


In this video, we will explore how access and navigate the program calendar.

On your our teams home page, you have access to two separate calendars.

The first is the calendar found on the Teams Navigation bar on the left-hand side of the page. This is your personal calendar and will show you all the upcoming meetings/events that you have registered for/or been invited to.

The second calendar can be found directly in our team's page. Go to tabs, click the down arrow and click on calendar.

This is the Ocean Bridge 2021 program calendar and highlights all upcoming program sessions (discussions, national Dialogues, learning journeys). We will also post events and opportunities here that are hosted by other conservation organizations, post-secondary institutions, or other coalition partners. It has been colour coded to help you navigate upcoming events. You can find a legend on the left that provides more details on each colour. If you hear of any events that you think would be interesting – please reach out to the National Team and we would be more than happy to post them.

We highly recommend taking a moment to sync your calendar to your outlook account. This can be done quickly by clicking on the “connect to outlook” button on the navigation bar at the top of the page. Please note that this will take you to your outlook calendar to complete the sync. Once done, it will show up on the lower left-hand side of outlook, under shared calendars.

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