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Posted by Frankie Marquez on 4 Jun 2021

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  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 11/9/21 at 7:45PM

    The 10-day immersive Atlantic Learning Journeys wrapped up in late September, filled with hands-on service projects, adventure programming, community building, and local education from community members and traditional knowledge holders.

    The group of 2021 ambassadors left with abundant knowledge and a thirst for action, but the Learning Journeys couldn’t have been more fulfilling for Lachlan Riehl and Hil Hamilton, two Ocean Bridge Alum who were invited to lead workshops for the new group of ambassadors. This full circle moment let the alumni showcase the incredible work they’re doing post-Ocean Bridge.

    Read about what Hil and Lachlan are up to! Link in the bio 🌊

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 11/3/21 at 6:00PM

    Direct Action is pleased to welcome Ambassador Anneka to the @oceanwiseresearch Plastics Lab team for this fall. The Plastics Lab is focused on delivering cutting-edge research on microplastics – in particular, the sources, transport, fate and related effects in Canada’s aquatic environments. The wonderful Plastics research team studies microplastics occurrence in laundry machine outflow, seawater, municipal wastewater and the stomachs and organs of aquatic animals, using state-of-the-art technology. Anneka will be working on several projects based both virtually and in the Pacific Science Enterprise Centre (PSEC), a world-class Environmental Microplastics Facility located in West Vancouver, BC. Keep an eye on this space to learn more about the exciting research happening at the Plastics Lab!

    Photo by @avanderpas

    #OceanDirectAction @oceanwiseresearch @oceanwise @oceanwiseyouth @leaderstoday #OceanBridge #plasticresearch @avanderpas

    Action directe est heureuse d'accueillir l'ambassadrice Anneka au sein de l'équipe du Plastics Lab de @oceanwiseresearch pour cet automne. Le Laboratoire des plastiques se concentre sur la recherche de pointe sur les microplastiques, en particulier sur les sources, le transport, le devenir et les effets connexes dans les environnements aquatiques du Canada. La merveilleuse équipe de recherche sur les plastiques étudie la présence de microplastiques dans le débit des machines à laver, l'eau de mer, les eaux usées municipales et les estomacs et organes des animaux aquatiques, en utilisant une technologie de pointe. Anneka travaillera sur plusieurs projets basés à la fois virtuellement et au Pacific Science Enterprise Centre (PSEC), une installation environnementale de classe mondiale sur les microplastiques située à West Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique. Gardez un œil sur cet espace pour en savoir plus sur les recherches passionnantes menées au Plastics Lab !

    Photo par @avanderpas

    #OceanDirectAction @oceanwiseresearch @oceanwise @oceanwiseyouth @leaderstoday #OceanBridge #plasticresearch @avanderpas

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 10/29/21 at 7:00PM

    Last week's workshop went amazing… and that’s not up for debate! 😅

    This workshop with Ocean Wise @YouthToSea ambassadors (aged 15-18) consisted of challenging us to deal with conflict and how to problem solve. Conflict can result in the production of airing our own differences that will lead us to creative solutions!

    There is a lot of group work involved in #YouthToSea programming – and our everyday lives. We will not always have the same views, opinions, and ideas. It is normal for conflict to happen so it is essential to learn how to deal with it.

    This workshop was designed to teach our @leaderstoday how to properly deal with conflict when it arises, listen to everyone’s voices, and think outside of the box. Another great workshop complete that helps develop key life skills😌✅

    @OceanWise #LeadersToday #OceanBridge #CanadaServiceCorps @NatureForAll #NatureForAll




    L'atelier de la semaine dernière s'est très bien déroulé... et ce n'est pas à débattre ! 😅

    Cet atelier avec les jeunes ambassadeur.drice.s Ocean Wise @YouthToSea (15-18 ans) consistait à nous mettre au défi de gérer les conflits et de savoir comment résoudre les problèmes. Le conflit peut tourner au positif lorsque nous acceptons et discutons de nos différences dans le but d'arriver à des solutions créatives !

    Il y a beaucoup de travail de groupe dans le programme #YouthToSea - et dans nos vies quotidiennes. Nous n'aurons pas toujours les mêmes points de vue, opinions et idées. Il est normal que des conflits surviennent – il est donc essentiel d'apprendre à les gérer.

    Cet atelier a été conçu pour apprendre à nos @leadersdaujourdhui à gérer correctement les conflits lorsqu'ils surviennent, à écouter les voix de chacun.e et à sortir des sentiers battus. Un autre bel atelier qui aide à développer les compétences essentielles 😌✅.

    @OceanWise #LeadersDaujourdhui #PortailOcéan #ServiceJeunesseCanada @NatureForAll #NaturePourTous

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 10/26/21 at 8:10PM

    Eelgrass is a crucial nursery habitat for many species found in Canadian waters, including some commercially harvested species. Unfortunately, eelgrass distribution is decreasing as a result of habitat destruction and the introduction of invasive species like the green crab. This summer, Ocean Bridge Atlantic Participants monitored eelgrass on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia with CPAWS Nova Scotia @cpawsnovascotia and SuperNova @supernovaatdal through snorkeling, drone videography and remotely operated vehicles.


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  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 10/6/21 at 5:01PM

    Have you heard of the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre (@ontarioturtlecc)? We are so pleased to be able to say they are one of our new @oceanwise Ocean Bridge Direct Action partners this year! The Centre is a registered charity whose goal is to protect and conserve Ontario’s native turtles and the habitat in which they live. They accomplish this by operating a turtle hospital that treats, rehabilitates, and releases injured turtles, by performing extensive research in the field to further conservation initiatives, and by running a comprehensive education and outreach program. These goals truly align with the Direct Action spirit we look for in organizations dedicated to working with marine and freshwater ecosystems.

    One of our Direct Action Ambassadors, Skylar, is working on a placement with the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre this fall. Based in Peterborough, ON, Skylar assists with turtle care, public engagement, and social media – if you check out their Instagram and Facebook pages, many of the posts you see on Fridays were created by Skylar!

    Pictured here is Zig, the Musk Turtle (photo taken by Skylar)

    #OceanDirectAction @leaderstoday #OceanBridge @ontarioturtlecc #turtleconservation #canadaservicecorps
    Connaissez-vous le Centre de protection des tortues de l'Ontario (@ontarioturtlecc) ? Nous sommes très heureux de pouvoir dire qu'il est l'un de nos nouveaux partenaires du programme Portail Océan Action Directe d'@oceanwise cette année ! Le Centre est un organisme dont l'objectif est de protéger les tortues indigènes de l'Ontario et l'habitat dans lequel elles vivent. Ces objectifs correspondent vraiment à l'esprit d'action directe que nous recherchons dans les organisations qui se consacrent aux écosystèmes marins et d'eau douce.

    Skylar, l'une de nos ambassadrices d'Action directe, effectue cet automne un stage au Centre de protection des tortues de l'Ontario. Basée à Peterborough, en Ontario, Skylar participe aux soins des tortues, à l'engagement du public et aux médias sociaux.

    Sur la photo, on voit Zig, la tortue musquée (photo prise par Skylar)

    #OceanActionDirecte @leadersdaujourdhui #PortailOcéan #servicejeunessecanada

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  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 9/22/21 at 6:00PM

    Direct Action is thrilled that Howe Sound/ Atl’ka7tsem has officially become Canada’s 19th UNESCO Biosphere Region! This means that Howe Sound is designated as an area of global ecological significance. This is made more exciting by the fact that last year, Direct Action Ambassador Amy was involved in contributing to the research and outreach that went into creating the interactive Howe Sound/ Atl’ka7tsem Community Network Map. Amy was partnered with the MakeWay charitable society for this project. Pictured here is a screenshot of the map that Amy helped create – it shows all of the diverse groups that operate within the Howe Sound region, connecting to the ocean and freshwater.

