03-13 Great Canadian Shoreline Clean Up - Susan Debreceni

Learning Objectives

  • How to register a shoreline cleanup
  • What do organize and do before the cleanup
  • Things to do the day off
  • How to track your trash collection
  • What to do to follow up after your shoreline cleanup
  • What you can do with the data collected


The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup is a national conservation program that provides Canadians the opportunity to take action in their communities wherever water meets land, one bit of trash at a time. 

This call will go over the how-to's of a shoreline cleanup so you can organize and run your very own cleanup!

The Speaker: Susan Debreceni

Susan is passionate about connecting individuals with meaningful opportunities to become more active in their local community and has been proudly supporting a national network of community volunteers through the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup’s Toronto office for close to 15 years.

IUCN Sustainable Development Goal - Sustainable Cities and Communities
IUCN Sustainable Development Goals - Life Below Water


  • Join us Wednesday, March 13th at 1:00pm (PST) for the call

  • Continue to 04-10 We Rise Together - Eli Enns »

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