and Biology (plankton are really cool!). But before this, I think my passion about the ocean stemmed from my mother's influence. Being a biologist herself, she was always very keen to take me and my brother to the aquarium or the beach when we were young. I'm also really into SCUBA diving because its basically like flying but underwater. Diving is a way of showing people why the oceans are so important because there's more life underneath the surface than they could imagine. I'm really excited to meet some similar-minded people through Ocean Bridge! What gets me up in the morning: One of my passions is rowing, and being on the UBC varsity rowing team means I usually wake up at 4:15am to train. But the true reason that I love getting up at this time is because it gives me the chance to see the sun rise while being out on the water. Sunrises are infinitely more beautiful then sunsets because they get brighter as they develop. Tell us something random about yourself: I do not have a favourite marine organism because there's too many choices. Though I do particularly love diatoms (a type of phytoplankton), whales, octopuses, jellyfish, and sea stars. |
Zihan Cai | ||
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Clare Stone | ![]() Name: Clare Stone Pronouns: She/Her Location/Traditional Territory: Ottawa, ON – the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin, Anishinabek nation A Bit About Me: Hello! I am from Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I am a graduate from the Environmental Studies program at Algonquin College and currently an Ecosystem Management Technician student at Fleming College. I fell in love with the ocean and all the marine invertebrates/wildlife that call it home when I lived in Ucluelet, BC and Vancouver, BC last summer. I volunteered with the Ucluelet Aquarium and created awareness about the marine ecosystem through nature interpretation and assisted with the monthly micro plastics and sea star wasting disease surveys. I really enjoy photography and am passionate (or obsessed) with ocean issues and wildlife conservation. What Gets Me Up In The Mornings: All the possible wildlife I may see! Something Random About Myself: My MBTI type is INFJ |
Clare Stone | ||
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Cordelia McCrillis | ![]() Name: Cordelia Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town): I am new to this region of Canada and am currently living in Ottawa – the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishnaabeg people. Pronouns: She/ Her A bit about me: Like the many others around the world who have grown up surrounded by lakes and oceans throughout their childhood- and indeed like the many others who have learned to love our oceans, lakes, and waterways from a distance- I share that special connection to our Earth's blue spaces... and can appreciate how lucky we are to have so much of them here in Canada. I have developed a passion for preserving biodiversity, supporting marine conservation, and for educating others about the importance of our oceans and waterways. I am trying to find more ways to continue that passion. Through the Ocean Bridge Program, I hope to learn and, in turn, even problem-solve some of the challenges we face as a country regarding ocean conservation. What gets me up in the morning: The idea that there will be new places to explore, new people to meet, and new music to discover with each new day. Oh, and coffee. ;) Tell us something random about yourself: I am a bit out of practice now, but I studied Irish Gaelic immersion in Ireland one year during my undergrad... and I met a dolphin in the wild while I was there (true story!) |
Cordelia McCrillis | ||
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Corinne Dunwoody | ![]() Name: Corinne Dunwoody Location: I grew up on the traditional territory of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh First Nations in Vancouver, BC. I currently live and work on the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinabek people in Ottawa, ON. Pronouns: She/ Her A bit about me: Growing up I spent my summers exploring the BC coast, to this day I still can’t resist tide pool adventures and peeking under rocks at low tide. The creatures I found were so intriguing I decided to learn more about them, their habitats, and their environment. I completed my BSc with a major in marine biology and a minor in coastal studies at the University of Victoria. I am currently working in Ottawa for the National Research Council of Canada on the Ocean Program. Through the Ocean Bridge Program I am most looking forward to engaging with inland communities to foster ocean literacy. What gets me up in the morning: Sunny days Fun fact: I love cuttlefish and playing ultimate frisbee! |
Corinne Dunwoody | ||