    The main outcome that Howe Sound hopes to reach with this designation as a prestigious UNESCO Biosphere Region is to strengthen marine protection measures by helping the public learn about why this area is so incredible. Not only is it a beautiful landscape, it is a place filled with deeply rooted Indigenous culture as well as stunning biodiversity, like the rare, ancient glass sponge reef.

    #HoweSoundBiosphere #UNESCOBiosphereRegion #OceanDirectAction @leaderstoday @oceanwise @oceanwiseyouth #OceanBridge @howesoundbiosphere @makeway_together

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  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 9/3/21 at 3:01PM

    @YouthToSea was happy to spend some time out on the water with @providencesailcargo! What an amazing experience for everyone. This learning journey is much more than just getting out on the water and enjoying beautiful views. The group learned so much from their programming and being hands-on during the excursion.

    The group learned about plankton and food webbing, identifying and mapping different whale species, and oceanography and other ocean careers. While on the boat, the team learned about the structure of the boat, hoisting the sails, and brushed up on their knot tying skills!

    YouthToSea was able to do all of this while being in the middle of the water; that in itself is a new learned skill :)

    Thanks so much for "hoisting" us @providencesailcargo

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 8/25/21 at 3:01PM

    We are so pleased to announce that last week, Direct Action alumni Caleigh Delle Palme, was appointed as one of 16 youth around the world to the 5th International Marine Protected Areas Congress (@IMPAC5canada).

    Caleigh tells us: “I did my Ocean Bridge Direct Action placement with Parks Canada on the Marine Conservation team with a focus on recreational fisheries. I developed a scan and report of recreational fishing practices in each NMCA/R, that includes existing national and regional recreational fishing regulations and monitoring methods. The report includes a summary of best practices to enhance the sustainability of recreational fisheries. After my placement, I was fortunate to continue on the team as a Marine Conservation Advisor.

    I am also a member of the Young Professionals Committee for the 5th International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5), a marine conference taking place next year in Vancouver! I am joining 16 other youth from around the world in all different time zones to unite our passion for protecting our waters and to ensure youth voices are heard and amplified.

    If you are interested in the conference, the IMPAC5 Call for Proposals is open now! IMPAC5 is welcoming marine practitioners and grassroots organizations to submit proposals for a variety of sessions during IMPAC5, including speed talks, e-posters, symposium, multi-speaker symposiums and knowledge sharing sessions. The call for proposals is open until 20 September 2021.”

    #OceanDirectAction @oceanwise @leaderstoday @IMPAC5Canada #oceanwiseyouth #youth @parks.canada canada #marineconservation

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 8/10/21 at 4:00PM

    We're so excited to announce that Topaza Yu, one of our Ocean Bridge Alumni, has been appointed to be part of the Prime Minister's Youth Council!

    As part of the Youth Council, Topaza tells us that she is, "excited to continue advocating for sexual and reproductive health and rights and other pressing issues that matter most to youths. [She is] also excited to advocate for universal access to no-cost contraception for youth in Canada."

    Ocean Bridge has been a stepping stone for Topaza in her leadership journey, and while she was with us, she realized how important it was to make ocean education more accessible so everyone can have the opportunity to participate.

    "I'm excited to take what I have learned from other youth and staff at Ocean Bridge and share it with the Prime Minister Youth Council!"

    Read more here:

    @oceanwise @leaderstoday #oceanwise #leaderstoday #oceanbridge #primeministersyouthcouncil #youthcouncil

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 8/2/21 at 7:00PM

    Our talented group of Ocean Bridge Ambassadors proudly present their short film “Microplastics: Too small to see TOO BIG TO IGNORE.”

    What are microplastics and how do they impact our environment? Find out the answers to our questions and more with leading researchers from the Ocean Wise Plastics Lab.

    Watch it here:

    Thank you to our Ocean Bridge team on this project: Bridget John, Courtney Smaha, Jennifer Johnson, Nikolai Karpun, Patrick Duke, Ruston Fellows, and Dabney Meachun.

    Special thanks to @AnthillFilms

    #PlasticFreeJuly #Microplastics #OceanBridgeYouth #OceanConservation #OceanPollution #LeadersToday @LeadersToday

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 7/28/21 at 3:00PM

    This week, we want to spotlight a Direct Action partner within the @oceanwiseresearch family – the Marine Mammal Research Program! One of our placements involves Direct Action Ambassadors working on the long standing Beluga Bioacoustics project. Bioacoustics is essentially the study of sound in animals; in this case, how belugas communicate with each other and the conservation implications that follow. Pretty cool stuff!

    Direct Action Ambassador Raina ( is currently working closely with Dr. Valeria Vergara and research assistant Marie-Ana Mikus on the Beluga Bioacoustics project. Her job is to analyze recordings of beluga communications and identify different sounds using a bioacoustics software. Keep an eye on this space, we’ll catch up with Raina as she continues to work on her project 😊

    Photo credit: Dr Valeria Vergara

    @oceanwiseresearch @oceanwise #OceanDirectAction #beluga #bioacoustics #marinemammalresearch #oceandirectaction

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 7/23/21 at 5:00PM

    Last week the 2021 #YouthToSea Cohort had a great time kayaking Deep Cove.

    Not only did the group kayak together, but they also completed some water sampling, identified marine wildlife, and of course appreciated some beautiful views.

    We would like to thank @DeepcoveKayak for a great day and for teaching us so much on our excursion!

    @YouthToSea @OceanWise
    #OceanWiseYouth #OceanBridge #CanadaServiceCorps

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 7/14/21 at 5:00PM

    Ocean Bridge Direct Action is pleased to have so many amazing partners this year, including Kluane Lake Research Station in the Yukon. The Kluane Lake Research Station is located 220 km northwest of Whitehorse, Yukon, on the traditional lands of the Kluane, Champagne-Ashihik, and White River First Nations. The station was established in 1961 and has provided support to researchers from across Canada and around the world.

    The area’s geographic diversity is reflected in the unique scientific legacy of KLRS across the disciplines of glaciology, geomorphology, geology, biology, botany, zoology, hydrology, limnology, climatology, physiology, anthropology, and archaeology, and in over 1500 scientific publications, many of which are described in the Kluane Lake Research Station Bibliography! The unique location and size of Kluane Lake (Lhù'ààn Män in Southern Tutchone) makes it a key indicator of climate change in the sub-arctic region. The fieldwork that our Ambassador is assisting with this summer involves travelling to remote locations surrounding the lake and boat-based work on the lake to collect and prepare water samples.

    If you were watching our stories last weekend, you might have seen a takeover by our Ambassador, Nadja, who is in Kluane for the summer! If you missed it, check out our “Direct Action” reel 😊 Stay tuned as Nadja is helping out with some super cool climate change research and will be sharing more of her experience later on.

    @naturalnadja @leaderstoday #OceanDirectAction #natureforall @kluanelakeresearchstation #leaderstoday #climatechangeresearch @oceanwise #oceanwiseyouth

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 7/7/21 at 6:00PM

    The second year of Ocean Bridge Direct Action is currently underway! With 10 placements and counting off the ground, we are excited to start sharing some of the cool experiences that our Ambassadors are enjoying.

    We'd like to start by introducing one of our amazing partners this year, @BCparksfdn! Did you know that BC Parks Foundation is the charitable partner of BC Parks? If you visit parks across the Lower Mainland of BC this summer, you might have the chance to see three of our Direct Action Ambassadors in action as they connect the public with local ecosystems and share resources on park safety.

    Stay tuned to this space to meet our Direct Action Ambassadors 😊

    #OceanDirectAction @leaderstoday #natureforall @bcparksfdn #leaderstoday @bcparks @yukigraham

    Photo credit: Sherry Lu (BC Parks)

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  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 6/8/21 at 5:12PM


    Here’s what you can do to join @oceanwise in celebrating World Oceans Day:

    • Lead or participate in a Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup @shorelinecleanup

    Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup is a national conservation program by @oceanwise providing Canadians the opportunity to take action in their communities wherever water meets land. By collecting litter and recording how much trash you and your team collect, you can become a citizen scientist and contribute your data to our national litter database. Every piece of litter picked up is one less that could end up in our waterways, making its way to the ocean.

