3. Lead & Get Others Involved



Identifying your skills and personality characteristics will help you lead your project with success. Start by understanding your own strengths and needs and then create a team that will help you achieve your project goals. A good leader identifies and leverages their own strengths as well as the strengths of their team members. Leadership comes in many diverse forms and leaders have different leadership styles and personalities. 

Think of someone who shows strong leadership (Professor, boss, friend). What makes that person a good leader? What leadership characteristics would you like to focus on?

Here are two outstanding leaders in the environmental community, Dr. Sylvia Earle and Dr. David Suzuki:

"Everyone in his or her own way has a capacity to be a leader at some scale"--Dr. Sylvia Earle

Get Others Involved:

When creating your team, it's important to have team members with a variety of strengths who share your project goal. Members of your team might also have personal goals. Have a conversation with your team to discuss each person's interests, skills, group goals and individual goals. 

TakingItGlobal's Guide to Action says that great teams are those that allow for:

  • A sense of trust and belonging
  • A shared sense of ownership 
  • Clear roles and responsiblities
  • Effective and ongoing communication
  • Respect for diveristy
  • A sense of fun, creativity and openness
  • A space for ongoing learning and growth

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