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Démily Thibodeau-Bello | Name - Démily Thibodeau-Bello Location - Wawa: Located near beautiful Lake Superior and Michipicoten First nation, Wawa is Ojibwe for Land of the goose. Which is why you won't be surprised when you drive by our gigantic goose statue overlooking the Trans-Canada High-way. Wawa is a small, closed knit community with a population of a little less than 3000. Here, we are so fortunate to be surrounded by so much nature and beauty. A bit about me:I love travelling, camping and exploring new environments and cultures. Tell us something random about yourself: My favourite dish is my mom's traditional cuban rice and beans! |
Démily Thibodeau-Bello | ||
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Edana Golbourne | Name: Edana Golbourne Pronouns: She/her Location: Toronto, Ontario. Home and territory of the Haudenosaunee, Huron Wendat, Ojibway/Chippewa and WSÁNEĆ peoples. A bit about me: I am currently going into my fourth-year of Science and Business at the University of Waterloo minoring in Economics and Earth Sciences! I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge for the opportunity to explore ocean conservation and engage members of my community in ocean literacy. An ocean-related issue close to my heart is plastic pollution in our oceans and waterways. I am passionate about studying and preserving the health of lakes and oceans through science and policy. What gets me up in the morning: Family, friends, and continuing to find my day to day adventure. I enjoy getting outside and being active! Tell us something random about yourself: My favourite marine animal would have to be the Beluga Whale! (Maybe it's because of the childhood song maybe it's not) |
Edana Golbourne | ||
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Emily Polak | Name: Emily Polak Location: I grew up with my family on the traditional territory of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh First Nations in Vancouver, BC. After many moves in my early twenties, I now call home the traditional territory of the Algonquin First Nations in Orleans, ON. What gets me up in the morning: Making art and connecting with people. I love to paint acrylics and write young adult novels, and volunteer with the youth group at my local community centre. Also, I love classifying the natural world. I’m an avid bird-nerd, and enjoy going on walks around the Ottawa area to find as many species of bird as possible! Right now, I’m learning to run and doing a bunch of online yoga. A bit about me: Over the past year, I’ve discovered a passion for empowering youth and strengthening the mental health in my community. I find that in urban environments it can be hard to feel a connection to nature, but it is critical for big cities to take responsibility for their waste and try to reduce our impact on the environment. I would like to bring this issue to teens and brainstorm ways to reduce our impact together. This year I will be entering teacher’s college to become a high school biology and chemistry teacher, and I hope that Ocean Bridge will provide me with experience to inspire my future students. I am excited to meet a group of like-minded people in Ocean Bridge and work together help our environment. My favourite marine animal: Definitely harbour seals. They are so cute! Those big eyes! O.O <3 <3 ![]() (I ordered this seal pillow on ebay. It did not look like the photos in the description. :P I still love it anyway. #noregrets) |
Emily Polak | ||
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Emmanuelle Tassy-Bunyan | Name: Emmanuelle Tassy-Bunyan Pronouns: She/Her Locations: I am located in Outremont, Montreal About me: Hello! :) My name is Emmanuelle, and I am an Environmental science graduate from McGill. When I am not working, I play the piano. I'v been playing since I was six :) My favorite composer is Chopin. I am also an avid sport fanatic: I am an alpine skier; I skied in Vancouver, Quebec as well as the French Alps. I did four years of competitive swimming, and ran four half marathons and a marathon. I am also a rugby player and a powerlifter with a provincial record in deadlift (453 pounds). I also manage a reforestation project with my grandfather called SRH http://www.websrh.org/ that aims to reforest Haiti, and I wrote and published a book. I often see a new thing or activity as a challenge and I tell myself: challenge accepted! and I do it, learn a lot and have a lot of fun in the process! For me, life is meant to be lived and when my time is up, I don't want to have any regrets! I am really looking forward to this amazing opportunity and hope to learn a whole bunch! What gets me up in the morning: (beside the sun) is boredom. I don't like doing nothing during the day. I love being stimulated and being active. An ideal day for me is a busy day. So as soon as I'm well rested, I cannot wait to get out of bed to start my day ! Random thing about me: I can move my ears! And I lived three years in Ireland and finished high school there |
Emmanuelle Tassy-Bunyan | ||
