4. Discovering the Fauna & Flora of Atlantic Canada

START DATE:Jul 22, 2020DUE DATE:Aug 7, 2020STATUS:Open


Please join us on Friday August 7th 2020 at 1PM ADT (9AM PDT) for our upcoming national call.

We will be speaking to Laura King, Sohil Pramji and Emma Bocking. They will speak about the beautiful and essential fauna and flora in both Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. Aileen Duncan who is an Atlantic ambassador has volunteered to offer the land acknowledgement, so ensure to be on time for the call. Kindly note, this call will be delivered in a formal presentation style followed by a Q&A period, so please come prepared to engage. 

Laura King

Laura is a naturalist, educator, and biologist who enjoys working at the intersection of science, social issues, and outdoor adventure. She is interested in the ways we relate to our spaces and species, and how recreation can be used as a pathway that draws people to wildlife conservation (as it did for her). Other interests include species declines and the development of pro-environmental behaviours and policies. She has worked with universities, government, non-profits, and charities over the past ten years of her career and is currently working on a few different projects including protected areas and aquatic contaminants in frogs.

She is happiest when translating her passions into action and serves on the Board of Directors at Wildlife Habitat Canada and as President at Nature NL. She is also an instructor and volunteer with the NL Becoming an Outdoorswoman program, and an active member of Paddle NL. Laura holds a BScH and MSc in Biology and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Endangered Species Recovery. Outside of her professional life, she loves big storms, ocean snorkelling, and not cooking for herself. Her philosophies for outdoor life are "No such thing as bad weather, only bad gear", and of course "It'll be an adventure!".

To find out more about Laura's work:

Nature NL | Twitter | Instagram 

Click to connect to Laura on LinkedIn

Emma Bocking

Emma Bocking is a Conservation Programs Specialist with Ducks Unlimited Canada in Halifax, Nova Scotia. By day, she works to conserve wetlands for their benefits to wildlife and people through policy, environmental education, and science. She spends as much of her free time as possible exploring the rivers, forests, coastline and (of course) wetlands of Nova Scotia.

To find out more about Laura's work:

Ducks Unlimited Halifax

Click to connect with Emma on LinkedIn

Sohil Pramij

Sohil Pramij

With a strong multicultural background, Sohil started envisioning a green-er world in high school and has been trying his best to pursue this vision ever since. Powered by high speed internet and coffee, he is always on the lookout for new horizons and opportunities for growth and development!

To find out more about Sohil's work:

Click here to find out more about Sohil's work

Click here to connect with Sohil on LinkedIn

For those looking to listen in French, please use the following instructions:

1. Connect to WebEx video conference. 

2. You will need to turn off the volume of your device and ensure your microphone is on mute. 

        3. Call the conference line at (866) 512-0904 to benefit from the English-French translation services. 

        4. You will then be prompted for the meeting code. Please enter 898 0  978, followed by the # sign.

        5. Mute your own microphone or please be mindful that your line is open and ensure you are in a quiet space. 

        5. Listen in and enjoy! 

        Kindly Note: If you would like to ask questions, we encourage you to ask via the chat box or you can ask on your phone connection via the interpreter and she will convey the question on your behalf.

        If you have any questions about participating in French, please contact cyrielle.noel@ocean.org


        Please participate in this month's discussion post : What does conservation look like?

        Continue to 5. Designing Landscapes Against Natural Resource Extraction ยป