National Call #6: Rhiannon Moore



This call was recorded, Monday, July 27th at 3pm EST/ 12pm PST click here to hear the replay.  Password: QaJpPRP2

Instragram: @RhiannonCMoore  @one_earth_living  Email:


Rhiannon has a background in plastic pollution research and waste reduction. She currently works as the City of Victoria’s Zero Waste Outreach Coordinator, helping to develop “Zero Waste Victoria”—an action plan to help guide the city towards bold waste reduction. She is passionate about all kinds of waste and how it impacts ecosystems.

Previous to her role at the City, Rhiannon worked as a Researcher for Ocean Wise in Vancouver, investigating plastic pollution in the the beluga food web in the high arctic. In 2018, she was the recipient of the Garfield Weston Award for Northern Research for her work on plastic pollution in Canada’s North, and later named one of Canada’s top 30 under 30 sustainability leaders by Corporate Knights. Rhiannon is now a published scientific author, and sits on a number of advisory groups including the Plastic Action Centre.

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