    • Join the movement, #beplasticwise and take part in Ocean Wise’s Plastic Reduction Program

    Sign the Pledge to start your plastic reduction journey, and then measure your impact and find out just how much plastic you’re using day-to-day by taking the household plastic waste audit. By making small changes in your home through lowering your single-use plastic consumption, you’ll be contributing less waste that is threatening ocean life, causing entanglement, suffocation, injury, and malnutrition.

    • Sign the pledge to help end overfishing

    Choose how you’ll be supporting the sustainable seafood movement. To learn more about how overfishing is one of the greatest threats to the health of our oceans, search Waves of Change. More @oceanwiseseafood

    🌊🌊🌊 We recognize all of you making a difference for the ocean and your communities in your own ways 💙💙💙 @leaderstoday @oceanwise #LeadersToday #CanadaServiceCorps #OceanBridge #OceanDirectAction #YouthToSea

    Photo credit: @mophung

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 6/3/21 at 8:33PM

    Ocean Bridge Direct Action is an exciting, immersive @OceanWise and #CanadaServiceCorps program for in-depth learning and youth engagement with oceanic and aquatic conservation efforts across Canada. This year, the Direct Action program will place 35 young people (ages 18-30) with conservation, government and not-for-profit organizations to participate in marine and aquatic research projects. These 3-month, full-time placements will immerse participants in virtual, or rural and remote marine, coastal, and watershed environments and communities across Canada. Keep an eye on our stories today and for the rest of the week, as we are sharing some of our exciting placements for our #leaderstoday kicking off this month!

    Pictured is #OceanBridge Direct Action alum @jaysaydamn, whose placement this past year was focused on GIS and ecological restoration of coastal habitat with Pacific Rim National Park Reserve!

    #OceanWiseYouth #OceanDirectAction #OceanBridge @LeadersToday @NatureForAll
    Portail Océan Action Directe est un programme passionnant et immersif de @OceanWise et #ServiceJeunesseCanada d’apprentissage approfondi et d’engagement de la jeunesse en les efforts de conservation océanique et aquatique à travers le Canada. Cette année, le programme Action Directe placera 35 jeunes (âgés de 18 à 30 ans) auprès d'organismes de conservation, gouvernementales et à but non lucratif pour participer à des projets de recherche marine et aquatique. Ces placements de trois mois à temps plein plongeront les participants dans des communautés et des environnements virtuels, marins, côtiers et de bassins versants ruraux et éloignés à travers le Canada. Gardez un œil sur nos articles d'aujourd'hui et du reste de la semaine, car nous partageons certains de nos placements pour nos #LeadersDaujourdhui qui débutent ce mois-ci !

    Dans cette photo, l'ancien élève de #PortailOcéan Action Directe @jaysaydamn , dont le stage de l'année dernière était axé sur le SIG et la restauration écologique de l'habitat côtier dans la réserve de parc national Pacific Rim!

    #OcéanActionDirecte #OceanBridge @LeadersDaujourdhui #NaturePourTous

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 1/26/21 at 7:19PM

    ‼️This Friday at 5:30pm Newfoundland time (5:00pm Atlantic time/1:00pm Pacific), Carter McNally (@cartermcnelly) will be speaking to Heart to Heart NL about his experiences as a member of the 2020 #OceanBridge Cohort. Heart to Heart NL is a youth volunteer led initiative that promotes young voices and forms Newfoundland based connections. You can watch the facebook live event here:
    #leaderstoday #natureforall
    ‼️Ce vendredi à 17 h 30, heure de Terre-Neuve (17 h, heure de l'Atlantique / 13 h du Pacifique), Carter McNally parlera à Heart to Heart NL de ses expériences en tant que membre de la cohorte #PortailOcéan 2020. Heart to Heart NL est une initiative dirigée par des jeunes bénévoles qui fait la promotion de jeunes voix et crée des liens basés à Terre-Neuve. Vous pouvez regarder l'événement en direct sur Facebook ici:
    #leaderstoday #natureforall

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 11/3/20 at 2:43PM

    🐟💡Tune in for "Reefs for Rockfish: A Collaborative Approach to Creating Habitat". This special event will discuss how Rockfish populations drastically declined in the 1990s along the B.C. coast due to overfishing, habitat loss and bycatch. Join Amanda Weltman as she discusses a unique approach to protect these fish and their habitats by combining art with science. Register today!
    🐟💡Branchez-vous sur «Récifs pour les sébastes: une approche collaborative pour créer un habitat». Cet événement spécial portera sur la façon dont les populations de sébastes ont considérablement diminué dans les années 1990 le long de la Colombie-Britannique. côte en raison de la surpêche, de la perte d'habitat et des prises accessoires. Rejoignez Amanda Weltman alors qu'elle discute d'une approche unique pour protéger ces poissons et leurs habitats en combinant l'art et la science. Inscrivez-vous dès aujourd'hui!

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 12/10/21 at 5:30PM

    Hey everyone I am Maxine! I am going to tell you a bit about my Ocean Service Project :)

    Thanks to @YouthtoSea, I had such an amazing time, collaborating with Stable Harvest Farms to plant some trees! The gloomy day had no effect on our spirits, as we braved the pouring rain.

    It was an experience that I never thought I would be in. I was taken on a tour by one of the farmers at Stable Harvest Farms, and saw the incredible things they do; from growing a variety of fresh food to harvesting their own honey and donating much of it to non-profit organizations. I was given the opportunity to learn more about what it takes to grow and plant a healthy tree. Using either my bare hands or a shovel, I, along with others, dug a hole for the trees to be planted. It was honestly an amazing experience.

    This project was the one of the first things to come to mind when Youth to Sea introduced the idea of Service Projects. I knew I wanted a project that I can literally see grow throughout the years, and hopefully help others in the process. With the amount of trees being chopped down each year, that even the little things can help in a big way. Therefore, I hope that by simply planting two trees right now, will result in a ripple effect of many more to come. And personally, I just wanted to learn how to plant a tree, so thankfully I can cross that thing off my bucket list.
    Lastly, after trying their wonderful food, I can surely say I will be coming back to work with them again to continue this project or to even start a new one.

    Thank you!

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 12/3/21 at 5:00PM

    @YouthToSea Ocean Service Projects are in full swing!

    We are so happy to see some of the projects that our participant's designed starting to come to life. Meet two members of the textile group; they're working hard to recycle old clothing and make them into new ones to be donated to those in need during the winter season.

    This project is great because it is beneficial for the environment, as they are keeping the textiles out of the landfills and it allows them to give back to their community. Throughout the YouthToSea program, each project can look so different and it's great to see what everyone is coming up with. Stay tuned to see other amazing @YouthToSea projects be highlighted :)

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 11/26/21 at 9:30PM

    @YouthToSea was very excited to be hands-on during our time at @Noonscreekhtachery!

    The group was able to fit in so much within a few hours and the rain did not slow us down!

    We were able to tour the lab, learn about the process of raising the Coho and Chum salmon in the lab, saw some salmon in the area, searched for critters in the pond (and put them back 😊), went on a nature walk, and saw lots of animals in between.

    It was a great day of learning! Thanks again to @Noonscreekhtachery for having us.

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 11/19/21 at 8:15PM

    @YouthToSea participants are still buzzing about our trip to the @cheakamuscentre last month!

    This day was FILLED with different activities for the group, and we were honoured to be welcomed into such a beautiful space.

    It was such a powerful day of learning, listening, and being together. We were able to fit in so many activities including:

    🍃An Ethnobotany walk where we discussed First Nations traditional knowledge while exploring the trails.

    🔨Wood working using traditional tools, knowledge, and techniques.

    🚪A visit to the Longhouse where we listened and learned from our guides.

    🐟We explored the life cycle of salmon and visited salmon streams and spawning channels.