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Janae Shkwarok (she/her) | Name Janae Shkwarok (she/her) What gets me up in the morning Breakfast foods, you can't go wrong with eggs benny! A bit about me I have recently completed a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from the University of Alberta. Some of my research has focused on the bioaccumulation of toxins in the tissues of aquatic organisms due to microplastic contamination. I also considerd how this may impact the sustainability of fisheries, human consumption and the food chain. Because of my findings, reducing microplastics is now an ocean-related issue that is close to my heart. I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I want to work with the community to improve ocean literacy availability, and ocean health. Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions) ![]() |
Janae Shkwarok | ||
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Jilian Barnett | Name: Jilian Barnett Pronouns: She/Her Location: Misssissauga, Ontario, the traditional lands of Anishinsbewaki, Attiwonderonk, Huron-Wendat and Haudenosaunee First Nations. A bit about me: Hello! I’m Jilian and I studied Environmental Science at Dalhousie University and just recently graduated from Durham College in Environmental Technology. Both programs were mostly inspired by my passion for being environmentally conscious, exploring different parts of the country and trying new things. Environmental education and awareness is something that has always been really important to me. I hope in participating in this program I can learn how to become a stronger advocate for environmental conservation. What gets me up in the morning: Currently I am going through a crafty phase, so I am loving sewing, playing the ukulele, gardening, and experimenting with new meal ideas. I have also just started reading the Harry Potter series (I know.. late to the game!). Tell us something random about yourself I really would like to do my Working Holiday Visa in New Zealand! |
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Jocelyn Whalen | Hi! My name is Jocelyn Whalen. (She/Her) Location: I grew up and am now risiding in the traditional territory of the Mississaugas and Chippewas of the Anishinabeg in Bowmanville, Ontario. A bit about me: I'm an Environmental and Resource Science graduate with years of experience working in my field. I've lived in many different parts of the country, working and exploring! What gets me up in the morning: Adventure and coffee gets me up in the morning. Fun fact about me: I recently lived on a small island in the Pacific Northwest for six months. |
Jocelyn Whalen | ||
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Karin Murray-Bergquist | ![]() Location: St. John's, Newfoundland, in the traditional territory of the Beothuk and the Mi'kmaq. Pronouns: she/her or they/them, either or both is fine
Karin Murray-Bergquist | ||
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Kristen Gould | Kristen Gould ![]() Port Saunders NL she/her On my days off I have to be patient enough to eat breakfast before I can get outside and go walking. One random thing about myself is that I really enjoy wildflowers. |
Kristen Gould | ||
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Laura Gaiten | Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town): The Kanien’kehá:ka Nation is recognized as the custodians of the lands and waters on which I reside. Tiohtià:ke/Montréal is historically known as a gathering place for many First Nations. Today, it is home to a diverse population of Indigenous and other peoples. I respect the continued connections with the past, present and future in our ongoing relationships with Indigenous and other peoples within the Montreal community. What gets me up in the morning : School! At the University of Alberta, I am participating in The Placenames and Oral Histories of Change project, which was carried out collaboratively between the Livelihood and Climate Change Department and the Elders Committee of Treaty 8 First Nations and the University of Alberta. Between June 2018 and February 2019, I worked with another student to document and verify place names in three languages (Dene/Beaver, Cree, and Denesoline), as well as interviewed Elders about oral stories of change. My thesis focuses on these stories of change and how landscapes have changed from the Elders's memories on the land. A bit about me: I'm excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I would like us to unite for stronger global ocean governance as a new biodiversity framework comes into existence. Tell us something random about yourself (or use one of the following suggestions): My favourite marine animal is the sea turtle. ![]() |
Jennifer Blackaller Ruiz | ||
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Laura Newman | Hi, I'm Laura! ![]()
1. A bit about me I grew up in Montreal, I studied communications at Concordia university, and spent a few years working on educational TV shows for kids. I got to live in Halifax, Nova Scotia for half of 2018, working with the Canadian Sea Turtle Network. I absolutely loved being so close to the ocean. I love being outside, being active, making music, and getting sucked into a really good book.
