6. Have A Lasting Impact


Have a Lasting Impact:

Monitoring your project will let you know if you have achieved your project's objectives. It is important to do this before you start the implementation of your project. For each objective, list possible indicators of success. Once you've started implementing, remember to monitor regularly. 


Reflecting on the outcomes of your project and what you have learned is essential to ensuring that your project has a lasting impact. TakingItGlobal's Guide to Action recommends reflecting on the following questions:

    • What was the catalyst that helped you move from inspiration to action?
    • How has your project given you more in depth knowledge of the issue?
    • What skills did you develop? What skills did your team develop? What skills do you and your team need to improve on?
    • Which people and organizations were you able to connect with during your project? Have you maintained a relationship with these contacts?
    • Were there any goals that you didn't achieve? How would you achieve these in the future?
    • What were your major obstacles? What would you do to overcome them in the future?
    • What outcome are you most proud of? What outcomes do you wish you approached different? How so?
    • What are your recommendations to others who take on a similar project?

    TakingItGlobal's Guide to Action shares these Tips for Evaluation:

    • Keep your evaluation simple and relevant
    • Gain inputs from lots of different sources (participants, team members, Ocean Bridge staff)
    • Think about how your project has influenced and affected the participants, your community and yourself (positive and negative!)
    • Ensure you highlight recommendations for the future

      Congratulations on completing a successful project!

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