Letter Writing Event with your Friends, Co-Workers or Classmates

Learning Objectives

  1. Improve your research and writing skills by drafting clear, concise letters that address issues in a compelling way.


For this challenge, you will host a letter writing event for friends, co-workers or classmates, lobbying the government on an important environmental issue.

This challenge involves civic engagement. By voting, taking a stance on ocean issues or supporting organizations lobbying for watershed protection, you are an engaged citizen. Our Ocean Bridge Cohort is an important demographic that can influence politics. Have you tried getting involved?

For your Ocean Bridge service, you can help gather your community and amplify voices on ocean issues. Are you interested helping shape ocean policy? Would you like to lobby your city council to ban plastic bags like in Victoria, BC? Do you want to join a campaign to encourage the federal government to meet its conservation targets by 2020

Letter writing is effective as a conservation tool. By writing a letter, you effectively engage with newspapers, politicians and the greater public. 


Here is what you need to do:


  1. Find a date, time and location for your letter writing event. This can be at your place, a room in your office, a student union building or even a local cafe.
  2. Choose a topic that you would like to write letters about. There are so many issues that it's easy to get overwhelmed! Pick 1 or 2 topics and focus on those. For example:
    1. Write a letter to a business that you frequent that uses excess plastic packaging, that could offer a wider array of sustainable products, or that you otherwise believe could improve their environmental business practices.
    2. Write to the federal government asking them to meet their conservation targets
    3. Write to your provincial and federal governments about the importance of marine protected areas 
    4. Write to your municipal and provincial government about a local conservation issue you are passionate about
    5. Write to local, provincial and national newspapers sharing your point of view. Here are some tips for letters to the editor
  3. Gather your materials: You will need paper (preferably lined), pens, envelopes, stamps (if necessary) and addresses. Ensure you have the background information for the issues available for people to reference. Consider bringing refreshments.
  4. Talk to your Ocean Bridge Coordinator. As a representative of Ocean Wise, we would like to know what you are writing about!
  5. Gather your friends, family, co-workers and classmates! Consider working with your work's sustainability team or environmental campus club.


  1. Write your letters! Short is better (less than 150 words). Look at these helpful letter writing tips. You can write letters to:
    1. Politicians (Municipal, Provincial and Federal). NOTE: Letters to the federal government do not require postage
    2. Newspapers
    3. Businesses (Stores, restaurants etc.)
  2. Be active on social media using our hashtags #OceanBridge #LeadersToday and tag @OceanWise @leaderstoday and @SocDevSoc on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Tag the organizations and/or politicians whom you are writing to.
  3. Thank your participants for coming and discuss next steps. Be prepared to receive responses to your letters. Consider meeting again at a later date to discuss follow-up action. Is is possible to meet with your MP or MLA about the topic?


  1. Send the letters! Useful addresses can be found here.
  2. Share your experience! Tag your service on our Ocean Service Activities map. Take photos and share them on our community space gallery, write a blog or post about your experience on the discussion board.

Ready to take it to the next level?

Host a letter-writing event with your community

Want to do something a little simpler?

Challenge yourself to write one letter a month about an ocean conservation issue!

Continue to Do It Yourself Plastic Wise Workshop »