2. What gets me up in the morning? The possibility of getting to experience something new. And sunshine. And fresh snow. And rain - but only if it's the right kind of rain... 3. Tell us something random about yourself I'm a twin! |
Laura Newman | ||
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Madison Sayers | Pronouns: She/her ![]()
What really gets me up in the morning is someone making me breakfast and/or an adventure that awaits :), e.g. tend to get up bright and early when camping/going on a fun trip or an opportunity to travel. Otherwise I'm somewhat of a night owl. |
Madison sayers | ||
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Mari Grieve | On a hike by the Atlantic Ocean in Nova Scotia
2. Location (Traditional Territory and City/Town): I grew up, and currently live, in Winnipeg, MB — Treaty One territory, on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation. 3. Pronouns: She/her 4. A bit about me: My academic training is in Human Geography - I am fascinated by the relationships between people and the environment, and am especially interested in urban environments and sustainability/community initiatives. Though now currently fairly landlocked in Manitoba, water plays a huge role in my daily life as Winnipeg is situated on the confluence of two rivers — the Red and the Assiniboine. These waterways are Winnipeg's connection points to the oceans and I am fortunate to be able to interact with them everyday. 5. What gets me up in the morning: Coffee! And several well timed alarms. 6. Tell us something random about yourself: I am currently working on a mini-garden of natural dye plants. |
Merriam Grieve | ||
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Maury Beaudry | ![]() Hello guys ! :) My name is Maury Beaudry, I live on the south shore of Montreal, in the city of Saint-Hubert. About me ? I am currently studying. I am undertaking a bachelor's degree in geological engineering next fall at Polytechnique of Montreal. I want to become an environmental engineer. I am a curious person who loves to understand the complexities of our world. I have ambition and I sincerely hope to find solutions to global issues. I like hiking, sailing, nature, animals, people, science and reflection. I sincerely look forward to meeting all of you. What gets me up in the morning? Good coffee and the little pleasures of life. I like to get up knowing that I have a new lesson to learn during the day. Something random about me? When I was young I wanted to save the world. |
Maury Beaudry | ||
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Melissa Davidson | ![]() My name is Melissa Davidson, but lots of people call me Mel! I grew up just outside of Thunder Bay, Ontario in a small Finnish community called Lappe. I currently reside in the city of Thunder Bay on the traditional lands of the Fort William First Nation, Signatory of the Robinson Superior Treaty of 1850. Pronouns: She/Her A bit about me: I am currently working for EcoSuperior Environmental Programs, a local environmental non-profit, which I have been employed on and off by since (and during) my university education. Over this past summer I was fortunate enough to live in Jasper, Alberta where I worked as a boat captain and tour guide on Maligne Lake. It was an amazing experience to see the vastly different geography of a different part of Canada. I am constantly amazed by the beauty of the Earth and the diversity it holds! I have been out of school for a few years now but I went to Lakehead University and have a biology degree, so needless to say I love studying living things. In my free time I usually spend it outside or making things. I love going for a paddle, riding my bike or going camping or on a hike with friends. I also really enjoying making my own personal care products and baking things like bread but especially sweet treats! What gets me up in the morning: I am definitely not a huge morning person so coffee helps, but I would say that finding the little joys in life and making a difference (or at least trying) is really what gets me up everyday. Random fact about myself: I think the photo may have given this away, but if you ever go on a hike with me, expect me to side tracked by any small living thing I may come across (such as the lichens on the rock in the photo above!). |
Melissa Davidson | ||