    🌳Participated in a forest walk to investigate the biodiversity and interconnectedness of a temperate rainforest ecosystem. This included seeing a 900-year old tree!

    That's just some of what we were able to cover during our amazing day trip. Thank you again @cheakamuscentre for hosting us and sharing your knowledge.

    #LeadersToday #OceanWise @OceanWise @LeadersToday #cheakamuscentre #Nature #YouthToSea

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 11/12/21 at 5:00PM

    From students to teachers!

    Participants with Ocean Wise's @YouthToSea program were delighted to become educators recently at the launch of the new @truearthstore in Port Moody in B.C.

    Protecting our oceans is something that both @OceanWise & @Truearthmovement care deeply about, so we were happy to team up with them and bring some education to their event.

    The participants brought some really cool props and spoke to community members about ocean creatures and sustainable fishing. Some really great conversation came out of this day and we are so proud of @YouthToSea participants for really showing their leadership skills throughout this event.

    @leaderstoday #leaderstoday #oceanbridge #canadaservicecorps @natureforall #natureforall




    Les élèves deviennent les enseignant.e.s !

    Les participant.e.s au programme @YouthToSea d'Ocean Wise ont été ravi.e.s de devenir des éducateur.trice.s récemment lors du lancement du nouveau magasin @truearth à Port Moody en Colombie-Britannique.

    La protection de nos océans est un sujet qui tient à cœur à @OceanWise et @Truearthmovement, nous étions donc heureux.euses de faire équipe avec eux.elles et de contribuer la facette de l'éducation à leur événement.

    L'équipe YouthToSea a apporté des accessoires vraiment cool et ont parlé aux membres de la communauté des créatures océaniques et de la pêche durable. Cette journée a donné lieu à d'excellentes conversations et nous sommes très fier.e.s de @YouthToSea qui ont démontré leurs qualités de leader tout au long de cet événement.

    @leadersdaujourdhui #leadersdaujourdhui #portailocéan #servicejunessecanada #naturepourtous

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  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 11/2/21 at 6:00PM

    Caroline Keddy organized a community event bringing 28 students from the Environmental Technician program at St. Lawrence College in Cornwall to attend a hike and view the Chinook salmon spawn Research scientist and wildlife biologist, Dr. Brian Hickey from the River Institute, delivered a workshop on seine netting and fish ID in the Rotary Creek area. Caroline also engaged a local seafood restaurant, purchasing their special perch rolls for all attendees. Go Caroline!

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 10/25/21 at 6:04PM

    Hello! I’m Sophie, the director and co-host of The Daily Tide Podcast, my Ocean Service Project with Ocean Wise's @YouthToSea program.

    TDT Podcast is a collection of conversations on marine biology careers spanning Canada, from coast to coast to coast. Marin Davison is another YouthToSea participant working on this project and we are both aspiring marine biologists. During our podcast we chat with scientists and experts about their day to day, what issues have muddled their field, how they combat these problems, and why/how they jumped into their career in the first place. As a podcast-video combo, TDT invites the audience to explore the careers in the world of ocean sciences and learn how to help along the way.

    We have recently completed recording our first episode and are on our way to produce twenty episodes by July 2022! Learn more about our podcast at @thedailytidepodcast and stay tuned for Ep.1 with cetacean expert Chloe Robinson (

    @oceanwise #YouthToSea #OceanBridge @LeadersToday #LeadersToday #CanadaServiceCorps @NatureForAll

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 10/19/21 at 7:00PM

    Trick or Trash 🎃

    Get your costumes on, bring along friends and family, and do a shoreline cleanup in your community on Halloween weekend, October 30th or 31st, 2021! This Halloween, we want to encourage some ocean-friendly alternatives to the single-use treats and throw-away costumes. We’re challenging you to re-purpose old costumes, check out some thrift shops, or even hold a costume swap with friends! Don’t forget to snap a photo of your costume in action at the cleanup, there will be a prize for best photo!

    Register your cleanup with the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup at, tag @oceanwiseyouth, and use #OBTrickOrTrash2021 in your post to share your cleanups with us!

    Thank you Aileen Duncan, alumni from Ocean Bridge 2020-2021 cohort, for this awesome initiative!

    Check out these resources to make your Halloween sustainable:

    Enfilez vos costumes, amenez vos amis et votre famille, et faites une corvée de déchets dans votre communauté la fin de semaine d'Halloween, le 30 ou le 31 octobre 2021 ! Cette Halloween, nous voulons encourager une alternative respectueuse de l'océan aux bonbons à usage unique et aux costumes jetables. Nous vous mettons au défi de réutiliser de vieux costumes, de faire le tour des friperies ou même d'organiser un échange de costumes entre amis ! N'oubliez pas de prendre une photo de votre costume en action lors du nettoyage, il y aura un prix pour la meilleure photo !

    Enregistrez votre nettoyage avec le Grand Nettoyage des rivages canadiens au, taguez @oceanwiseyouth et utilisez #OBTrickOrTrash2021 dans votre publication pour partager vos nettoyages avec nous !

    Merci à Aileen Duncan, doyenne du Portail Océan, cohorte 2020-2021, pour cette incroyable initiative !

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 10/8/21 at 5:00PM

    Another successful learning experience for the amazing young ocean leaders in Ocean Wise's @YouthToSea!

    The group of 15-17 year-old #LeadersToday worked alongside @wildcoast_ecological to remove invasive plant species and learned a lot about riparian zones, invasive plants, stream erosion, estuaries, and native plants. It was a great experience for the group to be able to learn about habitats in our areas! Thank you @wildcoast_ecological for a great day and teaching us so much!

    @oceanwise @leaderstoday @NatureForAll #CanadaServiceCorps #NatureForAll #OceanWise #OceanBridge




    Une autre expérience d'apprentissage réussie pour les jeunes de l'océan du programme @YouthToSea d'Ocean Wise !

    Ce groupe de #LeadersDaujourdhui âgé.e.s de 15 à 17 ans a travaillé avec @wildcoast_ecological pour éliminer les espèces végétales envahissantes et a beaucoup appris sur les zones riveraines, les plantes envahissantes, l'érosion des cours d'eau, les estuaires et les plantes d'origine locale. Merci à @wildcoast_ecological pour cette belle journée et pour nous avoir appris tant de choses !

    @oceanwise @leadersdaujourdhui #ServiceJeunesseCanada #NaturePourTous #OceanWise #Portail Océan

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 10/5/21 at 4:01PM

    What is the Giant Plastic Tap? Single-use plastic consumption has gone up by 250-300% during the pandemic. Help us raise awareness for this monumental environmental issue by joining #TurnOffThePlasticTap – an incredible endeavour by visual artist @vonwong we at @oceanwise are so excited to support – and participating in Ocean Wise's Plastic Audit.

    If you are an artist or creative that would like to participate, join us in creating a photo remix of the Giant Plastic Tap between October 4th- November 4th which automatically enters you into a $10,000 prize pool!

    For more information (link also in bio):

    Photo Credit: Ben Von Wong (@vonwong)
    Que signifie ce géant robinet de plastique ? La consommation de plastique à usage unique a augmenté de 250%-300 % pendant la pandémie. Aidez-nous à affronter ce problème monumental en participant à #TurnOffThePlasticTap - un projet incroyable de l'artiste visuel @vonwong que nous sommes ravis de soutenir à @oceanwise - et en participant à l'audit plastique d'Ocean Wise.

    Si vous êtes un artiste ou un créatif et que vous souhaitez participer, rejoignez-nous en créant un remix photo du Giant Plastic Tap entre le 4 octobre et le 4 novembre. Vous participerez ainsi automatiquement à une cagnotte de 10 000 dollars !

