8: Marine Shark conservation with Thomas Leszkiewicz

Learning Objectives

This national call is intended to demonstrate the listed learning objectives under climate change of the ocean literacy theories:

  • · Earth has one big ocean
  • · Oceans and humans are inextricably connected
  • · The oceans support the diversity of life and ecosystems
  • · The ocean is largely unexplored   

It also meets the following sustainable development goals:

  • · 12: Responsible consumption and production
  • · 13: Climate action
  • · 14: Life below water

And the following biodiversity convention goals:

  • · 2: Mainstream biodiversity
  • · 6. Sustainable fisheries
  • · 11: Protected areas
  • · 12: prevent extinction
  • · 14: restore ecosystems
  • · 18: improve knowledge


Our four mentors Jennifer, Samantha, Zihan and Marilie invited Thomas Leszkiewicz Marine biologist specializing in sharks to speak about shark biology and morphology as well as his current research findings in the conservation field. Thomas Leszkiewicz is the founding Director of Sherwood Scuba Marine Conservation, Associate Editor of the Diving Almanac and Research Director of Greenland Shark Research (Geerg).

Thomas spoke about his background and interest in conservation, beginning from his internship in the Galapalagos islands to expeditions in Mexico with Sherwood Scuba. He finished with speaking about illegal shark finning, sources of the trade and how it still occurs today. With many video shoots in shark conservation, he shared lots of exclusive deep-sea and shallow oceans footage during the call. 


This call was not recorded due to presence of sensitive footage.

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