Start an Ocean or Water Themed Book Club
Learning Objectives
- Do you live in Vancouver? Take the opportunity to read about the Great Lakes! Are you based in Nunavut and would like to know more about Atlantic fisheries? Well now is your chance! Is Cape Breton home? Check out what the literary world has to say on the Pacific garbage patch! Read books that enrich your knowledge of places near and far. This can enhance your understanding of science, policy, activism and more.
2. Learn to facilitate discussion about books and environmental topics.
For this challenge, you will start an Ocean/Water themed book club!
Everyone always dreams of joining a book club, and who doesn’t want to learn more about the world around them! Why not start a local book club that focuses on books about ocean and water health?

Here is what you need to do:
1. Ask friends, family, colleagues, roommates and anyone else in your life that you think might be interested. Consider advertising to people outside your network as well. You could also consider doing an Ocean Bridge cohort book club online!
2. Once you have a group, set up a time that works for everyone. Think about how long it will realistically take to read a book. Many book clubs meet once a month, some meet bi-weekly.
3. Choose a space. It can be at someone’s house, the library, a community centre, or anywhere else that fits for you.
4. Pick some books! Here are a few ideas to get you started:
The World Is Blue: How Our Fate and the Ocean's Are One by Sylvia A. Earle
Sea Sick by Alanna Mitchell
Le monde du silence par Jacques Cousteau
The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan
The Right to be Cold by Sheila Watt-Cloutier
Blue Gold: The fight to stop the corporate theft of the World’s Water by Maude Barlow
The Women's Environmental Network has many great book ideas. Also check out Goodread's Best Environmental Books and Best Fiction books about the Environment and Sustainability.
5. Start reading! Consider creating some discussion points for when your book club meets.
- Consider bringing refreshments--it's a great way to break the ice.
- Host your discussion. Here are example discussion questions:
- Choose one word that describes the book.
- What was theme of the book? Did the book make you feel hopeful? Hopeless? Inspired?
- What is something new that you learnt about sustainability/conservation?
- Did this book inspire you to take specific action? Why or why not?
- Did this book effectively communicate the environmental topic?
- What could the author have changed to make this book more enjoyable?
- Decide on your next book and meeting time.
Here’s how to creatively share your results:
- Let your fellow Ocean Bridgers know what you’re reading. Even if people are not part of the book club, they may have read some of these books and could have some interesting perspectives to share, or they may be curious to hear about new books.
- Tell your communities about the books you are reading and about the theme of the book club. Actively encourage new membership if you have the capacity to do so.
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