Collaboration Space
We are excited to share Ocean Bridge’s new Collaboration Space! It’s just that, a space where all Ocean Bridgers can connect and collaborate with one another. You can find the Collaboration Space here, on our Ocean Bridge Community Page. This space stems from wanting to create a space on our community page similar to our Open Spaces experience, but one that is continuous, youth-curated, and year-round. This space is open to all Ocean Bridge participants, across all cohorts, to use to host conversations, self-organize into groups, and plan collaborative actions & service projects.
The Collaboration Space is essentially a calendar where you can post the date and time you'd like to connect with other Ocean Bridgers about a specific topic using our Webex Live Video Chat.
To use the Collaboration Space, all you have to do is create an event in the calendar that proposes what you would like to talk about, organize, or plan. Then you choose a date and time to host the space, and then when the time comes, open up our Live Video Chat, and see who joins you to collaborate!
When you are opening up the session, the host (the person who created the event) will have to login in to Webex, using the Oceanbridge Webex login, and open the Personal Room. Then everyone who'd like to participate can just click the Live Video Chat link to join you.
This Space is meant to be used by you folks to get yourselves into groups to talk about important topics or to work together to host collaborative service projects. So, feel free to post a topic/conversation and host the conversations you'd like have.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to give me ( a shout :)
To host a collaboration space:
- Choose a topic or project you'd like to collaborate/share with others
- Follow this link to the collaboration space calendar
- Click "Add Event"
- Using the prompts, fill in your event details (date, time, time zone, and a description of topic/project you'd like to talk about)
- Please make the event URL the Live Video Chat link
- Share with anyone you'd like to join you (from our Ocean Bridge participants)
- External folks are welcome to join as long as they contribute in a respectful way
- A couple minutes before your schedule call time, open the Webex Personal Room and login using your credentials
- Enjoy your conversations, project shares, brainstorms!
- Use this collaborative space to collaborate further or follow up :)
- Let us know if you have any questions or feedback
To attend a collaboration space:
- Check out the collaboration space calendar
- Find the space/topic you'd like to join and talk about
- At the date & time specified by the host, click join the Live Video Chat
- If the call host hasn't started the call yet you may not be able to start the link (or it will prompt you to login), so feel free to login with your credentials
Continue to Reflections »
- Collaboration Space Calendar You can find the collaboration space calendar here (or in the community tools side menu)
- Live Video Chat Username: PW: XdD8JeDk!
Submissions (2)
Caitlin Pierzchalski Resource: 1731.4 days ago
Caitlin Pierzchalski Resource: 1731.4 days ago