5. Designing Landscapes Against Natural Resource Extraction

START DATE:Aug 17, 2020DUE DATE:Sep 2, 2020STATUS:Open


Please join us on Wednesday September 2nd 2020  at 12:30 ADT / 9:30 PDT  for our upcoming national call.

This three part talk will begin with a short lecture on natural resource extraction, followed by the presentation of a design project titled "Drawing Down the Chao Phraya River" that shows how landscape architects can address complex environmental problems by building different ideas for the future, and end with a question and answer period.

Fertilizer uses raw materials, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, that are extracted from the atmosphere and the Earth's crust using energy-intensive processes. Nations that have large stocks of phosphorus and potassium mine for these minerals and export the raw materials abroad, destroying the environment to support agricultural production in other countries. When applied to soil, fertilizer runoff in agricultural canals and waterways runs downstream into seas and oceans, causing algae blooms and polluting the water. My project, "Drawing Down the Chao Phraya" looks at fertilizer runoff in Bangkok, Thailand, and re-designs the landscape to reduce the negative effects of fertilizer.

Kira Bre Clingen

Kira Bre Clingen is a fourth year Master in Landscape Architecture and Master in Design in Risk and Resilience candidate at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. She was a 2016-2017 Thomas J. Watson Fellow, during which time she traveled to Mauritius and Myanmar for her project, "Adapting to Solastalgia: Familial Vulnerability to Climate Change." She currently works with the design firm Office for Urbanization in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and is the co-editor of Fieldbook, the publication for the Boston Society of Landscape Architects. She works closely with ASLA Adapt, a group of landscape architecture students pushing for action on climate change and environmental justice across the United States.

To find out more about Kira and her work:

ASLA Adapt Open Letter | Landscape Climate Archive Kira's Porfolio

For those looking to listen in French, please use the following instructions:

1. Connect to WebEx video conference. 

2. You will need to turn off the volume of your device and ensure your microphone is on mute. 

        3. Call the conference line at (866) 512-0904 to benefit from the English-French translation services. 

        4. You will then be prompted for the meeting code. Please enter 898 0  978, followed by the # sign.

        5. Mute your own microphone or please be mindful that your line is open and ensure you are in a quiet space. 

        5. Listen in and enjoy! 

        Kindly Note: If you would like to ask questions, we encourage you to ask via the chat box or you can ask on your phone connection via the interpreter and she will convey the question on your behalf.

        If you have any questions about participating in French, please contact cyrielle.noel@ocean.org


        Please participate in this month's discussion post

        Continue to 6. Combating Pollution at the Grassroots »