National Call #5: Exploring with the eyes of the Sea... Mario Cyr



This call was recorded July 6th at 3pm EST/ 12pm PST 
See resources on right side of webpage for webex recording and English audio translation. 

To listen in english you will have to play the webex recording and audio recording simultaneously and mute the sound of the webex recording. 



Mario Cyr is an exceptional photo director and explorer of the seabed. Recognized around the world for his breathtaking images, he has collaborated on more than 150 documentaries produced by Discovery Channel, National Geographic, IMAX, the BBC and Disney. He contributed to the most spectacular scenes in the famous film Oceans directed by Jacques Perrin, who won the César for best documentary. 

Mario won the Palme d'Or at the World Festival of Antibes for the documentary Toothed Titans and was nominated for the Emmy Awards for Ice Bear 3D. 

This native of the Magdalen Islands in Quebec is not cold in the eyes; he was the first to film walrus underwater in 1991, and in 2011, he was part of the first film crew to film polar bears underwater without using a cage to protect themselves. 

With more than 500 conference-shows to his credit, the story of his incredible adventures captivates people from here, from Europe and even from Asia, where his photos are found in major exhibitions and even in magazine covers. 

Considered the world’s expert in ice diving, Mario Cyr is the Spielberg of the deep. 

L'explorateur Mario Cyr donnera une série de conférences-spectacles
The Ice Man Mario Cyr - DIVER magazine

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