    Pour plus de détails (lien aussi dans notre bio):

    Crédit de photo: Ben Von Wong (@vonwong)

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 9/27/21 at 6:00PM

    Hi Folks, my name is Maddie, and I am part of the Atlantic Ocean Bridge cohort. For my Ocean Bridge Service project, in partnership with the New Brunswick Nature Trust and Rising Youth, I hosted a 2-day beach clean-up event on a remote isle in the Bay of Fundy called Bliss. Over 30 individuals showed up for the one day clean up event and 15 youth stayed overnight to partake in the two-day clean-up. By splitting off into groups to maximize the amount of area we could cover, our group of dedicated volunteers gathered piles of trash taller than myself! The feeling of accomplishment as we sailed away from the island, boats loaded with bags of coastal debris, was indescribable. However, the best part of the weekend was seeing the smiles on youth volunteer faces and knowing that their understanding of marine conservation's importance was growing as they helped to maintain the stunning coastal habitat around us.

    @OceanWise @shorelinecleanup @LeadersToday


  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 9/17/21 at 5:59PM

    This week, YouthToSea, a handful of Ocean Wise employees, and staff from Tru Earth came together at the Spanish Banks to do a cleanup to celebrate the launch of the Great American Shoreline Cleanup!

    We noticed that the most common litter items were cigarette butts, plastic bags, and face masks! Make sure to properly dispose of your masks so they don’t end up in our waterways 🌊

    @oceanwise @shorelinecleanup @leaderstoday @youthtosea @truearthmovement #oceanwise #oceanwiseyouth #leaderstoday #youthtosea

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 9/10/21 at 6:00PM

    YouthToSea spent another day keeping our shorelines clean!

    The group completed yet another @shorelinecleanup this month at English Bay! Did you know that since 2010 there have been 36 @shorelincleanup that have collected 1071kg of trash at this exact site?

    @YouthToSea has been part of numerous cleanups, but at this location they collected 115kg of garbage.

    The most collected items include:

    5,817 cigarette butts!

    491 bottle caps!

    444 pieces of plastic!

    Great work @YouthToSea! It's amazing to see people doing their part to protect our oceans.

    #YouthtoSea #OceanWise #LeadersToday @LeadersToday @OceanWise

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 9/1/21 at 5:01PM

    Check out this amazing video of a humpback breach that Direct Action Ambassador Rhys took while in the field near Prince Rupert, BC. This week, Rhys is finishing up his three month long immersive placement with the North Coast Cetacean Research Initiative (NCCRI), a division of Ocean Wise Research. We look forward to sharing more of his awesome shots. In the meantime, we welcome Direct Action Ambassador Cierra, who will be continuing on the work with the NCCRI this fall.

    Video taken by Rhys Jenson under Marine Mammal Research License #18, using a zoom lens.

    #OceanDirectAction @leaderstoday @oceanwise #OceanBridge @oceanwiseresearch #NCCRI #humpbackbreach #whale

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 8/24/21 at 4:00PM

    This week is World Water Week and what better way to celebrate than highlighting some of the great work our Ocean Bridge Ambassadors are doing!

    Nadja Smith Hanson is part of the Direct Action cohort of our Ocean Bridge program. As part of her placement, Nadja sleeps a mere 10m from the shores of Lhù’ààn Mân at the Kluane Lake Research Station supporting Kristina Miller (PhD candidate at the University of Calgary) as Kristina leads an extensive study of the water balance and carbon cycling in the lake.

    It's unknown how climate change will impact the water quality and quantity of this particular lake in the future, making the work they're doing that much more important.

    Read more of Nadja's story here:

    #WWWeek #OceanWise #LeadersToday #DirectAction #KluaneLakeResearchStation @OceanWise @LeadersToday @naturalnadja @kluanelakeresearchstation

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 8/13/21 at 8:00PM

    @YouthToSea completed their monthly #ShorelineCleanup and there was a lot of trash to be picked up!

    In about 3km the group picked up approximately 3,702 cigarette butts! That is not including the plastic bags, take-out packaging, and other trash along the way.

    Did you know that cigarette butts are not biodegradable? They actually contain plastic fibres and can leach toxic chemicals into our environment and impact wildlife. Our group was amazed at the amount of cigarette butts found just steps away from our beautiful beaches!

    Although we love stepping in to protect our oceans, we need everyone's help in ensuring your family and friends know that cigarette butts are litter!

    #youthtosea #oceanwise #oceanwiseyouth #leaderstoday #cleanup

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  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 7/21/21 at 5:00PM

    Do you love whales as much as we do? If so, you might want to check out one of our wonderful Direct Action partners, @cetus_society! CETUS Research and Conservation is an organization dedicated to protecting the lives of whales in the wild through research, education, and direct intervention.

    CETUS was founded in 2005 to address the increasing endangerment of BC's killer whales due to human activities and focuses directly on one of the three key contributors to killer whale endangerment: vessel traffic disturbance. They work in the field to protect whales and other marine mammals from harassment and harm. As vessel traffic in the region increases, CETUS's work becomes more and more crucial to their survival.

    Four Direct Action Ambassadors (Julia, Nikolay, Megan, and Simon) are currently based on West Cracroft Island, BC with CETUS. They are assisting with the Robson Bight Warden and Straitwatch programs, monitoring Northern Resident Killer Whales. It's a remote and immersive placement over this summer – watch this space for updates from those Ambassadors once they return from West Cracroft!

    @cetus_society #OceanDirectAction #OceanBridge @leaderstoday #robsonbightwarden #straitwatch @idog321

    📷 @cetus_society

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 7/12/21 at 3:00PM

    Last year, the Ocean Bridge Great Lakes 2020 team went on their Learning Journey to the Saugeen/Bruce Peninsula. They had the privilege to attend a workshop with the Saugeen-Ojibwe Coastal Fish Monitoring Program. They ran them through discussions and hands-on sessions on fish collection, invasive species in Lake Huron, management of coastal ecosystems, college pathways into conservation (specifically Fleming College Fish and Wildlife program), funding structures for their program, and their day-to-day.

    Stay tuned to see where the Ocean Bridge Great Lakes team is going on their Learning Journey this year!

    @oceanwise @leaderstoday #oceanwise #oceanbridge #learningjourney #leaderstoday

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  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 6/3/21 at 7:01PM

    With #WorldOceansDay only five days away, we would like to celebrate the work of Monique from @OceanWise's 2019 Ocean Bridge cohort!

    In April 2019, Monique Chapman led a trash clean-up of Yellowknife’s primary ice road. ❄️ Engaging over 20 people from surrounding communities, Monique and her team of volunteers collected over 50 lbs. of trash from this 6 km strip of icy highway. 🛣️ While Monique has not had the opportunity to organize a second clean-up, there is a still a lot of interest from those who participated back in April 2019, and Monique herself would love to see more work done in this area! 😍

    “I definitely think there are opportunities for the current cohort to build off of my project” - Monique Chapman, #OceanBridge Alum

    #OceanWiseYouth #LeadersToday #CanadaServiceCorps @LeadersToday @NatureForAll #NatureForAll #WorldOceanDay
    À cinq jours de la #JournéeMondialeDesOcéans, nous souhaitons célébrer le travail de Monique de la cohorte Portail Océan 2019 de @OceanWise!

    En avril 2019, Monique Chapman a mené un nettoyage des déchets sur la principale route de glace de Yellowknife. ❄️ Engageant plus de 20 personnes des communautés environnantes, Monique et son équipe de bénévoles ont ramassé plus de 50 livres de déchets sur 6 km de route glacée. 🛣️ Bien que Monique n'ait pas eu l'occasion d'organiser un deuxième nettoyage, il y a encore beaucoup d'intérêt de la part de ceux et celles qui ont participé en avril 2019, et Monique elle-même aimerait voir plus de travail effectué dans cette zone ! 😍

    « Je pense définitivement qu'il y a des opportunités pour la cohorte actuelle de s'inspirer de mon projet » - Monique Chapman, Ancienne du programme #PortailOcéan

    #LeadersDaujourdhui #ServiceJeunesseCanada @LeadersDaujourdhui #NaturePourTous

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 5/27/21 at 9:24PM

    Please join us at 11am PDT // 2pm EDT on Friday, May 28th for the FREE virtual book launch of 'The Great Journey', written by Jocelyn Whalen and illustrated by Emily Shier, 2020 @Oceanwise Youth Ambassadors with #OceanBridge. Registration link is in bio!