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Michelle Ian | Name: Michelle Ian Location: I am from Calgary Alberta, Canada. People here still barbecue even if is -30C outside! Pronouns: She/Her A bit about me: Hello everyone! I am passionate to join this big community! Recently graduated from the University of Alberta with a bachelor of science in biology and chemistry. I've taken courses that relate to the ecosystem environment and marine science. What inspired me is one of the marine zoology course that I took, I learned about the enormous diversity of life that the ocean holds and how it affects our lives in many perspectives. Aside from school, I am an enthusiast who loves to say yes to new adventures. I love to travel and explore outdoors such as hiking and swimming. I am thrilled to be a part of the Ocean Bridge community because I'm excited to connect with passionate young leaders to work together to achieve common goals. I am honored to be given this opportunity to allow me to learn and grow! Tell us one random thing about yourself: My favorite refreshment is BUBBLE TEA (major weakness) ;) |
Michelle Ian | ||
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Nadia Dalili | ![]() Name: Nadia Dalili Location:
I am from Tiohtià:ke/ Montreal, traditional and unceded territory of the Kanien’keha:ka (Mohawk). Pronouns: She/Her A bit about me: I’ve always loved playing outside and in nature, from bike rides, canoe trips, to hiking in the woods. And I’ve always had a connection to the ocean and yearning to learn more about it. So much so, that I moved to the east coast to complete my master’s in marine management at Dal. Through my studies and work, I’ve been really passionate about wildlife, conservation and environmental education, but also about considering social and economic issues involved with protecting the environment for future generations. I am excited to be a part of Ocean Bridge because I believe, as ocean leaders, we can make a difference and inspire each other to create positive change in our communities across Canada. What gets me up in the morning: My dog Callie, who wants to eat all the food (she’s a lab mix) and go out for walks. The Sun, and recently daily live meditation classes online. Tell us something random about yourself: I love doing acro-yoga. It is yoga with a base, flyer, and spotter (3 people). You create such a connection with the people you are making acrobatic moves with, and acro-yoga has taught me that I am stronger physically and mentally than I know. |
Nadia Dalili | ||
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Niya | Name: Niya Pronouns: She/Her Location: Scarborough, ON A bit about me: I'm a fourth year Business Technology management student at Ryerson University. I'm an avid-reader, tech-enthusiast and story teller. The world is never truly black and white, I'm a grey area seeker. What gets me up in the morning: Being blessed to live another day! Tell us something random about yourself: A bit of some shameless promotion haha but I started a page called Habasooda dedicated to sharing the vastness of the Muslim experience through sharing narratives. I started the page as a means for Muslims to share their own stories without letting the media have the final word on what it means to be a Muslim. |
Niya | ||
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Noeli Urud | Name: Noeli Urud Location: I live on the traditional territory of the Mi'kmaq people, in Sackville NB. Pronouns: She/Her A bit about me: I am a student at Mount Allison University with a major in Environmental Science - cliche, I know! I am often motivated by the opportunity to strengthen human connections and make new discoveries within myself and my surroundings. At the moment I am very interested in people's relationship to the land and how this impacts their conservation choices. What gets me up in the mornings: Breakfast. I love to make myself colourful, hearty bowls filled to the brim with fruit! A little bit of artistic creation is the best way to start my day. Something random: I love the sound of my travel suitcase zipping open - it's the sign of a new adventure. |
Noeli Urud | ||
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Paloma D'Silva |
My name is Paloma. I was raised in Mississauga, ON but currently live and work in QC City. I travel frequently between Ontario and Québec. I am passionnate to join this team and make a difference in the terms of ocean conservation. ---- Bonjour du Québec, Je me nomme Paloma. J'ai grandi à Mississauga en ON, mais actuellement je vis et travaille à Québec, notamment le quartier de Sainte-Foy. Je voyage souvent entre l'Ontario et le Québec. Je suis passionnée de travailler avec vous autres et de faire les grands changements en matière de conservation de l'océan. |
Paloma | ||
