Trying to blend in amongst the trees on the Cape Chignecto Coastal Trail, on the shores of the Bay of Fundy. I'll be heading back here in early September for a fundraiser in support of the Back to the Sea Society, a community aquarium based in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. It's recommended to span this hike over 3-4 days but I'll be attempting it in under 12 hours! Click on the image to see the fundraising page if you'd like to read more about it.

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3 Comment(s)

Kristen Gould
Aug 17, 2020

Wow, only 12 hours!

Erin Van Breda
Aug 7, 2020

Did you make your 12 hour goal?

Bryden Bone
Aug 19, 2020

The run hasn't happened yet! It'll be the third or fourth weekend in September, I'll keep you updated :)

Adrian Rogers
Aug 5, 2020

Way to go Bryden! Hope you're running lots lately