    The book launch is the culmination of their Ocean Bridge project, supported by the Youth Ocean Action Grant. 'The Great Journey' is an educational resource about salmon migration intended for elementary school-aged children. Please register on Eventbrite (copy the link below) to receive access to the event!

    BONUS! The first 30 registrants will receive a hard copy of the book and all registrants will receive a free PDF version! Please note: the book is available in English only, however the event will be in English and French. @Leaderstoday #leaderstoday #CanadaServiceCorps #NatureForAll

    Link in bio for more!

    Rejoignez-nous à 11h (HAP) // 14h (HAE) le vendredi 28 mai pour le lancement virtuel du livre « The Great Journey », écrit par Jocelyn Whalen et illustré par Emily Shier, ambassadrices du Portail Océan 2020. Le lien d'inscription est dans la bio!

    Le lancement du livre est le point culminant de leur projet de service avec le Portail Océan, soutenu par la Bourse jeunesse d'action océanique. « The Great Journey » est une ressource éducative sur la migration des saumons destinée aux enfants de l'école primaire. Veuillez vous inscrire sur Eventbrite pour recevoir un accès au lien de l'événement. Les 30 premières personnes inscrites recevront une copie papier du livre et toutes les personnes inscrites recevront une version PDF gratuite ! Veuillez noter que le livre est en anglais, mais l'événement sera en anglais et en français. @leadersdaujourdhui
    #LeadersDaujourdhui #ServiceJeunesseCanada

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 12/1/21 at 7:11PM

    The #BePlasticWise movement from @oceanwise exists to share the science behind ocean plastic pollution and by providing science-based tools, tips, and resources that empower you to take action. The Plastic Reduction Program helps businesses reduce their plastic footprint and get ahead of proposed plastic bans. It’s a unique opportunity to tackle harmful and unnecessary plastic use!

    Direct Action Ambassadors Ariane and Stephanie have been working with the Plastic Reduction Program this fall. They have been working on project work that will ultimately help restaurants and companies across Canada use less plastic. Way to go!

    #BePlasticWise @oceanwiseresearch #PlasticsLab @oceanwiseyouth @leaderstoday #leaderstoday #OceanDirectAction

    Le mouvement #BePlasticWise de @oceanwise a pour but de partager les connaissances scientifiques sur la pollution plastique des océans et de fournir des outils, des conseils et des ressources fondés sur des données scientifiques qui vous permettront d'agir. Le programme de réduction du plastique aide les entreprises à réduire leur empreinte plastique et à prendre de l'avance sur les projets d'interdiction du plastique. Il s'agit d'une occasion unique de s'attaquer à l'utilisation nocive et inutile du plastique !

    Les ambassadrices d'Action directe Ariane et Stephanie ont travaillé avec le Programme de réduction des plastiques cet automne. Elles ont travaillé sur un projet qui, en fin de compte, aidera les restaurants et les entreprises de tout le Canada à utiliser moins de plastique. Bravo !

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 11/18/21 at 6:00PM

    Did you know today is #LGBTQSTEMDay?

    Dr. Chloe Robinson, Ocean Wise Research and Conservation Manager for our Whales Initiative, shares her story about navigating through her career in STEM as a member of the LGBTQIA2S+ community.

    Chloe shares a few of the incredible LGBTQIA2S+ people working in the marine sciences field that have inspired her.

    Let’s make sure the next generation knows there's a place for all in STEM!

    #PrideinStem #LGBTQSTEMDay #LGBTQinSTEMDay

    📷: Ocean Progress Pride Flag featuring images by Meg Baker, Robin Gwen Agarwal, Martin Olsson, Peter Woodard, Jerry Kirkhart, Ed Bierman, Ansgar Walk, Mike Lehmann, Fred Hsu, Patrick Doll & Chloe Robinson

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 11/5/21 at 6:01PM

    @YouthToSea had another amazing trip to the Norquay Community Food Forest🍃

    We learn so much from our visits here. This trip we started with being grounded in the moment and a cedar smudge; every step of this workshop made us mindful of the area we were in and how important the work was that we were doing.

    We love getting our hands dirty and supporting @rencollfood in some of their projects. Within a few hours our group was able to remove some buttercup plants, extracted and replanted sword ferns, and plant some new bulbs to grow!

    Thank you so much @rencollfood again for welcoming us! @oceanwise @leaderstoday #leaderstoday #oceanbridge #canadaservicecorps @NatureForAll




    @YouthToSea a fait un autre voyage extraordinaire à la Forêt Alimentaire Communautaire Norquay 🍃

    Nous apprenons tellement de choses lors de nos visites ici. Ce voyage a commencé par un ancrage dans le moment présent et une purification au cèdre ; chaque étape de cet atelier nous a fait prendre conscience de la région où nous nous trouvions et de l'importance du travail que nous faisions.

    Nous aimons nous salir les mains et soutenir @rencollfood dans certains de ses projets. En quelques heures, notre groupe a pu arracher des renoncules, extraire et replanter des fougères épervières, et planter de nouveaux bulbes pour qu'ils poussent !

    Merci beaucoup @rencollfood encore une fois de nous avoir accueillis ! @leadersdaujourdhui #leadersdaujourdhui #portailocéan #servicejeunessecanada #natureforall #naturepourtous

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 10/20/21 at 5:01PM

    A couple weeks ago for #InternationalCoastalCleanupWeek, Direct Action Ambassador Cierra helped organize a shoreline cleanup in Prince Rupert, BC. Cierra is currently doing her placement with the North Coast Cetacean Research Initiative (NCCRI). One of Cierra’s goals for her ambassadorship was to build public outreach and event management skills, and this was the perfect opportunity. Not only did she reach out to numerous organizations in the area to make this event such a success – including local radio stations for event promotion and the local marina to get the ‘OK’ to lead the cleanup in the area, Cierra also contacted the city of Prince Rupert to provide materials and a local grocery store who generously agreed to provide coffee and treats for the event. 680 lbs of litter later, the cleanup was complete! Keep up the great work Cierra.

    @oceanwiseresearch @oceanwise #OceanDirectAction @leaderstoday #OceanBridge #WhaleWise #marinemammalresearch #BeWhaleWise
    Il y a quelques semaines, à l'occasion de la Semaine internationale du nettoyage des côtes, l'ambassadrice d'action directe Cierra a participé à l'organisation d'un nettoyage du littoral à Prince Rupert, en Colombie-Britannique. Cierra effectue actuellement son stage au sein de la North Coast Cetacean Research Initiative (NCCRI). L'un des objectifs de Cierra pour son poste d'ambassadrice était d'acquérir des compétences en matière de sensibilisation du public et de gestion d'événements, et c'était l'occasion idéale. Non seulement a-t-elle contacté de nombreuses organisations de la région pour faire de cet événement un succès - y compris les stations de radio locales pour la promotion de l'événement et la marina locale pour obtenir le " feu vert " pour diriger le nettoyage dans la région, Cierra a également contacté la ville de Prince Rupert pour fournir du matériel et une épicerie locale qui a généreusement accepté de fournir du café et des friandises pour l'événement. 680 livres de déchets plus tard, le nettoyage était terminé ! Continuez à faire du bon travail, Cierra.

    @oceanwiseresearch @oceanwise #OceanDirectAction @leaderstoday #OceanBridge #WhaleWise #marinemammalresearch #BeWhaleWise

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 10/7/21 at 6:00PM

    St Lawrence Ocean Bridge Ambassador, Emily, organized a hike up Mont Royal with Trevor, an astronomy expert, to do a workshop for 10-15 youth about how travelers used to use the stars to guide them on their time sailing the ocean. Trevor spoke about how the moon affected marine and estuary tides. During the hike up the mountain, there were guests that spoke about common plants and other flora in the area. Throughout the evening, Emily spoke about the Ocean Bridge program, why she was there, and her project goals. Great work, Emily!