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Rachel Child (she/her) | Name: Rachel Child Location: I currently live in Ottawa, unceded Algonquin territory, but I am originally from upstate New York (dual citizen). Pronouns: she/her A bit about me: I graduated from the University of Ottawa a few years ago in International Development and Globalization. I have about 5 years experience working with national and international NGOs and I currently work in Ottawa with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities on the Green Municipal Fund, a program that funds innovative projects across Canada to combat climate change. I have previously worked as an oceans campaigner and even though I never grew up by the ocean, it has always been my favourite place to be! I am passionate about ocean conservation and I am excited to meet new people from all backgrounds and learn more about how I can have a positive impact on Canada's oceans. What gets me up in the morning: A lovely cup of earl gray tea and a good podcast! One random thing about myself: I have a cat named Elaine and she loves Jalapeno chips! :) |
Rachel Child | ||
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Randa Ali | Name: Randa Pronouns: She/her Location/ Traditional Territory: I live in Mississauga, which is on the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit. A Bit About Me: I graduated last June from the University of Toronto with a degree in Biology and Sociology. I'm excited to return to UofT in the fall to pursue a Masters in Sustainability Management. I'm particularly interested in how we can make our food systems across the world more sustainable in order to feed a growing population. What gets me up in the morning: The sun!!! I love summertime and feeling the warmth on my skin. The rest of the year, I'd say coffee :) Tell us something random about yourself: I've watched The Mindy Project at least 7 times! |
Randa Ali | ||
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Sana Badruddin | Name: Sana Badruddin Pronouns: She/elle Location: Ottawa (but social distancing in Montreal) A bit about me: As with all environmental issues, those involved likely speak a similar 'language' when it comes to protecting the environment, i.e. we are each other's low hanging fruit. I am excited to tap into the wealth of knowledge within this cohort, and to use this experience to enable me with the tools to extend my reach beyond those who think like me. The 'machinery' for a linear economy needs to be broken in enough places that it necessitates change. I want to find those kinks in the chain, break them off and replace them with something new altogether. What gets me up in the morning: The promise I make to my bed that I'll be back in its warm embrace at night. Tell us something random about yourself: I'm just your average girl. |
Sana Badruddin | ||
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Selby Wilkinson | Name: Selby Wilkinson (She/Her) Location: I grew up and live on the traditional territory of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh First Nations in Vancouver, BC. A bit about me: People protect what they care about, but how do you get people to care? I get people to care through connecting them emotionally to stories of these places with photography, videography, and social media. I hope to inspire a culture of action that promotes the preservation of our natural spaces while encouraging everyone to enjoy these spaces responsibly. In my spare time you can find me hiking, backpacking or paddling around BC - always with my camera in hand and a big smile on my face. I love living in Vancouver because I am close to my two greatest loves in life: mountains and the ocean! My family owns an off-the-grid cabin in one of the local mountains which is where I love to escape, spending my days reading, hiking and baking. I feel incredibly grateful to be part of the Ocean Bridge cohort and am looking forward to creating memories and impacting the lives of Canadians together. We are the future of ocean conservation! What gets me up in the morning The thought that every day is a new adventure and a new chance to create the life you want. There is so much hope and possibility with every day and I love the challenge of making the most of it. Tell us something random about yourself I am trying to learn Swahili and have a lineup of other languages to learn after that! |
Selby Wilkinson | ||
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Sophie Cervera | Name: Sophie Pronouns: She/Her Location: Calgary, AB A bit about me: I am studying Geography in University of Calgary. I was born in the Philippines and moved to Canada in high school. Being in an archipelago and surrounded by oceans during my childhood made ocean conservation something that is close to my heart and a topic I want to explore more about. What gets me up in the morning: A fun activity that will be happening during the day. Tell us something random about yourself: I like island hopping and collecting things such as coins, lego, etc. and do scrapbooking of classical music and travels. ![]() |
Sophie Cervera |