9: Unsustainable resource extraction in the oceans: documentary and discussion

Learning Objectives

This national call is intended to demonstrate the listed learning objectives under climate change of the ocean literacy theories:

  • · 2: The ocean made the earth habitable
  • · 6: Oceans and humans are inextricably connected
  • · 7: The ocean is largely unexplored

It also meets the following sustainable development goals:

  • · 11: Sustainable cities and communities
  • · 12: Responsible consumption and production
  • · 14: Life below water

And the following biodiversity convention goals:

  • · 1: understand values
  • · 2: mainstream biodiversity
  • · 6: sustainable fisheries
  • · 12: prevent extinction
  • · 19: improve knowledge


Our four mentors Jennifer, Samantha, Zihan and Marilie facilitated a talk on unsustainable resource extraction in the oceans. We watched  the Planet Ocean documentary from 37:45 - 1:00:15. 

During the discussion, St. Lawrence cohort participants touched on the following topics:

  • How do we employ people in the resource harvesting industry while ensuring sustainability? 
  • How do we reduce food waste?
  • What new technology is there in resource extraction?
  • How do we best make policies when countries are developing and people have their livelihoods?
  • What prompts people to harvest sustainably? Have there been changes to science over the years?
  • What choices can we make as consumers?


See the discussion recording here 

pw: Oceanjan18

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