3. Drawing Inspiration from Valentine's Life Path in the Fight for Sustainable Seafood Consumption
Please join us on Wednesday June 3rd 2020 at 12PM ADT (8AM PDT) for our upcoming national call.
We will be joined by our speaker is Valentine Thomas who is currently based in Europe. She has tread a somewhat unconventional path to becoming a spearfisher woman and valiant sustainable seafood advocate. Please participate in the discussion forum so we can see how our behaviour and choices impact our environment, especially since we are rapidly approaching World Oceans Day/Week. Kindly note there will be a moderated Q&A following Valentine's presentation.
Valentine Thomas
Valentine Thomas is a trained lawyer in Canada and worked in finance in London, England for six years. A freediving instructor, published chef and advocate of sustainable eating, she quit her job in London to live a simple life and to spread the word about eating responsibly. Named a Changemaker by Forbes (2018), she travels the world to catch her own food in a sustainable way and to break the taboos around food sourcing.
To find out more about Valentine and her work:
@ValentineThomas | Agua Negra Trailer | Joe Rogan Experience | Forbes | EarthX Interview | Vice Sports
For those looking to listen in French, please use the following instructions:
1. Connect to WebEx video conference.
2. You will need to turn off the volume of your device and ensure your microphone is on mute.
3. Call the conference line at (866) 512-0904 to benefit from the English-French translation services.
4. You will then be prompted for the meeting code. Please enter 898 0 978, followed by the # sign.
5. Listen in and enjoy!
Kindly Note: If you would like to ask questions, we encourage you to ask via the chat box or you can ask on your phone connection via the interpreter and she will convey the question on your behalf.
If you have any questions about participating in French, please contact cyrielle.noel@ocean.org
Please ensure to participate in the discussion forum. Do not hesitate to get involved in the World Oceans Day/Week festivities and share any opportunities you come across with your fellow ambassadors.
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Cyrielle Noel Resource: 1702.2 days ago