    @OceanWise @LeadersToday #LeadersToday #OceanWise

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 9/24/21 at 6:00PM

    @YouthToSea were put to work, and they didn't mind getting their hands a bit dirty!

    The group teamed up with @StanleyParkEcology to remove invasive plant species like this Himalayan Blackberry bush. Throughout this experience they learned that invasive species can take away habitat and resources from native species. So we went to work, and by removing invasive plants and replacing them with native vegetation, we learned it is one of the best ways to provide better habitat for native wildlife and species at risk.

    The group really enjoyed themselves with one participant quoting:

    "I think this overall experience is really refreshing and satisfying because I enjoyed the process of removing those invasive plants in the park and it was fun working with other members. I've also learned the process of teamwork, and how important it was for all members to work together."

    Great work @YouthToSea and a big thanks to @StanleyParkEcology for having us!

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 9/8/21 at 6:01PM

    We are pleased to introduce one of our newest Direct Action partners - @assiniboineparkzoo Conservancy in Winnipeg, Manitoba! The Assiniboine Park Conservancy is a CAZA-certified zoo and home to the Leatherdale International Polar Bear Conservation Centre. Their conservation initiatives are focused in three areas: Arctic and subarctic species conservation, Manitoba species conservation, and the conservation of international species at risk. The goal of the Conservation team is to educate Zoo visitors and the community through conservation action and education, and inspire them to value wild things and wild places. There are a number of exciting and valuable research projects ongoing which Direct Action Ambassador Sara will be helping out with.

    We look forward to seeing what takes place during Sara's placement and sharing with you!

    Assiniboine Park is located on Treaty 1 territory within the Province of Manitoba, the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dene, and Dakota Peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.

    #OceanDirectAction @leaderstoday @oceanwise #OceanBridge @assiniboineparkzoo #belugabits #conservation @sarawolobrown

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 8/27/21 at 5:00PM

    YouthToSea was happy to be apart of the @Treesandseasfestival with @plasticoceans! This event aimed to build a bridge between ocean and forest conservation. This global event emphasizes how we are all one planet, one environment, and in the end, one global community united in our effort to foster a healthier and more just planet for all.

    For our event, we were honoured to be welcomed into the Norquay Food Forest to work in the garden for the day. The group discussed salmon streams, how forests protect our oceans, checked out all the food plants that are growing in the garden, all while learning Indigenous perspectives and aspects! The group was also pleased to get their hands dirty and help support some garden projects.

    As one participants quoted: "The Trees & Seas festival event was by far one of the greatest events I have ever attended in my life! Gardening, crafting and being in nature are three of my biggest passions, and this event gave me the time and space to do all of those things."

    A big thank you to @rencollfood for welcoming us!

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 8/23/21 at 5:00PM

    Last week, Ocean Bridge Atlantic concluded their first ten day Remote Learning Journey. Pictured here, Melanie Downer tags American Eels with the Mi'kmaw Conservation Group. American Eels require access to fresh and saltwater habitats. The Mi'kmaw Conservation Group has been monitoring rivers like the Halfway River to ensure adequate fish passage.

    @LeadersToday @mikmawconservationgroup #OceanBridge #LeadersToday #LearningJourney #OceanBridge

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 8/4/21 at 8:00PM

    Have you heard of the North Coast Cetacean Research Initiative? This is one of @oceanwiseresearch’s coolest community-based programs focused on cetacean research, conservation, and public outreach in collaboration with industry, government, conservation, First Nations, and educational institutions. The cetaceans that the NCCRI primarily monitors are humpback whales.

    One of our Direct Action Ambassadors, Rhys, is working on a placement with the NCCRI over the summer. Based in Prince Rupert, BC, Rhys assists with vessel-based cetacean surveys, humpback whale photo ID research, and public engagement. In fact, just last week he took this incredible photo during a field day!! Stay tuned for more awesome shots.

    Photo by Rhys Jenson

    Taken under Marine Mammal Research License #18 with a zoom lens

    @oceanwiseresearch #NCCRI #OceanDirectAction #marinemammalresearch #humpback #whalesinitiative @leaderstoday @oceanwise #oceandirectaction

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 7/30/21 at 3:00PM

    It's Plastic Free July, and for #flashbackfriday we are back at 2019 at the Rideau Paddlefest where Ocean Bridge participant @aira.justinn was doing outreach. She and her dad teamed up to build a boat made out of plastic bottles to raise awareness about our dependency on plastic and the use of plastic water bottles.

    Sign the petition to #BePlasticWise here:

    @OceanWise @LeadersToday #OceanWise #OceanBridge #LeadersToday #RideauPaddlefest

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 7/26/21 at 8:16PM


    My name is Savanna Francis, and I am part of the Ocean Bridge Atlantic cohort. On June 24, I went on a weeklong trip to Sable Island, NS, which is situated 300 km from Halifax in the Atlantic Ocean. As the first all Mi’kmaq team to stay on the island, the adventure we were about to embark on was ground-breaking! We came to this foreign land, but quickly felt the sense of ‘coming home.’ Through deep connection to the land, the animals, the plants, and each other, this trip changed our lives.

    We were tasked with monitoring the Sable Island Sweat Bee, a ground burrowing species which only exists on the island. When we found a nesting area, we captured a bee, examined it under a lens, determined the species, and released it. At the end of our trip, we doubled the amount of known sweat bee nesting sites on the island. It's amazing that our names will be attached to this work.

    Sable is known for its wild horses, and I shared a special moment with a foal. The foal, being curious but shy, would hide behind its mom, but peak to watch me. I would shuffle back and forth, and the foal would follow me from behind its mom. It was a playful connection, like we were playing hide-and-seek. I get emotional when I think of that moment. Although we don’t speak the same language, our spirits connected in a way that language barrier did not matter.

    To close out our trip, we held a Mi’kmaq ceremony on the beach. We let the water wash over us, we smudged, offered tobacco, drummed, sang, and shared our thoughts and thanks with the Creator and group. So many sacred connections and moments were created on that trip. It's hard for me to put into words what emotions I felt on this trip because it transcends human experience. I am eternally thankful everything aligned the way it did to bring us to Sable Island. I couldn’t say goodbye, so I said nmultes, which means ‘I will see you again,’ in Mi’kmaq. A part of my spirit resides on Sable Island, and I look forward to when my physical body can return.

    Wela’lioq/Thank you all

    @Oceanwise  @OceanWiseYouth @LeadersToday  #OceanBridge  #LeadersToday

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 7/19/21 at 7:20PM

    St. Lawrence Ocean Bridge participants have completed their first learning journey in Tadoussac, QC! They've visited the Saguenay St. Lawrence Marine conservation area, seen belugas on a sailboat, worked with an Indigenous community in Mashteuiatsh, and so much more! Participants are excited and inspired to begin their waterway projects and are looking forward to the next adventure very soon!

    @OceanWise @LeadersToday @emguava
    @lauragaitanariza @marissa.rmn @kedca142 #OceanWise #LeadersToday #OceanBridge

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 7/9/21 at 5:00PM

    Last month, Will Crolla and other Ocean Bridge Ambassadors from the 2021-2022 cohort took part in their first 10-day Learning Journey of the year in BC – one of dozens of similar journeys that will take place for young Canadians across the country over the coming months.

    From sailing on board BC's oldest working vessel, to visiting the Cheakamus Centre and learning from the Skwxwú7mesh Nation on their unceded traditional territory, and spending some time on Gambier Island, the youth made memories they'll never forget.

    Will says, "The most unspoken teachers were our surroundings – the land and sea that we embedded ourselves in and the life that was bursting around us in innumerable ways."

    Read more of Will's story here:

    @OceanWise @leaderstoday #LeadersToday #OceanBridge #CanadaServiceCorps #LearningJourney

    Photo credit: Will Crolla @worldbywill

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 7/5/21 at 5:00PM

    @OceanWise's Ocean Bridge Pacific team hosted their first 10-day immersive Learning Journey from June 12-21.

    Five participants and two facilitators made their base camp at Camp Fircom on Gambier Island. Over the course of their ten days together, there were tons of highlights!

    The group visited the Cheakamus Centre and explored their connection to the land as they learned from Squamish and Metis educators. They also made their own lunch in traditional Squamish style, which was to make soup that they heated with hot lava rocks! They also spent four days aboard the @providencesailcargo, BC's oldest working vessel that has been sailing on the water since it was built in 1903. They made a roundtrip journey from Gambier Island to Lasqueti Island, where they also visited the Provincial Parks at Jedediah and Texada Islands.

    It was a great time with a great crew of folks. A big thank you to the crew of the Providence and staff at Camp Fircom for helping to make it such a meaningful experience for everyone!

    @leaderstoday @oceanwise #LeadersToday #CanadaServiceCorps #OceanBridge #OceanDirectAction #LearningJourney #Pacific

    @worldlybywill @cheakamuscentre @zerowaste.bcgirl @simransarai57 @litter_pickup_vancouver
    L'équipe du Pacifique de Portail Océan a organisée son premier voyage d'apprentissage immersif de 10 jours en Colombie-Britannique du 12 au 21 juin.

    Cinq participant.e.s et deux animateur.trice.s ont établi leur camp de base au Camp Fircom sur l'île Gambier. Au cours de ces dix jours, les moments forts ont été nombreux !

    Le groupe a visité le Cheakamus Centre et a exploré son lien avec la terre en apprenant des éducateurs squamish et métis. Les membres du groupe ont également préparé leur propre déjeuner dans le style traditionnel squamish, qui consistait à faire une soupe qu'ils ont réchauffée avec des pierres de lave chaudes! Ils ont également passé quatre jours à bord du @providencesailcargo, le plus ancien navire en service en Colombie-Britannique, qui navigue sur l'eau depuis sa construction en 1903.

    @leadersdaujourdhui @oceanwise #LeadersDaujourdhui #ServiceJeunesseCanada #PortailOcéan #PortailOcéanActionDirecte

  • Photo from #OceanWiseYouth on Instagram on #OceanWiseYouth at 6/19/21 at 2:32AM

    found a lil sea star friend on our #oceanbridge learning journey!! thank you #canadaservicecorps and #oceanwise for this amazing opportunity with other #oceanwiseyouth!! Cant wait to share our cohorts amazing projects with you throughout the year 💙🌊


  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 6/2/21 at 12:45PM

    Ocean Bridge Classic was launched in 2018 by @OceanWise as a #CanadaServiceCorps initiative aimed at engaging 40 diverse youth from across Canada and empowering them to take action for ocean conservation. #OceanBridge Classic has since grown to support 130 ocean #leaderstoday in 2021!

    Today, with World Oceans Day around the corner, we would like to celebrate the work of Hannah from the 2018 cohort.

    Over two years, Hannah developed the Aquatic Ambassador Challenge for @GirlGuidesofCanada to educate youth about aquatic issues in Nova Scotia and beyond. The challenge consists of ten activities that highlight topics such as plastic pollution, ocean acidification, species conservation initiatives, and coastal erosion! Finally, in the spirit of collaboration Hannah worked with fellow Ocean Bridge ambassador Lucy to design the crest – a testament to the power of collaboration!

    #OceanWiseYouth @LeadersToday @UNWorldOceansDay #NatureForAll
    Portail Océan Classique a été lancé en 2018 par @OceanWise en tant qu'initiative #ServiceJeunesseCanada, visant à engager 40 jeunes diversifiés de partout au Canada et à leur donner les moyens d'agir pour la conservation des océans. #PortailOcéan Classique a depuis grandi pour soutenir 130 jeunes #leadersdaujourdhui en 2021!

    Aujourd'hui, nous célébrons le travail d'Hannah, de la cohorte 2018.

    Pendant deux ans, Hannah a élaboré le défi des Ambassadrices Aquatiques pour @GirlGuidesofCanada afin de sensibiliser les jeunes aux enjeux aquatiques en Nouvelle-Écosse et au-delà. Le défi consiste en dix activités qui mettent en lumière des sujets tels que la pollution plastique, l'acidification des océans, les initiatives de conservation des espèces et l'érosion côtière! De plus, Hannah a travaillé avec Lucy, une autre ambassadrice Portail Océan, pour concevoir l'écusson - un témoignage du pouvoir de la collaboration!

    #OceanWiseYouth @LeadersDaujourdhui @UNWorldOceansDay #NaturePourTous #WorldOceansDay #JournéeMondialeDesOcéans #WorldOceanDay

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 4/23/21 at 7:56PM

    Whoa, already!? It’s the last weekend to apply for Ocean Bridge Direct Action before the April 25 deadline!

    Direct Action’s funded, immersive three-month placements give young people aged 18-30 in Canada the opportunity to work with research experts, learn new skills and gain experience directly related to ocean conservation and marine stewardship. Don't hesitate – this is your moment to seize! Apply today! Link in bio 🌊🐋 @oceanwise @leaderstoday

    #OceanBridge #CanadaServiceCorps #LeadersToday #NatureForAll #OceanDirectAction
    Wow, déjà?! C’est la dernière fin de semaine pour poser sa candidature à Portail Océan Action directe avant la date limite du 25 avril!

    Ces stages financés et immersifs de trois mois d’Action directe donnent à de jeunes personnes âgées de 18 à 30 ans au Canada l’opportunité de travailler avec des experts en recherche, d’acquérir de nouvelles compétences et d’acquérir une expérience directement liée à la conservation des océans et à la gérance marine. N'hésitez pas, c'est votre moment à saisir! Lien pour postuler dans notre bio 🌊🐋 @leadersdaujourdhui

    #PortailOcéan #ServiceJeunesseCanada #LeadersDaujourdhui #NaturePourTous #OcéanActionDirecte

  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 2/5/21 at 11:15PM

    Want to inspire yourself and others with game-changing ideas to tackle climate change? Mark your calendars Feb. 26-28!

    @taketheoathe has swelled into an incredible initiative spearheaded by #OceanBridge young professionals and their peers - treat yourself and join these #LeadersToday to be part of the change!

    @oceanwise @leaderstoday


    Vous voulez être inspiré ou inspirer les autres en contribuant à des idées innovatrices pour combattre le changement climatique? Marquez votre calendrier le 26-28 février!

    @taketheoathe est une superbe initiative menée par des jeunes professionnels de #PortailOcéan et leurs pairs - offrez vous le cadeau de vous joindre à ces #LeadersDaujourdhui pour bâtir un meilleur avenir!

    @oceanwise @leadersdaujourdhui #servicejeunessecanada

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  • Photo from @oceanwiseyouth on Instagram on oceanwiseyouth at 1/6/21 at 4:49PM

    📣 Happy Wednesday! We hope that everyone is off to their own versions of a fresh start and feeling some ground as you launch into the new year. We want to share with you an incredible event happening NEXT WEEK, hosted by the Ocean Bridge Pacific Ambassadors - for a conversation surrounding Environmental Stewardship with Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) youth. This event is happening on January 13th 5pm EST. Register here:
    #oceanbridge #leaderstoday #natureforall
    📣 Bon mercredi! Nous espérons que tout le monde est parti pour sa propre version d'un nouveau départ et se sentira du terrain alors que vous vous lancez dans la nouvelle année. Nous souhaitons partager avec vous un événement incroyable qui se déroulera la SEMAINE PROCHAINE, organisé par les ambassadeurs de Portail Océan Pacifique - pour une conversation sur l'intendance environnementale avec les jeunes noirs, autochtones et de couleur (BIPOC). Cet événement aura lieu le 13 janvier à 17h HNE. Inscrivez-vous ici:
    #portailocean #leadersaujourdhui #naturepourtous

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